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Georgian women protest against stoning of women in Iran's islamic regime

Kawah | 28.07.2010 21:22 | Gender | Globalisation | Repression

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War with Iran, anyone?

29.07.2010 07:58

Georgia is a key location if the war against Iran is to take off. During the conflict with the Soviet Union, Georgia's defence minister was an Israeli. Soros virtually pays for Georgia's politicians and leading civil servants.

Why would Georgian women be concerned about women in Iran?

This campaign is designed to reduce the sympathy among progressives for the Iranian government in the event of a war against the country. This is part of the trick of hijacking human rights for elite global aims.


Why would Georgian women be concerned about women in Iran?

29.07.2010 08:20

Yeah, right, Georgian women should only care about themselves and people from their own country. They are obviously all country bumpkins from a backwards country unlike us so it's unthinkable they have international solidarity with abuse of women in other places.

Oh, and women in Iran love having stones thrown at them - it's a bit of a game in fact. Something we don't understand in our Western Imperialism.

All this fuss is just a US conspiracy to make it look like women are treated badly in Iran, which isn't true at all.



@ anon

29.07.2010 13:38

It's a shame you've wasted your talent for sarcasm on arguments that weren't even remotely implied.


Imperialism doesn't need a Islamic regime anymore

31.07.2010 09:16

what a coincident !! blo ody islamic regime is just backed by bunch of loo,,ney and fo,, uking fanatic islamic losers :)))))))

Thy just lucky that progressive women do not visit this site,

• But hay,,, bl,,dy Loo,,neys and Moo,,sies
• Bl,,dy imperialism once decided to bring Islmic regime in to power against USSR and counter revelation aginst anti-capitalist
• now Imperialism doesn't need a Islamic regime; so wants to gets rid of them by war
• But that doesn't have anything to do with workers a progressive struggle against islamic barbaric law
• so you could just go to mosqe or church , pray to save barbaric islamic law :))) :))))) :)))

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