Oppose The EDL in Liverpool this Wednesday Lunchtime
Liverpool Anarchist | 28.06.2010 16:03 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | Liverpool
The neo-Nazi EDL will hijacking the armed forces day at lunchtime in Liverpool on Wednesday the 30th of June 2010. In all previous army hijackings, the fascists have boasted how they have faced no opposition when latching onto army events. This time, the EDL must be made to realise that Liverpool has a proud working class anti-fascist tradition.
Over a hundred EDl neo-nazis are planning to hijack the "D Squadron 1st Royal Tank Regiment Parade" on Wednesday, 30 June 2010 13:00, a parade celebrating the return of troops to Liverpool, and as they did in Leeds, Halifax and elsewhere throughout the United Kingdom, the despicable ragtag bunch of race-riot causing fascist scumbags are planning to join in the army event in Liverpool this Wednesday.
In other towns and cities, the cops and the military commanders have allowed the evil fascist scum to march through the streets with a police escort, something that would be detrimental to the anti-fascist tradition of Liverpool.
Advertising the event on the official EDL Facebook account, the Islamophobic anti-trade union extreme rightwing hate mob (at the beck and call of the Islamophobic newspaper industry including Rupert Murdoch), will be meeting up in Liverpool city centre this week.
The BNP Tierney clan will be joining in the festivities, using their event to normalise their message of race hate.
Antifascists and anarchists throughout Merseyside, please turn up to show your contempt for both organised fascism and the tabloid hysteria which the EDL and the BNP feed off.
As well as hating all Muslims (while claiming only to hate Militant islamists), the EDL have recently started diatribes against leftwingers and liberals (calling everybody who opposes them, McCarthy-like "Communists"), and have attacked trade unions, calling the BA strikers "scum".
The EDL are in-league with the state and the rightwing media, and they are, like the BNP, the enemies of Liverpool.
If the EDL or the BNP ever got to power, expect a fascist totalitarian society 100% times worse than under Mrs Thatcher (which is ironic when they sound off about the human rights abuses of the taliban all the time).
Remember the dockers.
Oppose the dirty tricks of the EDL.
In other towns and cities, the cops and the military commanders have allowed the evil fascist scum to march through the streets with a police escort, something that would be detrimental to the anti-fascist tradition of Liverpool.
Advertising the event on the official EDL Facebook account, the Islamophobic anti-trade union extreme rightwing hate mob (at the beck and call of the Islamophobic newspaper industry including Rupert Murdoch), will be meeting up in Liverpool city centre this week.
The BNP Tierney clan will be joining in the festivities, using their event to normalise their message of race hate.
Antifascists and anarchists throughout Merseyside, please turn up to show your contempt for both organised fascism and the tabloid hysteria which the EDL and the BNP feed off.
As well as hating all Muslims (while claiming only to hate Militant islamists), the EDL have recently started diatribes against leftwingers and liberals (calling everybody who opposes them, McCarthy-like "Communists"), and have attacked trade unions, calling the BA strikers "scum".
The EDL are in-league with the state and the rightwing media, and they are, like the BNP, the enemies of Liverpool.
If the EDL or the BNP ever got to power, expect a fascist totalitarian society 100% times worse than under Mrs Thatcher (which is ironic when they sound off about the human rights abuses of the taliban all the time).
Remember the dockers.
Oppose the dirty tricks of the EDL.
Liverpool Anarchist
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pot calling kettle - pot calling kettle, please confirm colour
28.06.2010 16:56
is far more stupid than
(calling everybody who opposes them, McCarthy-like "Fascists").
isn't it?
This wrong
28.06.2010 17:18
Oh My God...
28.06.2010 18:01
(It's honestly like once or twice a month - when your medication has worn off - you get on Indymedia and try and spread and much shit as you possibly can).
Everything that you suggest is hysterical, and counter-productive. It is always based on Facebook or some vague news on the internet as well.....
This would be the most stupid and mindless thing, that anyone could ever do.
No one else is calling for this, there has been no 'call outs', who do you think you are telling everyone to go and protest against this event, which would be MASSIVELY counter-productive...
You are doing more damage on here than the EDL:
Will you please go away, this time for good!!
Return To Stormfront, Mister Troll!!!
28.06.2010 19:04
Talking of returning home, Brainless "Fascist Love-In Troll" HJ should return to Stormfront, where live chat topics such as advanced eugenics, and Hitler's fetish wardrobe, are on offer as your very own version of "medication".
Good to see the white supremacist lobby is trolling Indymedia more than the Lord Of The Fucking Rings.
No true leftwinger/anarchist or left-leaning liberal would openly defend the motherfucking EDL if they weren't supporters.
What next? Defending the rights of animal abusers or peados just to be balanced or fair?
Please "pretend-anarchists", fuck off back to your white supremacist Valhalla and leave anti-racists in peace.
Big Joan
Stand Up Against The Nazis.
28.06.2010 19:10
I am a proud Liverpool bloke and I don't want to see the EDL taking liberties with free speech and march with the troops.
The troops are not the bad guys. They are doing a job for the MOD.
It's the racist fascist thugs who latch onto the parades and pretend on theie Facebook site that they have the public's support.
Well, fuck me Trolls, but the EDL do not speak for me.
They are neo-nazi scum.
D Blenkinsopp
Wigan Mike
28.06.2010 19:16
How many innocent Muslims have been targeted by the MOD for accidentally clicking on the wrong website?
Or are Muslim people more guilty than far right suspects?
It is a definate question of skin colour.
Leigh Loo
Oh Dear...
28.06.2010 19:35
Everything that you say is so utterly, utterly wrong.
You really need to speak to other people, before you post stuff like this.
You keep mentioning 'anarchists' - Who are you speaking on behalf of?! (antifa, afed, what!?)
