Leeds AF's Pretensions to Militant Antifascism Come Unstuck
Antifascist | 05.07.2010 00:19 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
The Leeds branch of the Anarchist Eederation have little or no history of antifascist activity. Yet their ambitions to form a new 'militant antifascist alliance' to take on the EDL led them to publically announce such a meeting. Not that they put much effort into advertizing the meeting, and they certainly didn't invite any of the existing antifascist groups operating in West Yorkshire. Bearing in mind the nature of the meeting, and the recent record of the EDL in turning up uninvited to anti-EDL meetings, one might have expected a certain amount of security. As it was, when the meeting was held, on Saturday July 3rd, and despite the AF being tipped off about EDL plans to attend, there was NO SECURITY WHATSOEVER. This appalling negligence allowed a small group of EDL activists to simply walk into the meeting, from which the AF showed no stomach to evict them. The EDL have not stopped crowing since. In one stupid blunderous move Leeds AF have not only handed the EDL an easy victory, they have undermined the hard work put in by real militant antifascists in Leeds over the past two decades.
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