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Fake Anarchists empowering the State in Toronto.(G20)

AberAnarcho | 30.06.2010 21:10 | Globalisation | Repression

An interesting take on the "smash and burn" tactic of protest at demos.

Original article:

I would advise you to check out some of the pictures and watch the video about agent provocateurs caught out during a smaller anti-police demo. It seems inconvievable that there wouldn't be some present in a mass of hundreds of people in a Black Bloc.

Frankly, I’m fed up with protests that achieve nothing, but more power for the state and less credibility for dissent. We can walk out of the system anytime, you don’t need to go to these criminals and ask for your inherent rights.

Agorism promotes the idea of ignoring government, by dispelling the myth that these crooks are your rulers. Therefore no need to protest, assert your rights through direct action, siphoning power and money from the state, eventually causing its demise.

At these protests, you see cops dressed up like stormtroopers, protecting the so called leaders. These police state minions have families, and are just as much affected by the globalists as we are. The global elites at the top, have cleverly placed us in opposition, positioning both sides to attack each other, while the puppet masters remain unscathed.

Okay rant begin…

This years G20 resulted in another failed smash and burn protest conducted by undercover cops, and misdirected black-bloc anarchists. Do these political activists really believe that thrusting themselves against the system with aggression will work? The crime syndicate posing as our leaders, can care less about you marching in the streets, yelling at the top of your lungs with signs and breaking things. The people who are performing these acts, are unknowingly playing a part in their plan. They need public dissent to their tyrannic reign, displayed as violent inarticulate troublemakers, who are a threat to the public. This justifies the states authority, allows more police state measures, and loss of liberty through legislation.

At past events, undercover cops have been exposed posing as anarchists, in order to create havoc that enables all protesters at these events to be targeted. We have covered this extensively in a previous article with video evidence, here.

Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet also makes some good points about these provocateurs:

An eyebrow-raising photograph of one of the anarchists who set fire to a Toronto police car during anti-G20 protests this past weekend shows him wearing Nike clothing, a potential indication that provocateurs dressed up as black-bloc “anarchists” were again employed by authorities to cause mayhem in order to justify a brutal police crackdown and crush free speech, as peaceful protesters were attacked and arrested while the anarchists who torched the cars were left alone.

The picture shows the two culprits who set fire to the police car congratulating each other and looking remarkably relaxed about potentially being caught by police considering what they had just done. One of the men is wearing Nike pants – the distinctive logo of the company can be seen above his left pocket.

Why would a hardcore anarchists so dedicated to his cause that he is willing to torch a police car be wearing clothing made by a company that anarchists universally abhor, and one that has routinely been targeted by anarchists for well over a decade?

During this years (2010) G8/G20 summit, Canada spent 1.2 billion on security. Considering the ridiculous staged and organic violence that has occurred, the state can save some face and justify the enormous bill that the taxpayers get stuck with. Just think if no one showed up to protest, it would be a much more powerful statement of dissent with no media spin. The state would look like despotic fear mongers, who are afraid of their own citizens for no apparent reason. But instead, the state will grand stand about the destruction, seeking more political control, and the capitalist imperialism system will get a new influx of cash to fix all the broken glass, destroyed cars and buildings. So who benefits? The people who work for the capitalist system fixing things, insurance companies, police making overtime, politicans and so on. The media and government can also keep the stereotypical perceptions about anarchism intact, bolstering the state further.

While the G20 craziness was going on, individuals rejecting the system with direct action, gathered at the annual Porcupine Freedom Fest in New Hampshire, sponsored by the Free State Project. Events like this, should take place during these globalist meetings worldwide, in order to demonstrate our freedom, and viewpoint that the state isn’t our ruler. Imagine if more people organized peaceful festivals that coincided on those days and refused to work, buy, or watch TV for example.

Seems to me that planning a major freedom festival or event during these globalist meetings on the far side of town, away from the police, would be more productive. All the cops will be tied up protecting the crime syndicate, leaving us free to express ourselves and congregate. Meeting like minded people, minus the pepper spray, rubber bullets, and possible arrest, would be a far more beneficial experience.

Agora! Anarchy! Action!



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Class struggle > agorism

30.06.2010 22:40

'Wearing Nike' is hardly damning evidence of being a cop. I know plenty of anarchists that wear Nike, some bought it and others skipped it. There are no 'nice' companies.

And how would no-one turning up to protest be "a much more powerful statement of dissent with no media spin"? You don't think that, firstly, they would say 'look, the money we spent was justified - no violence!", and then follow that up by arguing that the lack of any demo shows how people support them?

It doesn't matter if there is a massive, violent demo or a tiny peaceful one, the state would have pissed that money away on something, and it would have tried to use whatever happened to its advantage PR-wise.


get skilled up for the future

30.06.2010 23:30

The most effective way you can demonstrate your dissent is by being skilled . Wearing Nike it is just the badge of being part of the market, a consumer. There is nothing wrong in being black block ....sometimes , or sometimes being pink.There is something wrong in bring dependebt on the thing you oppose .


another load of rubbish

01.07.2010 00:19

another load of hippy liberal rubbish- straight to the bin. Previous articles crying about black bloc being police provocators were already deleted, hope this one will follow- unless you got substantial evidence, better than spotting somebody wearing nike, then please fuck off back to hole you crawled for- you are either a pig or you do their job for them you moron.


drivel,drivel full of holes

01.07.2010 01:34

oh christ, where to start?????
police agents don't just infiltrate the anarchists and pretend to be black bloc, they infiltrate all levels of dissent, even liberal peaceniks, who seem to think they are above this level of interest from the state. Agent provocateurs don't just focus on violent dissent, they focus on all dissent in order to PROVOKE. (the clue is in the name)

There seems to be a common thread within north america at the moment that just because police have infiltrated the black bloc tactic that therefore all anarchists are cops. This is ridiculous and simply plays into the hands of the police and what they are trying to achieve. The reason why the police are usually caught out doing this is just because the black bloc IS NOT A GROUP IT IS A TACTIC, so when the police try and infiltrate it and belong to it as if it existed as a group they stand out a mile. They also infiltrate the unions, the student groups, the liberal pacifist groups etc, but they get away with this because they can infiltrate the group properly and become part of its usually heirarchical structure- an organisational paradigm that they understand. With the black bloc there is no group, there is no structure and so they are identifiable by their presence and their actions almost immediately. But, I reiterate, to suppose that the police only infiltrate the anarchists is disingenuous.

