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Job Seekers Only

Stop the Mad Cycle Workshops | 30.06.2010 08:11 | Education

Michael Njoroge responds to last week's emergency budget

One million jobs possible
One million jobs possible


LONG TERM JOB seekers do not
always have the ‘the experience’ to
deal with recruitment agencies with
a target based portfolio.

Press reports threatening “Benefit cuts for jobless who
shun Work Programme” then warning us that
“the 2.6 million incapacity claimants
(ensuring ill people do not lose benefits) can
work... to cut a £12 billion bill” sounds like a
‘credible’ plan to take borrowing back to a
sustainable path”.

Our concern is that while the
relationship between the
employer and long term jobseeker
communities is dislocating from
direct unnecessary beauricratic and
professional control, a man made
cash flow crisis ensures there is
a lack of inflation sensitive pay and
job security due to unprecedented budgets
cut and rising tax.
But if you have a volunteer based portfolio of
five years and beyond you already encourage a
wholesome economic recovery by providing
equilibrium when you fill credible
gaps in all sectors of
production and provision. And becoming
another paid and pensionable
generation is inevitable."

Michael Njoroge runs Thanks FM print & radio projects

Stop the Mad Cycle Workshops
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- Homepage: http://https://www.underconstruction


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"take borrowing back to a sustainable path"

30.06.2010 08:39

Instead of cutting benefits and public services, the LibTories should demand the money back from the banks, which they supported by lending billions to them...


total codswallop

30.06.2010 13:37

what a pile of nonsense. sounds like you bourgois geting free labour again from the dispossessed -

I knowe plenty of ( underclass ) people who you may think are lazy dole scum who have been exploited by charities and activists this way with no outcome for them except to be hassled by A4E and become homeless.

So get lost - you insult us.

There is no link between being a volunteer ( if you are middle class it is called an internship ) and getting a job.

However, many charities rely on public funding ( benefits ) and exploitaiton of the pooir ( whether as a cause or as a source of free labour ) to keep the administrative classes in fat wages and perks. Housing, race, youth, the environment and community art and media can come under this banner and be exploited by both left and right. More money goes to the middle clases thanm the underclasses in benefits if you include public fuded wages and projects from opera houses to drunken senior civil servants on a permanent lunchdate to the proliferation of non-jobs e,.g diversity co-ordianator for Islington £40K. This stuff just feeds off the poor and blames the poor at the same time - are poor as they are dispossessed. No to market growth - it ain't sustainable in any way shape or form.



30.06.2010 14:04

Is Michael Njoroge speaking in support of welfare to work? He advocates volunteering, as do the various project put in place to deliver welfare to work at the moment. I cant quiet understand what he is saying, or what , with reference to the current jobs market, his area of expertise is. What are, the one million jobs possible referred to in the caption? This issue effects a lot of peoples lives, and there are several private companies vieing for big contracts to spout dodgey motivational nonsense at us, and the jobless are a nice fat meal-ticket for those involved in fake training, and employment advice. So no more emotive bloody drivel please.
