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woolwicheco | 23.07.2010 16:03 | Ecology | Free Spaces | South Coast | World

A new site under freeman principles has been opened in woolwich, east london. calling all people who would like to experience a new way of life to come down and see for yourself the joy of community living and how to live free independant of outside contol or influence

Calling on all freemen/women that would like to live differently, be independent, take down interest based money and all acts (excepting those that support the common law), especially the 4000+ private acts of enclosure beginning in 1600s and being completed with the General Acts of Enclosure of 1836, 1840 and 1845.

The eco villages will be set up using the law of the land , establishing permaculture practices and harnessing the free energy available from suppressed technology, such as Nikola Tesla.

Anyone who has land in mind that needs protection from corporates, so called derelict land that needs our loving attention or land that needs opening up to the public; anyone with skills to share, practical, artistic or otherwise; anyone who enthusiastically wants to support these projects and is willing to muck in and get involved; anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about living free, taking back your power please know that you will be most welcome.

A new site has just been opened at

1 - 7 Pier Road, Woolwich, E16

just opposite woolwich foot tunnel on north side of the river

nearest stations:

Dlr - King George V

Woolwich Arsenal Mainline Station

Please pop along and introduce yourself, New people are always welcome



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Good fortune smile on thee

23.07.2010 19:18

Blessings on your endeavour, shine the truth of your being through your actions. The wind blows in your favour!


Peas love and freedom x

24.07.2010 11:32

At this early point i would like to thank all the great people that we have met along the way and i send all my love back at all the lovely people that have got involved. The people that have turned up are amazing and have given some great ideas and donations, some i must mention: Blacks law dictionary 9th edtion (bra...nd new)plus other great reading materials, colloidal silver, stevia (herbal sugar) Fruit food stuffs and drinks, and most important PEOPLE
we would love to see bongo players and any musicians artists poets healers and any 1 that just wants to pop in and say hi or even to help build this project up.
so come down feel free to be free
SITE ADDRESS: 1 to 7 pier road
North woolwich
E16 2JJ
nearest tube is King george V on the D L R line ( no gates at this station )
or get the free ferry from woolwich to the north side of the water that runs till 10 pm or then you can walk through the foot tunnel
if you need any help at all all contact details are up on the profile pic hope to see you all soon lets put faces to facebook
love hugs peas and freedom xxx

Commonly Known As Dom
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Eco Village Scotland

12.06.2011 00:59

Hello brothers and sisters! can i say first of all how much of an inspiration you all are to my brothers and i. im guessing you probably have a few more letters to read thru so i'll cut to the chase ;) the freeman movement is completely new to me and a complete revelation, up untill last week i knew very little about the movement and its implications, i had seen videos on "your strawman" etc but something just hadnt clicked i guess... shocking i know haha, untill being directed to TPUC videos on youtube by a fellow free thinker, now sorry i'll get to the point haha, for quite some time now myself and a few others have been planning to build an eco village in a carefully selected place in scotland, we have all the drive and knowhow, (knowledge of working the land is limited) but our main problems are that we dont have the funding to buy or even rent a piece of land to start with and we had planned basically to find land we had deemed as baron or unowned and begin building, now i am learning that legal and lawful are two very different things, is there perhaps some lawful way we can aquire land? any advice is greatly appreciated!

Thankyou ;)

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