Call for Contributions: Anarchist Reflections on Migration, Population and Clima
Dysophia | 23.07.2010 20:34 | Analysis | Migration | Social Struggles
A callout for contributions for articles that examine anarchist reflections on migration, population and climate change. Interested in articles that are open and accessible from all parts of the anarchist and activist spectrum.
Call for Contributions: Anarchist Reflections on Migration, Population and Climate Change
Increasingly links are being drawn between migration, population and climate change. Mainstream responses are tied up around fears of privilege and social position which go unexposed. However, other than acknowledging these intersections they are poorly critiqued from anarchist perspectives. As "climate justice" becomes an increasingly common rallying cry, it's time to create a dialogue between social movements. Anarchists need the tools for countering arguments which demonise migration and resist the inherent oppression in population control.
With the next issue of Dysophia we are looking for clear and informative articles which dissect the areas where climate change, migration and population overlap taking as our starting points anarchists critiques of privilege and social divisions and capitialism. We are interested in having a wide variety of perspectives that include as their starting
points social ecology, deep ecology, primitivism and class struggle, queer and gender liberation politics. We hope this will allow us to move to more critical and informed approaches.
Below are just a few of the topics we are interested in receiving articles about (but don't be limited by them, or feel that you need to stick to one). Key to what we are looking for are articles that are readily accessible to all and do not assume a large background of knowledge. They can be one page or twenty. Artwork also welcome.
All finished articles to reach us by 19th September, 2010. For submissions or any questions please email
For previous editions see
Possible topics (to inspire)
1. Population and Migration
1.1 How the two are being linked
1.2 Economics of migration and population; key facts and figures.
1.3 Factors affecting population (eg. the energy-population
relationship; poverty traps; social inequalities)
2. The role of Capitalism in
2.1 creation migration and climate change through political upheaval and the politics of resource grabs & neo-colonialism;
2.2 creating privilege and fear of other groups based on that privilege; and
2.3 Why capitalism needs migration.
2.4 neo-Malthusianism and Capitalism
3. Critiques of arguments which conflate migration and population in order to scaremonger
3.1 The danger of the lack of analysis from radical groups.
4. How privilege informs approaches to and fears around migrancy and population.
4.1 Privilege as social consumption (education, language advantages, networks, racism)
4.2 Understanding our own privileged positions and how the inform our reactions and politics, including racism.
4.3 How privilege in post-industrial nations affects responses and fears around access to migrants, resource consumption and attitudes to poverty and population.
5. Anarchism and the politics of migrant populations:
5.1 how we interact wtih those less privilged than us;
5.2 working with those who do not share our politics (gender, sexuality & racism; economic migrancy)
6. Climate Refugees - perspectives
6.1 Resource soverignty
6.2 Climate debt, restoration and other approaches to climate change in the developing world - pros and cons.
6.3 The desires, needs and traumas of migration.
6.4 Issues around integrating migrants and refugees into our community.
7. Addressing fears around migration such multiculturism, integration and "fear of the stranger"
8. Politics and migrants: the challenge of helping those who we disagree with politically.
8.1 The crises of the Left on migration
8.2 Countering rightwing propaganda
9. Framing demands and actions
Increasingly links are being drawn between migration, population and climate change. Mainstream responses are tied up around fears of privilege and social position which go unexposed. However, other than acknowledging these intersections they are poorly critiqued from anarchist perspectives. As "climate justice" becomes an increasingly common rallying cry, it's time to create a dialogue between social movements. Anarchists need the tools for countering arguments which demonise migration and resist the inherent oppression in population control.
With the next issue of Dysophia we are looking for clear and informative articles which dissect the areas where climate change, migration and population overlap taking as our starting points anarchists critiques of privilege and social divisions and capitialism. We are interested in having a wide variety of perspectives that include as their starting
points social ecology, deep ecology, primitivism and class struggle, queer and gender liberation politics. We hope this will allow us to move to more critical and informed approaches.
Below are just a few of the topics we are interested in receiving articles about (but don't be limited by them, or feel that you need to stick to one). Key to what we are looking for are articles that are readily accessible to all and do not assume a large background of knowledge. They can be one page or twenty. Artwork also welcome.
All finished articles to reach us by 19th September, 2010. For submissions or any questions please email

For previous editions see

Possible topics (to inspire)
1. Population and Migration
1.1 How the two are being linked
1.2 Economics of migration and population; key facts and figures.
1.3 Factors affecting population (eg. the energy-population
relationship; poverty traps; social inequalities)
2. The role of Capitalism in
2.1 creation migration and climate change through political upheaval and the politics of resource grabs & neo-colonialism;
2.2 creating privilege and fear of other groups based on that privilege; and
2.3 Why capitalism needs migration.
2.4 neo-Malthusianism and Capitalism
3. Critiques of arguments which conflate migration and population in order to scaremonger
3.1 The danger of the lack of analysis from radical groups.
4. How privilege informs approaches to and fears around migrancy and population.
4.1 Privilege as social consumption (education, language advantages, networks, racism)
4.2 Understanding our own privileged positions and how the inform our reactions and politics, including racism.
4.3 How privilege in post-industrial nations affects responses and fears around access to migrants, resource consumption and attitudes to poverty and population.
5. Anarchism and the politics of migrant populations:
5.1 how we interact wtih those less privilged than us;
5.2 working with those who do not share our politics (gender, sexuality & racism; economic migrancy)
6. Climate Refugees - perspectives
6.1 Resource soverignty
6.2 Climate debt, restoration and other approaches to climate change in the developing world - pros and cons.
6.3 The desires, needs and traumas of migration.
6.4 Issues around integrating migrants and refugees into our community.
7. Addressing fears around migration such multiculturism, integration and "fear of the stranger"
8. Politics and migrants: the challenge of helping those who we disagree with politically.
8.1 The crises of the Left on migration
8.2 Countering rightwing propaganda
9. Framing demands and actions
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