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Nick Griffin humiliated in confrontation with Peter Tatchell

Barry Kade | 23.07.2010 01:25 | Anti-racism

Have you seen the footage of Peter Tatchell confronting Nasty Nick Griffin this week?

Courageous nonviolent action exposes BNP as cowards and fools.

Full story and video here:

Barry Kade
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griffin terrified

23.07.2010 16:55

tatchell looks like a spectre, what an idiot, maybe griffin was terrified of what tatchell was going to do to him


Ask Martin Webster...

23.07.2010 19:03

Well done Peter Tatchell - always on the case.

Perhaps Griffin's scared because being confronted by Tatchell reminded Griffin about his own ambiguous sexuality? Ask (ex-NF) Martin Webster.....
