Babel (words): Dancing with the words!
vibram | 08.07.2010 03:23
<--break-> Five FingersDance - A triptych of Flemish choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui: Myth-Babel-Faith in the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris. The Flemish choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui presents the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris, his trilogy of religious and identity through ethnicity, language. Faith founded in 2003, examines the power of belief, Myth created in 2006, waiting in vain for the right man, Babel (words), his latest work, created in 2010, explores the language, space and the relationship human. Babel (words) takes as its starting point, the precise moment the story of the Tower of Babel where God punishes those who have raised a tower on his behalf, resulting in chaos, divided by languages, cultures and different countries. On stage, 18 artists from thirteen different countries, fifteen languages, seven religions, arts and culture very different. A profusion of identities that will inspire Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet his accomplice who sign the choreography. The decor, simple parallelepipeds metal frames gigantic three-dimensional visual artist Antony Gormley, move, change with the movements of the dancers , almost making body with them. The space is divided into territories, cities, borders that divide, but also close, protective shelters, intimate. At the back of the stage, in semi-darkness, like in a music room, the musicians of the world ( Japan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Mediterranean) are gathered. The superb musical score they will interpret, gives the fabric of the show. The first total art painting starts very strong, the powerful rhythm of a drum of Japan (Kodo). The dancers pounding their bodies, their feet, their hands. Dance, theater, music, singing, prayers, art show is a total that gives pride to the body and language. There is much talk all languages mingle, collide.
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