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Stop the English Defence League Luton tomorrow! Meet Luton Town Center 12 noon

anon | 21.07.2010 21:14 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The English Defence League are a racist and Islamophobic organisation of football hooligans with connections to UKIP. Thier protests attract racists from BNP, Combat 18, Blood and Honour, Natiional Front and brother groups the Welsh Defence League [pictured], the Scottish Defence League, EDL Jewish Division. They have violently attacked Muslims acroos the country. Stop the EDL!

Two EDL members are appearing in court tomorrow in Luton on EDL activity related charges. The EDL have said that they will turn up tp protest in large numbers. The EDL have rioted in Stoke, Luton, Bolton, Dudley etc. They have placed a pig's head on the walls of Dudley Central Mosque.

The English Defence League London Division have said on their facebook page that they are meeting up outside Burger King at 9am - 9.30am outside Kings Cross. They have been looking for a nearby Whetherspoons of course...there is one in Farringdon so they might pop in there first. [Poor diets,,,this is why you are all so tubby EDL!].

Anti racist counter protest tomorrow in Luton. Meet Luton Town Center from 12 noon.



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Falling for it

22.07.2010 07:50

The main objectives of the EDL is to mobilise anti-Muslim feelings among the public and to provoke Muslims into anti-social action. Failing this, they want to give the impression of social disorder by creating riots and fights with Muslims and opposition groups. This gives the State the 'right' to crack down on public dissent.

It is not a stretch to suggest that this is being planned and organised by elements of the secret state.

A big anti-demo is what they want. The best strategy is not to demonstrate against them but rather ensure Muslims and Muslims property is protected.


Wrong We need counter protests to show we dont support EDL.

23.07.2010 01:26

Get a handle on this : We need to show that the public do not support the EDL.
