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Comment on Israeli Terror

Joe | 18.07.2010 02:49 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World

"2 Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is a devastating example of the above. The more hopeless and defenseless the Palestinians are, the more vicious the Israeli becomes."

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Comment on Israeli Terror:

1.3.1 The more hopeless the subject of our terror is, the more we are inclined to face our relentless viciousness first hand.

2 Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is a devastating example of the above. The more hopeless and defenseless the Palestinians are, the more vicious the Israeli becomes.

2.1 And yet, the more vicious the Israeli is, the more he or she is horrified by ‘terror’.

3 In reality, the Israelis are actually horrified by their own cruelty which they project onto others.

4 The recent cold-blooded murder of 11 peace activists in the high seas by Israeli Navy commandos was nothing but a shocking exposure of that lethal dynamic. The more ethically transparent, innocent and harmless the humanitarian mission to Gaza is, the more lethal the Israeli becomes.

OMG so true. Share widely. Joe



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Moderators - please take this down

18.07.2010 09:02

Moderators please take this down. Not for any reason to do with Palestine/Israel but because it is a repost of comments made on a mainstream news source website. This would be stupid if it included the article - even more bizarre without.

With this kind of random posting indymedia takes more and more time to trawl to find the useful Independent stuff.

a weary indymedia reader

why do you hate

18.07.2010 11:29

why do you hate the palestinians, weary? Why are you a Zionist?

happy indymedia reader

Good Post

18.07.2010 12:22

It is important to emphasise and keep the criminal activities of the Zionist apartheid state on the front page. It is also interesting to note how and when the Zionists pop up using different identies and excuses to have information removed from Indymedia that they find embarassing.

A sin is that which you do not like to talk about.


your wrong

18.07.2010 12:53

The israeli commandos boarded the ships and then were attacked by the so-called peace activists. The commandos then opened fire to protect themselves. Its all on video. If you are going to try and beat armed commandos with metal rods to death, then expect them to fire back.

It is also worth noting that Israel show remarkable restraint. They could (if they choose) wipe off their enemies from the map. If Hamas had the same ability of weaponary, Im sure they wouldn't be so restrained and civilised.


The Palestinians Lived In Peace

18.07.2010 13:16

Until Zionist Extremists turned up from Europe and drove them from their homes.


time to move forward

18.07.2010 15:02

Clearly there is a lot of previous history that is interferring in this matter. The situation is too unstable to continue. Israel would do well to just push forward and bring a peaceful stability to the region though occupation. Surely this is better than what is currently happening? TO just do nothing is actually the worse option.

don't be silly

One dimensional thinking

18.07.2010 16:08

"It is also worth noting that Israel show remarkable restraint. They could (if they choose) wipe off their enemies from the map."

A very good example of the one dimensional thinking that has led Israel to this point. In a world of chocolate boxes and rose tinted spectacles Israel could wipe its enemies off the map but how does this work in a world in which Israel needs public opinion on its side first?

What would be the consequences for Israel if it fell into a violent orgy of self doubt and crippling brutality?

The consequences would be devastating worldwide!

So no, Israel cannot wipe its enemies off the map, so any measure of self restraint that it has entirely false and based on nonsense. Israel is nothing more than the South Africa of its day, doomed to failure & waiting to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

In the future, we will all be saying the same thing, "Remember Israel, what the hell was that about?"...and the tragedy of it is, that some of us gentiles will know the answer!


one small snag

18.07.2010 21:39

'Israel is nothing more than the South Africa of its day, doomed to failure & waiting to be consigned to the dustbin of history.'

Snag - what about the 7 million people who live there? Ah, perhaps you have a Final Solution ...


re: one small snag

18.07.2010 21:59

um, the apartheid state in South Africa was consigned to the dustbin of history, and last time I checked there were still millions of people still living there.

sorry, you fail at witty comments.


Snag 2

18.07.2010 23:11

"what about the 7 million people who live there? Ah, perhaps you have a Final Solution"

7 million people live in Israel?

The population of London is 7 million too!

And forgive me if I'm wrong, but Londoner's do not have their own private nuclear weapons stockpile, its own Navy, Air force and army.

Can you understand why we think Israel is a dysfunctional failure?


failing at witty comments

18.07.2010 23:16

Presumably what you are trying to say is that what will happen in Israel is the same as what happened in South Africa. If you think that's going to be the case, then you show a remarkable lack of historical judgement.

The white government in SA was a minority within its own borders. Note the last four words. Israel is not ruled by a minority within its own borders - it is arguably the most democratic state in the Middle East [and if you try to deny that, name me one which is more democratic].

