Leeds anti-EDL meeting
Yorkshire Antifascist | 04.07.2010 17:37 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
Attempts by the Anarchist Federation to organise an anti-EDL meeting in Leeds yesterday failed dismally.
Having (badly) advertised a public meeting in Leeds to oppose the EDL, the clueless idiots of the AF didn't bother to organise any form of security whatsoever. Entirely predictably, the EDL took advantage of the open target and walked into the meeting. The AF have no pedigree whatsoever in terms of antifascism, and in handing the EDL such an easy victory, have shown themselves to be a liability and an embarrassment.
Yorkshire Antifascist
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04.07.2010 18:09
The words 'pissup' and 'brewery' spring to mind
04.07.2010 18:28
Anarchist hero
04.07.2010 18:29
Instead of sitting behind your computer being an anarchist general maybe you should get of your pathetic arse and do something, we (the EDL) would enjoy another keyboard warrior to belittle.
You lot really are a shower of complete shite.
Charles The Hammer
04.07.2010 18:35
Where was I?!
04.07.2010 19:23
Thanks af
04.07.2010 19:30
Frankie the axe
04.07.2010 19:50
Steven king doesn't have a mark on you wasters.
See you soon :)
Charles The Hammer
Poor organisation
04.07.2010 20:05
04.07.2010 20:16
So, why wasn't this meeting stewarded? Also, from my experience, only a few AFers have ever engaged in the types of antifascism that they state their support for.
working class casual
04.07.2010 20:45
We were expecting a little resistance but all 5 of us went to a meeting billed as a 'militant' anarchist gathering anyway.
We turned up, made our point and left. We could have turned up, made a cup of tea, read the paper and done the crossword. Anything we wanted really, good times :)
I'll enjoy our next encounter.
Charles The Hammer
Bearing in mind the level of security...
04.07.2010 20:48
Hammer time
04.07.2010 20:56
Frankie the axe
this is trolling. please take it down
04.07.2010 21:05
04.07.2010 21:09
Burlington Bertie
a few points here...
04.07.2010 21:13
secondly, members of Afed where warned that this would happen, (and it should be common sence) yet still, no security.
thridly, several Afed members have serious security issues regarding them... no real antifascist or anarchist would touch them with a bargepole.
Also well done to the "guy in the back t-shirt" but still, how many people where at the meeting? on 4 guys? If you are incapable of defending a meeting against 4 guys... maybe you should reconsider your efficency in the "anarchist revolution" and indeed your role as an antifascist organisation.
The words "man up" seem to ring well.
Its also worth pointing out that several of your members are such fucking wankers that half of Leeds is probably upset with them at any given time.
lastly I'd like to point out a certain bittersweet irony in the fact that you "called for an anti fascist allience" and organised this event without inviting any of the organisations that currently oppose fascism in the area.
I think it's best if we keep names off indy, but you all know exactly what I mean.
I was sat yesterday, doing fuck all with a drink in my hand, just hoping that one side would beat some sence into the other, as both sides need it (with maybe 2 or 3 exceptions on the AF side)
all in all pityful show.
Antifash Leeds
FAO Polecat
04.07.2010 21:14
Credit where it's due
04.07.2010 21:21
Leeds antifascist
What kind of ponce....
04.07.2010 21:24
04.07.2010 21:36
but security issues???
wonder girl
Fascist and Anti-fascists should all be deported
04.07.2010 21:46
Its like some kind of football match mentality. "Who do you support? The fash or the anti-fash? Oh your team is shit, we're so much better."
Meanwhile the taxpayer has to pay to pander and police these morons with kids gloves because they all cry if the police give them a kicking.
Personally, I'd like to see the police (funded by the tax payer) round up these waste of spaces, put them on lorries, drive them to the port and load onto a ship. Dump them on a fucking island with a heavily supply of primitive weapons, an injection of somekind of halliculigen and then fucking watch the outcome on webcam.
You all make me sick. Theres only one thing wrong with this country and its time wasters like you cunts. I will vote and pay for hte police to smash your fucking brains in, in the cheapest manner possible. A fucking bullet costs less than a bag of crisps, it would be fucking worth it. CUNTS
"Oooooo lets all join the EDL and run around with big hardon so we can jerk each other off in a big circle jerk whilst slapping each other's bald heads."
"oooooo, anti-fash all so cool, lets all not fucking wash and wave flags around like a load of girl scouts, get into a lot of 'we showed them' shouting at the enemy like a bunch of pussies as long as the police is there to protect us."
Its just all bravado. "Come on! we're have you." Bullshit. You only act like that when the police are around to keep you apart - bunch of fucking pussies. When the police arn't there, nothing fucking happens because none of you have got any balls. Faggots. You can all fuck off, the army should take kettle you and then fucking exterminate you with flamethrowers from behind some temporary barriers. I would fucking sython the petrol out of my car for free and give it them to do this. It won't be long before people don't put up with societies fuckwits and just vote to exterminate the lot of them. Fucking should just stick to football supporting - whats wrong with that? its got the police there to keep you apart so you can shout extra loud at each other knowing you are totally safe, bunch of faggot slack jawed fucking pussies.
complete cunt
Better late than never
04.07.2010 21:46
Leeds lad
Sad But True
04.07.2010 21:52
Working-Class Anarchist
04.07.2010 21:53
shame on AF...
04.07.2010 21:55
so you are fascist too ehh?
04.07.2010 21:56
esspecially in the leeds group, it is the ANARCHIST federation isn't it?
04.07.2010 22:04
Not one of Leeds AF
'complete cunt'
04.07.2010 22:08
Class Wah
Leeds AF
04.07.2010 22:16
Joe Black
Get a grip
04.07.2010 22:21
London Skin
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