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Reminder: EDO decommissioners victory demo today!

Smasher | 05.07.2010 00:32 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast | World

As resisting war crimes is now officially not a crime, there will be a victoy demo for the EDO decommissioners today (Monday 5th) outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton, from 12 noon.

The demo willl probably go on for quite a while...Make it down if you can!
If you have any questions/need directions etc call 07538093930.
See you there...

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rub it in

05.07.2010 00:49

go on it rub it in Paul Hills face! we fought the law and we won.


Will there be an open top bus around Brighton?

05.07.2010 08:50

That would be funny. Love and solidarity.

Concerned citizen