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Demo for decommissioner Elijah Smith this Wednesday‏

Smasher | 05.07.2010 22:59 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast

Despite the EDO decommissioners' victory Elijah James Smith is still on remand in prison. He has been on remand since the decommissioning a year and a half ago. He has got a bail hearing this Wednesday which we hope will see him released.

Please join us in support of James, whatever the outcome of his hearing, outside Lewes Prison, at 13.30 this Wednesday (the 7th).

HMP Lewes, 1 Brighton Road, Lewes, BN7 1EA.

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free all prisoners

06.07.2010 08:13

solidarity to him


why is he still in jail?

06.07.2010 10:04

He got acquitted of the EDO charge, right? So what is the other charge he is on that they are remanding him for?


bail etc

06.07.2010 12:00

He is being accused of another offence arising out of a separate EDO related court case an dthat is why he has not yet been granted bail. Email if you want more details.
