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Does anybody really care?

General Joe | 16.07.2010 16:07 | Analysis | Social Struggles | World

“They” have an awful future planned for most of us and it’s time to get wise to this setup b4 it is too late! Please spread widely over the U.S./Europe and all over the world.

“Does anybody really care?”

Anyone that cares about our collective futures, please go to: and hear yesterday’s show (07/15/10) with Michael Hudson (economist). Hit the download button and Stephen Ledman’s Progressive radio news hour will begin on most computers. “They” have an awful future planned for most of us and it’s time to get wise to this setup b4 it is too late! Please spread widely over the U.S./Europe and all over the world. General Joe

General Joe


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useless title and summary

16.07.2010 22:58

This article has a meaningless title, and the summary isn't really very informative either.

Very few people are going to download and listen to some random talk without knowing really what it is about.

I can only assume this must be some conspiracy theory bollocks, but maybe I'm wrong and it's something really interesting. I guess I'll never know.
