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Animal Equality Protest

Animal Equality | 08.07.2010 20:16 | Anti-racism | Education | Social Struggles | World

We carried out a protest,in Central London,promoting veganism and educating people on speciesism.

We did a demo educating people on the cause of animal exploitation(speciesism)and the solution- veganism.Hundreds of leaflets were given out and people,probably for the first time,were showed the reality of animal slavery.Through our silence we reached into the hearts of many people.

We literally had a constant stream of people gathering around us: wanting to know more.Questions such as "How do we stop this?" & "How do I go vegan?" were predominantly asked.The shocked expressions and inquisitive reactions were constant.A very positive day for activists and the people we educated.

There are now two Animal Equality groups in the UK.One in the Midlands & one in London.If you'd like to get involved please contact:


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You'll never turn us all

11.07.2010 20:52

Why not stick to promoting veganism as a choice, rather than trying to guilt trip people into stopping eating meat? Your idea of speciesism is absurd. Next are you going to accuse me of being kindomist against mushrooms. I agree that factory farming is wrong but surely that's a product of the capitalist system, profit and the supermarket's greed and is not inherent in meat eating. Your type of rhetoric will surely put off as many people as it will attract.

Instead, why not help people to connect with their food supply and cut down on animal products, while promoting responsible small scale organic meat as the luxury meat should be.

Can you honestly say that your diets don't impact on animals in any way? Your cooking oils and tofu and rice are all farmed in harmony with the habitats they're grown in and float into this country on a cloud of righteousness? All your food is sourced ethically and sustainably? Of course not. Neither is mine, but i, like you, will continue to look for a sustainable way of eating, and I believe that will mean continuing to eating meat from mixed farms.


come on

22.09.2010 15:39

organic,corn fed,free range, these are all words to make people feel less guilty,
why are slaughter house hidden, if there is nothing wrong with it, a humane human should all feel dead guilty that the flesh their CHOOSE to eat is from an animal who had a mother and did not want to die, so stop kidding your selfs