You might go on to say that the territory known as Israel is just one part of a much larger area, and if they were united then the current population would indeed be a minority ... but why should it be united? 7 million is a perfectly viable state.

No doubt you can come back with lurid stories of people being dispossessed from their homes by the evil Je ... sorry, Zionists ... in 1948. Well, if every country that dispossessed people in the last hundred years was illegitimate, then that would include a fair number - including Russia and Poland.


Gosh! Only seven million people!

19.07.2010 08:10

I blame the schools. They used to teach Geography once, and people were slightly less insular and parochial than our friend from London.

'The population of London is 7 million too! And forgive me if I'm wrong, but Londoner's do not have their own private nuclear weapons stockpile, its own Navy, Air force and army. Can you understand why we think Israel is a dysfunctional failure?'

Not really. Only 7 million. Damn, there goes Scottish independence then.

Let's try:

Bulgaria 7.7million, Denmark 5.4, Estonia 1.4, Finland 5.3, Ireland 4.2 (I always knew de Valera was wrong), Slovakia 5.4 million ... and so on.

Obviously, all them with their own Navy, Army, Air Force, dysfunctional states. Or not.

Which shows why, where Israel is concerned, hysteria replaces analysis.

fact checker

not a zionist, just not into random reposts from mainstream sources

19.07.2010 08:17

I wrote the original comment saying this article should be taken down for the reasons I stated - i.e. it was not independent news but simply a repost from a mainstream news source and not even a repost of a mainstream news article but rather a repost of the comments on a news article on a mainstream news website.

For this I am suddenly a Zionist who hates the Palestinians!

I said specifically that my comment had nothing to do with palestine/isreal but was to do with the newsfeed filling up with posts with no functional content. I myself have organised medical aid to Palestine, been on many demos against the Israeli state massacres and have many friends who have been active in ISM. As an anarchist I am against the Israeli state and all states - i.e. I am not a Zionist!

I am however someone who checks indymedia in the morning before going to work and increasingly am finding it difficult to find useful info (including about Palestine) on the indymedia newsfeed because its increasingly filled up with random stuff such as the post in question, full reposts from mainstream news websites, adverts for watches etc and posts from local town indymedia sites about events only folks in those towns are likely to attend...

This is a shame because such fluff is beginning to turn an amazing resource into a waste of time...

weary indymedia reader (again)

Wrong again Shylock!

19.07.2010 12:40

"Bulgaria 7.7million, Denmark 5.4, Estonia 1.4, Finland 5.3, Ireland 4.2 (I always knew de Valera was wrong), Slovakia 5.4 million ... and so on."

None of those countries has Nuclear weapons. Perhaps you need to swat up!

Those are countries that don't have Israel's social problems. They are not tormenting their neighbours because they want the land. They don't routinely carry out state sanctioned murder and call it self defence. They do not spend their time engineering terrorism only to throw their hands up in front of the world in disgust at terrorism.

I think the comparison with apartheid South Africa is a good one to use. That too was a cruel, belligerent, deviant, dishonest & abhorrent racist state with nothing but contempt for humanity. That too had a strong vein of racism at its core. That too saw the blacks as inferior stock that had to be controlled with violence. That too withered under the weight of international public opinion, that too was abandoned by God.

When God said "Build me a nation", he surely never meant this!

And lets get one thing clear as one of the other posters is clearly itching to turn this conversation into anti-semitic rubbish, its not the lovely jews who are the problem, it is the extremists in their ranks who are the problem, the reptillian Zionist.

Those people are exactly the same as the De'Clerk mob!

I hate Zionists, I love Jews

SA = Israel. Israel = SA

19.07.2010 13:00

"The white government in SA was a minority within its own borders. Note the last four words. Israel is not ruled by a minority within its own borders - it is arguably the most democratic state in the Middle East [and if you try to deny that, name me one which is more democratic]. "

But its currently trying to eradicate HAMAS, which is democratically elected, what kind of Democracy kills democracy?

Israel is dysfunctional because it knows deep down that it is fundamentally illegitimate. It is just passing off what it really knows to be true to a world that is always going to see the truth.

If Israel wants to try to get by with murder because it wrongly believes that PR will fix everything after the murder is done then Israel is only ever going to get the finger. Same thing happened in SA and look what happened to them.

You need to understand, supporter of Israel, that you can't treat us like this, the only reason Israel continues to exist is because world opinion allows it. If we turn against you, you are utterly and completely finished. There is nothing you can do to prevent this.

So start talking sense...boy!


ah, the loonies are out today ...

19.07.2010 13:54

'None of them has nuclear weapons.' Ah, I see now. It's having nuclear weapons that makes Israel dysfunctional. Just like Russia, America, France ...

And they don't have Israel's social problems. Which are what exactly?

Now obviously what Israel should do is to take a leaf from the world's civilised states such as China [Tibet anyone?], India [Kashmir anyone?], Russia [Konigsberg anyone]. Funny how we don't see these being criticised for being 'dysfunctional'.

'That too was a cruel, belligerent, deviant, dishonest & abhorrent racist state with nothing but contempt for humanity.' Actually, I think that's a good description of China today.

As for Londoner:

'But its currently trying to eradicate HAMAS, which is democratically elected, what kind of Democracy kills democracy?'

And you're now going to try to persuade me in less than 100 words that HAMAS isn't trying to eradicate Israel ...

And he obviously thinks he speaks for The World: 'If we turn against you, you are utterly and completely finished.' Yes, indeed. I'm sure he's ready with the Final Solution.


same ole same ole

19.07.2010 14:16

"Snag - what about the 7 million people who live there? Ah, perhaps you have a Final Solution ... "

What a truly infantile thing to say. Do you live in hope that the fascists might one day come back?

Is that the only way you can impress Grandma?

Zac Cohen

intellectually challenged Zac

19.07.2010 14:51

You might have noticed that it is not me who wants Israel to disappear. The 'Final Solution' remark is aimed at those who want to consign Israel to the dustbin of history, etc etc. The point I was trying to make - which obviously went over your head - is what to do with the people who already live there.



19.07.2010 15:06

"You might have noticed that it is not me who wants Israel to disappear. The 'Final Solution' remark is aimed at those who want to consign Israel to the dustbin of history, etc etc. The point I was trying to make - which obviously went over your head - is what to do with the people who already live there."

I think its very clear what you mean. And that comment didn't go over my head, it dropped to the floor and fizzled out miserably.

Zac Cohen

Thats the ticket.

19.07.2010 15:50

Your absolutely right Eichmann, Israel is completely innocent and everybody else's is to blame.

Just promise me one thing...

Keep repeating this, over and over again.


walter mitty talk

19.07.2010 16:07

>> You might have noticed that it is not me who wants Israel to disappear. The 'Final Solution' remark is aimed at those who want to consign Israel to the dustbin of history, etc etc. The point I was trying to make - which obviously went over your head - is what to do with the people who already live there.

I'm not sure how these people would actually get round to consigning Israel to the dustbin of history.
I think its a mute point. Most of these people don't have any muscle or weaponary, so marching into Israel to take it over would probably be met by some well trained armed forces who would soon overpower them.

I doubt your typical left-protestor has the means to do what they say. Nothing more than a daydream.


Behind you.

19.07.2010 16:38

"I'm not sure how these people would actually get round to consigning Israel to the dustbin of history.
I think its a mute point. Most of these people don't have any muscle or weaponary, so marching into Israel to take it over would probably be met by some well trained armed forces who would soon overpower them. I doubt your typical left-protestor has the means to do what they say. Nothing more than a daydream.

Yes I remember the invasion of South Africa very well! The sight of Cape Town with tanks and infantry rolling through the streets, the scenes of jubilation by the blacks as they were liberated from tyranny. De Clerk surrendering the country to the international community. The ticker-tape parades as our armed forces returned as heroes.

Heady days!

On the other hand?



19.07.2010 17:37

Sarcastic knobhead. The difference is Israel doesn't have a majority of darkies in it ruled under apartheid. The vast majority of Israel's population back the governments stance on palestine.
And their armed forces are vastly superior to SA. I bet you havnt even been there.

So good luck with forcing Israel to do what you want it to do. Join the queue behind palestine lol!
I would imagine Israel will just shoot you if you did manage to pose somekind of threat


Oh dear!

19.07.2010 17:59

"Sarcastic knobhead."

Well I do declare, that's not very it?


im sure you can cope

19.07.2010 19:34

yes - but thats a side issue.


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FTP must be asleep

19.07.2010 20:38

I thought Indymedia UK didn't post stuff from this particular author anymore, given how he pretty much spit in FTP's face at the end of the whole Notts fiasco.

Compare that to this:


Tis not.

19.07.2010 20:54

"yes - but thats a side issue.'

No it isn't, not only are you defending murderers, but you've called someone a knobhead.

Is there no end to your depravity?


Hey, Indymedia editors

19.07.2010 22:41

Google the excerpt to find out who wrote it. He's somebody you swore you'd never publish here ever again.

wake up already

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