If you really believe that all anarchists are 'misdirected black-bloc anarchists' then try telling this to the anarchists of Greece, those from Exarchia and every other place in Greece. I'm sure they will gladly shove a flaming molotov up your privileged liberal bourgeoise ass whilst you practice your right to be civilly disobedient in the face of growing authoritarian power. Oh, but I forgot, you're from the States- you live in a DEMOCRACY don't you? You naive blinkered sheep.

Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet is a moron. Although he is right that this is a deliberate agent provocateur 'strategy of tension' policy by the police in this case (or a mini false flag event as you alex jones wonks prefer) this does NOT mean as he implies here and as Alex Jones implies in rise of police state 4 that all anarchists who use black bloc tactic are police, one of many sweeping generalisations that alex et al are prone to making.

Next let's look at the dire stupidity of this phrase- 'Why would a hardcore anarchists so dedicated to his cause that he is willing to torch a police car be wearing clothing made by a company that anarchists universally abhor, and one that has routinely been targeted by anarchists for well over a decade?'

Errrrr, because many anarchists don't buy clothes no matter who makes them, we tat them, steal them, get them second hand- a lot of us don't give a fuck what we wear as long as we don't have to pay for it (and its black). Plus in this case, when you wear clothes to a demo where you may break the law you wear clothes that you can discard/burn in order to destroy identifying evidence. Common sense is it not, oh sorry I forgot you've never broken the law have you (maybe speeded in your SUV once). Anyway in this case those two WERE cops but that doesn't mean that I or any other anarchist wouldn't wear nike trousers as temporary work clothes if we hadn't bought them and they were available.

quote- 'Imagine if more people organized peaceful festivals that coincided on those days and refused to work, buy, or watch TV for example.
Seems to me that planning a major freedom festival or event during these globalist meetings on the far side of town, away from the police, would be more productive.'

are you crazy? Do you really think that if you get together and watch tv on the other side of town the corporate and political elite will just roll over and relinquish their power. How is this 'rejecting the system with direct action'? Do you understand the nature of political power and heirarchy? They won't give up their power we have to wrest it from them and negate it to create a society free from authority and political heirarchy.

The only real lesson that we need to learn is that we should attack the institutions of domination that enslave us every day, in every way and on our terms NOT theirs. That is- not just every time there is an official demo or summit and they spend 1 billion dollars waiting for us to show up and get nicked. We should decide the terms and field of engagement not them. But ultimately we will have to use political violence in the context of social struggle or we run the risk of simply becoming co-opted reformists 'gathering at the Porcupine Freedom Fest, sponsored by the Free State Project(Free State?how is that anarchist?) in order to demonstrate our freedom'.

Sorry to be so cynical but your post is full of contradictions and seems to have no relevance to the real world me and my comrades live in.

peace -A-



01.07.2010 12:43

Black Bloc smash stuff up because they are angry and want to directly confront the state as well as 101 other personal reasons, all completely legitimate. I know loads of people who have used this tactic who aren't a.students b.young c.agent provocateur d.middle class

The desire to fight back against a system of oppression is healthy.

Personally I feel uncomfortable that this tactic seems to represent the anarchist 'movement' more than anything else but, fuck, what sort of libertarians would we be if we stopped others confronting authority (no matter how frivolous this action may be).

Obviously the state is going to infiltrate radical groups. Obviously they are going to put spin on things that makes Anarchists look bad and them look good. But pacifying ourselves by relying on lifestyle choices and pressure protests in the hope governments will listen isn't much of an alternative.

The idea wearing Nike makes you part of the system is a load of complete bollocks. Yeah Nike sucks but wearing it doesn't mean you are part of the problem. This is an extension of the boring lifestyle politics of the liberal left. For sure boycotte stuff, drop out, grow your own vegetables but the system will still be there. Doing these things should be a personal choice not political action. It's great that people think about how there actions effect others but your own morals aren't for everyone.

These arguements are as old as the hills and if anything show a lack is some peoples understanding of anarchist/anti-authoritarian thought. This is probably due to some anarchists coming from a liberal background. Drop the liberal 'I know better than you how to change the world' bullshit. Freedom for all.


Discredited nonsense

01.07.2010 13:10

When will people stop posting this crap on indymedia?

It's nonsense to suggest that a black block participant wearing nike is not an real anarchist or whatever simply on the basis of the choice of clothing. Black blockers choose to wear clothes they can not easily be identified by and that may mean having to discard those clothes after an incident. Black blockers don't have an endless supply of black clothes in their wardrobes, the clothes have to come from somewhere and in the states that is likely to be out of thrift shops and textile recycling bins. It would be nonsense and futile to go through those clothes rejecting all those which were products of sweatshop labor or unsustainable manufacturing practises - there would be nothing left to wear.

Additionally, follow those links for photos and videos etc and you end up with the stupid 'identical boot' story, already throughly discredited on London Indymedia

Stop trying to disown the smashing of stuff.
