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Unilever vs. BNP – “Whoever wins, we lose!”

Animal Warfare | 18.07.2010 14:24 | Analysis | Animal Liberation | Anti-racism | World

Racists Vs. Animal Abusers battle it out!

The far-right racists of the British National Party (BNP), you may re-call, ran a rather strange party broadcast with a Marmite jar in the corner of the screen at the last election. The advert was apparently a dismal attempt at humour using the strap line - 'Love Britain, Vote BNP' which as somehow supposed to spoof Marmite's 'Either You Love It or You Hate It' slogan.

It turns out Marmite's owners the animal experimenting speciesists Unilever were very angry about this and got in the lawyers. Personally I don't see what they were moaning about I really don't see how you can further besmirch the reputation of a company already linked to cruel, pointless animal abuse for the next ingredient in their consumerist household product – but that's just me. Anyhow the up shot is that the BNP are going to have to pay Unilever a (big) undisclosed amount of cash after the racists wimped out of facing the multinational in court.

Rumours are that the BNP could be on the brink of bankruptcy over this – which is hilarious if true – but with the serious downside that the extremists at Unilever are set to benefit. Our job now is to bring Unilever trouble themselves, this does not mean bankrupting them it just means causing them to lose more than they gain from continuing to use animal tests. Unilever are in it for the money, if it's financially more profitable to not torment little creatures they will stop, so let's make it happen. It's time to bring down all oppression once and for all. Animal liberation, human rights!

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18.07.2010 14:55

You assume that most people know about vivisection and Unilver. Most people don't. Sadly AR in the UK in the last 10 years thanks to SHAC and similar, has spent too much time and energy on 'targeting' companies rather actually informing the public.


not every1 in unilever is weevil,

18.07.2010 14:56


Mr B12


18.07.2010 15:55

It really gets my goat when people try to use specieist as an insult. Everyone is a specieist at heart.

Simple question:

If you had the choice between a human baby being killed or a bunny rabbit, what would you chose to do?


Yet more twaddle from the AR loonies

18.07.2010 17:00

Let's hope the BNP do get bankrupted over this. I for one will spread the Marmite just a little thicker on my toast if they do. 'Speciesist' and proud.

Marmite Lover

@ (AA)

18.07.2010 18:10

Preferring one over the other has nothing to do with rights or speciesism in the context you describe. I might prefer one of your family members to die over mine - that is not to say they are not objectively equal. The characteristic of species alone cannot be a relevant factor in determining rights – it is irrelevant in and of itself.

Animal Warfare
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18.07.2010 21:04

As an animal rights activist and anti-fascist, I see this as nothing more than a short sighted way of looking at things.

The act of Unilever has literally pushed the BNP over the edge and extremely close to financial ruin. At the most they're going to make 70,000 pounds out of it which is literally sod-all compared to their multi-billion annual turnover and won't really make much of a difference to their pockets. If Unilever were about to go bust and this saved them, it would be a completely difference argument but that is not the case. It's one of two scummy organisations down, instead of none of two.

Perhaps it is now down for people to think of innovative way to cost Unilver that money as a result of their allegiance to vivisection?

I understand where you're coming from, but I think you need to look at things in terms of the real world and economics, not just a scoped view of bad -v- bad.

Sticky Micky

I hate the BNP but I think they were in the right here

18.07.2010 21:55

I despise racist scum like the BNP but I have to say it sounds like they were totally in the right here.

If multinational scum like Unilever can satirise the BNP in their adverts, surely the BNP is allowed to satirise them back?

I wouldn't cheer too hard for Unilever - I'm sure they couldn't care less about the BNP's politics - in fact it might even be good for them. They would just as soon do this to a more right-on organisation too.

Freedom of speech and the libel laws in this country are owned by the rich for their benefit only.



18.07.2010 22:00

as a working class gay man, the politics of nationalism, maybe borderline fascism, poses a larger and more material threat to me, my income and my relative freedom than the possibility that unilivers products might possibly give me cancer on top of all those fluffy bunnies they kill for profit.

sorry buggsy.


@ Sticky Micky

18.07.2010 22:03

Please read the article carefully – not just the headline (which is a spoof in itself). The article is just saying we should make Unilever lose money too and taking the piss out of the BNP. People are taking it to seriously!

Animal Warfare
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to ex-vegan

18.07.2010 22:12

Do you really think as silly little nothing like the BNP poses more threat to you than a capitalist multinational like Unilever? Who has more power?
