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G20 Toronto Police Rape Threats + Strip Searched

Coulda been anyone | 30.06.2010 00:22

There have been approximately 900 arrests during the G20 in Toronto. The following video documents the very harsh experiences of many women who were detained during the G20.
There have been approximately 900 arrests during the G20 in Toronto. There are countless charges of the police abusing their powers, and even making up new ones. (Aparently they lied about their "special powers" to require that you show identification and provide a reason to go within 5 metres of the fence).

Ironically, the G20 agreed to new austerity mesures in the wake of the Canadian Tory government, lead by Stephen Harper, spent about $1 billion Canadian dollars on security.

And what ever happened to Ian Thomlinson... ?

The linked video documents the experiences many woman who were detained during the G20. They were subjected to repeated threats of rape by the police and significant harassment.

Coulda been anyone
- Original article on IMC Bristol: