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Is a boycott of Israel an effective tactic?

Boyd | 23.07.2010 09:22

This discussion came from a comment by @rchie on another thread and also from the post below despairing with Bindymedia
I would like to start a discussion here with quite a specific focus. I am NOT wanting to start a discussion about Israel's policy in the occupied territories. I am NOT wanting to start a discussion on anti-semitism. I am NOT wanting to start a discussion on the failings of the Left, how stupid I am, or how naieve.

I started this discussion so i think i have the right to limit what it is about. if you want to talk about these other things, please do it elsewhere. In that spirit, i would ask that poster ignore any comments that do not respect that, and for mods to remove anything not specifically about this discussion as 'not relevant to discussion'.
Here's a comment on the Jonny Rotten thread that @rchie made on the 20th July:

"I really think that the cultural boycott is a mistaken use of energy in the struggle against Zionism, and would value a serious discussion on this from my fellow Bristolians If we can wade through the dross.

I'm aware that some of the calls are coming from Palestinian groups but that dose not make them the right thing to do out of hand. As our friends at FOI are very quick to point out some Palestinians make all sorts of requests, some quite wacky, it dose not mean that we should respond with out thinking.

My main reason for thinking its a bad idea is that it smacks of collective punishment and ultimately will worst effect those Israelis who need some hope in their struggle from within the Zionist state.

If you have the slightest belief that both a peace and a lasting freedom for all in this region is achievable then encouraging sedition in Israel is clearly a key strategy more than denying them the chance to hear the Pixies or whoever."

I would like to discuss this more. Is a boycott an effective strategy that gets the goods, or is the collective punishment of a whole state counter-productive? Did anyone here campaign for the South African boycott and what are their thoughts on lessons learned or similarities? Does anyone have any input from 'anti-occupation' Israelis on how they feel about it?

- Original article on IMC Bristol: