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Refugee graffiti

southsidebhoy | 21.07.2010 14:37 | Migration | Repression | World

I seen this walking up victoria road on the glasgow southside, whoever done this didnt know how to spell well, anyways, its got the point across about the refugees florence and precious who the uk borders agency want to deport.



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“...whoever done this didnt know how to spell well...”

21.07.2010 17:45

Pot, Kettle, Black?


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will be a removal

21.07.2010 23:19

WIll look better once removed...
get it? Just like forene and precous lol

seriously, it looks shit. Its not even in a fucking straight line.


Who cares about the spelling!

22.07.2010 06:46

When spelling is seen as more important than the fact that people are being forcibly removed from their homes and sent to places of danger and misery, that's just sick. Get some perspective you ignorant shits (spelling ok for you, is it? That's S-H-I-T-S )


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