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EDL Jewish division

@ | 14.07.2010 08:49 | Anti-racism

There is an interesting discussion about the EDL Jewish Division on the EDL's web forums.

I've always found it curious how the EDL have strange bedfellows like the Zionist movement. There is a thread on the EDL forums at the moment that gives some insight into what is going on:
The thread is somewhat charmingly titled "EDL Being Anal Raped by Zionist Lobby".

It's clear that some in the EDL (with a background in the far right?) are uneasy about this alliance.

What is surprising to me is how much Israel is involved with this group. Some quotes:
e.g. from "brianoflondon", who seems to actually be "brianofisrael":

"I had to break off last night as I was talking with the head of the EDL Jeiwsh division. She confirmed that most of her 700 or so members are Israeli, not British."

VillaLoyal: "But there does seem to be, especially on Facebook, certain extremist Jews who are seeking to channel EDL activism for Israeli ends, not British working-class ends."

brianoflondon: "I'm working furiously now behind the scenes to reverse the negative view of the EDL here and back in the UK.

I'm happy to debate these issues: I take it as my role to give you the information on why fighting to keep England free from the jack boot of Islam is the most important thing you can do right now, regardless of how you feel about Israel.

Frankly if Israel and the stupid soft leftie peacniks here don't come to terms with our real enemy, we'll have much worse and bloody wars in the near future.

I'm typing this in my bomb shelter on the 7th floor. I have a steel door, and a 1.5cm thick steel plate I can secure the window with. That's what living with Islam next door really means."
Homo Sapien (EDL LGBT Division): "I was surprised by the idea Brian presented about the Jewish Division being heavily weighted towards Israelis. I contacted one of the admins of the Div and asked her to confirm this. She replied she knew there were Israelis in that Div (some being British/Israeli citizens, others living in Israel). However, she didn't know the exact numbers. So I talked her through the provisions in Facebook that allow one to see the visitors to a page.

Of the 670 or so supporters of the Jewish Division, these are the top 4 countries:

United Kingdom 439
United States 53
Israel 49
France 27

As you can see, the vast majority of the supporters come from the UK, although given the size of Israel there is almost as much interest there in the EDL's Jewish Division as there is in the US."



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uneasy alliances

14.07.2010 09:02

i suppose this alliance has been partially nurtured by some leftists idiotic support for hammas and other corrupt and fundamentally represive regeimes and movements in oposition to israel. we would do well to remember that the enemy of our enemy is not neccessarily our friend, an that it is attitudes like this which bring about bizzare blocs such as this EDL-zionist one. heres to them destroying one another in a big-brother-house esque flurry of bickering an minor fisty cuffs.


leftist support for Hamas

14.07.2010 10:13


To be fair, I think there is very little support for organisations like Hamas in Indymedia. It's more something from the far left like the guy who always posts about how great North Korea is.

Judging by the EDL forums, it seems that support for Israel is more widespread amongst the EDL, although it's clear a large percentage of them are uneasy about it.



14.07.2010 10:38

VillaLoyal: "But there does seem to be, especially on Facebook, certain extremist Jews who are seeking to channel EDL activism for Israeli ends, not British working-class ends."

I'm fairly sure that VillaLoyal is one Mark Reily or possibly Richard Price. Mark is a Loyalist whose been spotted by some contacts at Villa Park last season. It's funny how he thinks that EDL activism should be benefiting the British working class. Presumably the tool doesn't consider those working class people of an Irish, Pakistani, Iranian or Bangladeshi origin to be part of this "British workig class". And by benefitting the British working class he actually means dividing us up along religious and racial lines.



14.07.2010 12:55

"The EDL are not zionists they just support the right of Israel to defend itself against Islamic terrorism and recognise its right to exist"

True, most of the EDL aren't Zionists, but they are being played like a fiddle by the small number of Israeli Zionist entryists in their ranks who seem to be openly operating from Israel and not even pretending to be English. These Zionists couldn't give a shit about England, they just see it as a group of "useful idiots" to help them attack Islam.

"Most leftists want the state of Israel to be destroyed and its entire Jewish population to be forced to leave the middle east."

Most "leftists" on Indymedia want to see *all* states destroyed, especially those based on religion like Israel and Palestine. And the US. Come to think of it, most states at least pay lip service to religion, as it's such a powerful mind-control technique.

