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Park consultations - let's contribute!

nickleberry | 30.07.2010 03:22

I just received the following email concerning council consultations about green space in the city. Let's respond! This council has a shocking track record when it comes to green space, and it would be great if IndyMedia readers could make it absolutely clear that we expect them to do better! We want more, and better, green space in this city!
Bristol City Council is currently carrying out two major consultations about the future of our area.

The first is about the plans for parks and green spaces in Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill.

The second is about planning and development. This includes sites that have been ear marked for development for business or housing and also changes to policies about how planning is decided.

There are several ways you can get involved in this.

There is a drop-in event on 22 September from 12pm to 8pm at the Salvation Army on Hassel Drive where you go and find out about the plans and have your say.

You can find out about and respond to the consultations at

Also, we have 18 copies of the planning and development plans which we can send to interested people.

If you would like to receive this please email me back [stacy[atnospam]eastonandlawrencehill[dotnospam]org[dotnospam]uk].

We will be organising a meeting in September for interested people who would like to come together to give a joint response to the plans and prepare for the event on the 22nd.

If you're interested in this please let us know.

Stacy Yelland
Communications Officer

Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management
The Old Bank, 108 Church Road, Redfield, Bristol, BS5 9LJ
Direct line: 0117 377 3638
Mobile: 07810506980

- Original article on IMC Bristol: