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Yarl's Wood family unit to close

Onlyme | 22.07.2010 02:34 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

Family unit in Yarl's Wood detention centre for those deemed unlawful immigrants to close

Adult unit to remain.

Commons announcement by Government yesterday.



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22.07.2010 11:47



That the detention of chilren is to stop is great news, the detention of children is particularly cruel and appaling, but the majority of immigration detainees are adults, and most are single males. Most detainees have suffered terrible experineces, up to 75% of the women have been raped according to a survey made by the Crossroads women in Yarl's Wood, and one in three detainees I have been in contact with, male or female, bears scars from torture, bullets, knives etc.
Hope that Clegg's announcement is not just a easy way to please the public opinion, make himself look good and carry on business as usual, as he clearly indicates that there is no end in sight to the detention of adults. And when are forced deportations of children and adults, more and more often by charter flights, and often to the most dangerous countries on Earth, going to end?
