John C. Webster and Captain Eric May | 30.07.2010 08:53 | Terror War | World
BP's history at its Texas City oil refinery, and its most recent antics in the Gulf of
Mexico, show that the company is a continuing and critical threat to our nation.
Mexico, show that the company is a continuing and critical threat to our nation.
Date: Jul 30, 2010 3:26 AM
Please Note: This is my Introduction lead-in to
'The Ghost Troop's ESSENTIAL Captain Courageous'
and is being posted here and to Indymedia outlets
as suggested by Captain May.
Today, we have reached curious calm in a summer, straight from Hell, that has seen
extremes in our weather of every kind, the end (?) of a three month oil blowout
deep in the Gulf of Mexico, and worldwide preparations for a Third World War, the
likes of which have never before been seen. These are the Dog Days of Summer, and we languish in them awaiting the next shoe to drop. There is most definitely
something in the air ... something afoot ... a memory. But what is it?
The British Petroleum / Deep Water Horizon oil rig debacle has left our nation
stunned and suffering from what may turn out to be an event with overwhelming,
catastrophic effect. It is part and parcel, if not the end result, of continued
goings-on at BP's sprawling oil refinery complex at Texas City, Texas, reported in
much detail by Captain Eric May through the Lone Star Iconoclast and various Indy
Media outlets, both in this country and in Canada. They are the focus and raison
d'etre for a multi-city group of intelligence-gathering patriots who have joined
with Captain May and his Ghost Troop to prevent another False Flag attack (post
9/11) BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT on an unaware and unbelieving citizenry.
The documentation of this information by Major William Fox, at his 'America First
Books' website, has proven the prescience and perception of Captain May's analyses
on the machinations and last, desperate, devastating attempts by worldwide, corporate, fascist governance (including our own) to dominate a weakened populace
by total control of oil, water, and foodcrop resources. They have, these three,
become most intimately and inexorably intertwined; but it is oil that drives the machine.
And BIG OIL is the business of Texas.
But of course! There it is. That memory I just could not quiet visualize. It is
the 5th anniversary of BP's False Flag attempt that racheted things up to a whole
new level of danger and deception. As if miraculously materialized from out of the blue, my afternoon check of e-mails finds the following from Captain May's own
BP 7/28 Nuke Plan vs. U.S. Officers Coup

"On the evening of July 28, 2005, the Southeast Texas sky erupts into a hurricane
of fire, dozens of miles high and wide, over the blazing BP refinery in Texas City. Captain May's voice reveals his fear of a BP nuclear attack. His earlier
national warnings of a Houston false flag have been validated. The tension builds
when a helicopter begins circling his position. At the end of the interview, he
calls for a military COUP D'ETAT counterattack."
John C. Webster / Jeffersonian 2B of Gunbarrel Hollow / July 29, 2010
John C. Webster and Captain Eric May