I don't think anyone here on Indymedia is seeking to ethnically cleanse the region. Ideally Jews and Muslims alike will give up religion, become atheists, realise their similarities are much greater that then differences, and live together as one big happy family ;-). I realise that's not likely to happen in the medium term, but it's a good goal to aim for.

No-one likes a bully, except for weak people, and at the moment Israel is the bully. It may not be in the future, and I realise there are historical reasons for it, but that still doesn't make it right.


re: jew jew jew

14.07.2010 13:20

This has nothing to do with being Jewish or not, whether cultural or religious. It's about support for Zionism and the actions of the state of Israel. I think you'll find far more antisemitism in the ranks of the EDL than Indymedia.

I know they call it the EDL Jewish Division, but they are hardly going to call it the EDL Israel Division or the EDL Zionist Division, are they? Maybe some people in the EDL Jewish Division oppose Zionism and the actions of Israel, but I doubt it.

And you could equally well say the EDL have a Muslim-obsession. In fact it's their purported entire reason for existence, unlike Indymedia.


This is as suspect

15.07.2010 01:43

as the Facebook group set up eulogise Raoul Moat, how many of these supposed Jewish supporters are 4 real and not just sick pranksters / trying to discredit Jews.


don't be a dupe

15.07.2010 08:15

Do you actually believe that the EDL is solely the product of the angry white working-class and BNP sympathisers?

You see EDL spokespeople who are Asian and African-Caribbean. How on Earth do black people become leaders of a white pro-fascist group?

We have Zionists Jews who are attempting to lead them. What on Earth are Jews doing supporting people sympathetic to fascism?

While, the aim of the EDL is to go to different towns in an attempt to stir up violence between Muslims and white people. What's the point?

Who are EDL members? According to The Guardian, members of the armed forces and football hooligans.

Something else is going on.

EDL is a plastic organisation. It is the creation of the secret state. Their aim is to have the victims of a wealth grab by the elite fight one another rather than the elite.

Wake up.


Confused polemic

15.07.2010 10:03

"The EDL are not zionists they just support the right of Israel to defend itself against Islamic terrorism and recognise its right to exist"

No they aren't. They are using the symbol of a terrorist state to try to farm conflict in the UK by 'attracting' the supposed 'left' out onto the streets for a fight which can be used to advertise the fact that the UK is divided over the issue of Israel when in fact the UK stands universally behind the notion that the real terrorism in that region is actually maintained by Israel.

The EDL should not be advertised here on IM and those who do this are dubious to say the least.

Joseph Stalin

Moderator please hide

15.07.2010 13:56

insidejob's comment is anti-semitic conspiracy theory, moderator please hide it


EDL/Jewish division...

15.07.2010 23:42 just an excuse for EDL racists to wave Israeli flags on demo's because they know it'll wind up muslims and to carry on their pretence of not beig racist. Thats all there is to it.


Moderator, don't be fooled by ignorance

16.07.2010 08:22

Moderator please hide
15.07.2010 13:56
insidejob's comment is anti-semitic conspiracy theory, moderator please hide it

‘Without a doubt, princes become great when they overcome difficulties and obstacles imposed upon them. And therefore, Fortune…creates enemies for him, and has them undertake enterprises against him so that he will have the chance to overcome them and to climb higher up the ladder his enemies have brought him. Thus, many people judge that a wise prince must cunningly foster some hostile action, whenever he has the opportunity, so that in repressing it his greatness will emerge the more.’
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli, p74, Oxford University Press, 2005

Can Onlyignorance tell anyone about Operation Gladio? Of course not, because he's ignorant. The problem with Onlyignorance is that he is not very bright either.

Did he hear the news that Mussolini was hired by MI6 to provide thugs to beat up people campaigning against Italian government policy that would benefit the UK? Probably, but he is not bright enough to make the connections.

Not having knowledge about a situation is understandable. Behaving as if you do have knowledge when you do not is ignorance.

Could you explain how my comments are anti-semitic? Or are you to ignorant to do that as well?


@IHTF: EDL Jewish division has several purposes

16.07.2010 23:17

It's useful for EDL racists to wave Israeli flags to wind up Muslims, true. But it is also useful for Zionists to have a kind of alliance with groups that are fighting against their common enemy.

I could easily see the situation being reversed if the EDL considered Judaism more of a threat to their "way of life" than Muslims.