Will you be there on Wednesday, or will you just be sat behind your keyboard frothing at the mouth all night as usual!?
Where will this 'army' come from to sweep the 'Neo Nazis' (who aren't really Neo-Nazis) off the streets!? Every time you come on here with your brain dribble, you make me want to stick pins in my eyes.
I don't know what you are.....
I just don't know what you are.
28.06.2010 19:44
What is it with the pseudonyms, everyone knows who (or what!) you are from your ranting and raving....
Go to bed please, and wake up next month.
Fuck the troops too.
28.06.2010 21:41
Fuck the EDL. Fuck the British Army.
Troll Alert
28.06.2010 21:50
The EDL leadership ARE neo-Nazis as they belong to the BNP.
Of course EDL sympathisers will never in a hundred years accept their beloved white supremacists are not anything but "whiter than white".
The EDL hate all Muslims, they oppose trade unionism, and recently called anarchism "un-British".
Do they have any redeeming features?
Tommy Robinson has been exposed as a loser from Bedford who beat a policeman to a pulp, took cocaine, and belongs to the BNP.
Does this make him a latent anarchist???????
Marching around shouting insults about "Allah" and calling Asian people "P*kis" are hardly redeeming features, dearie... lol
Cream Cracka
Goosestepping Liverpool EDL.
28.06.2010 22:07
I will be there, telling the EDL to get the fuck out of Liverpool because unlike you, I have no truck with racism, and I do not discriminate with my fellow human beings just because of their religion.
I have several friends who happen to be Muslim. You have no friends.....
You will be there, EDL Sympathiser, goostepping with the "proud defenders of English culture" with all the prowess of an England Footballer having lost 4-1 to Germany.
English nationalism ought to be consigned to the dustbin of history.
EDL Cocks Storm Galloway Meeting
28.06.2010 22:34
Take a look at this video: -
28.06.2010 22:57
''Braindead Neonazi Troll''? - if only you knew who you were talking to you massive crackhead!
Indymedia is such a good resource, but this bellend alone is proof enough to me that something needs to change....
This is one person claiming to be the voice of anarchism - I despair I really do....
Good Bye 'really politically active anarchist''!
Keep fighting the good fight for us all won't you now!
hm forces website
29.06.2010 01:05
You're just going to ruin the parade
29.06.2010 12:36
29.06.2010 13:09
Although I cannot stand the EDL - seeing it for the populist 'culturally' (ie masked as religion) racist movement that it is - I am afraid you will get no sense from the original poster (if that was your original intention which I doubt). This person will call you a fascist regardless of what you say, because they have some kind of serious mental problem. It can't be helped, and hopefully their doctor has sedated them, at least until the end of the month when it will be back with more wild accusations of 'neo nazism' from whatever meaningless website it has gained its information (Facebook, in all probability).
Please don't take this shadowy character as in anyway representative of the Left in general. This person obviously doesn't get out much, and has decided to smear every person who reads this website as a fascist unless they take up their puerile stance on all this - usually with multiple postings and countless pseudonyms to give their mommy and daddy the impression that they are very, very important.
Anyway, go support the troops, I couldn't care less. But please don't expect me to join in all the jingoism as well. It's terrible that 300 + have died (and so many in the last month as well!) but I don't think that turning up to back the war unreservedly is going to help any of this. If anyone from 'the Left' (a vague association of groups many of whom are utterly bonkers!) is stupid enough to turn up to shout at the EDL when the troops are marching through the city please give them a massive smack in the face from me. They represent no one other then their own deluded egos, in fact it might give them the baptism of fire that they deserve.
A sensible (non hysterical) Individual.
The EDL Leadership Aren't Just Racists, They're Neo-Nazis
29.06.2010 20:26
He has been exposed as British National Party (BNP) member Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, from Bedford. He joined the BNP in 2004.
The reason for hiding his identity has been to keep his links to fascism quiet.
There is tension within the EDL about the role BNP members play.
Their presence scares off softer racist elements and breaks the image that the EDL is not racist.
Yaxley-Lennon’s identity was revealed by fellow EDL members on YouTube. They say they are angry with the direction the group is taking and the involvement of Nazis and hard core racists.
The EDL wants to spark a summer of race riots across Britain.
They planned to start with Tower Hamlets in east London – but were scared off by the magnificent response of anti-fascists.
They are now targeting multicultural Bradford and plan to return to Dudley.
The EDL has also attempted to attack a number of left wing events, including a demonstration against the Israeli assault on the Gaza aid flotilla and a meeting with George Galloway in Manchester last weekend.
Anti-fascists must unite to oppose them.
Quid Pro Quo
29.06.2010 20:41
Read this broadside against the EDL's fake love for Israel from Haaretz.......
"The EDL had previously brandished Israeli flags at demonstrations to taunt its Muslim opponents"
Also read the many Stormfront threads which refer to the so-called "Jew flag", reassuring each other that this, and the phoney Jewish division of the EDL are simoly window dressings to cover up the discovery of alias "Tommy Robinson"'s read identity.
In the same way, Ulster Unionists fly the Israeli flag simply to wind up pro-Palastinian Sinn Fein.
Driving down the Shankhill Road, you will see numerous Israeli flags just used to wind people up.
How many Jews are Ulster Unionists?
Derry Man
u have2bin HMforce2 comment on list mentioned above,but ucan report it&British@r
01.07.2010 13:34
Comment below is what I wanted to ut on the HM forces link& may put up on B@rs, which is unnofficial, popular& has been there longer etc:).
Nazis give it ago, but they are sussed out pretty fast, GB forces generally dont support nazis & most battalions & regiments will not commit war crimes, except for the odd hardcore para or sas unit it seems & even they dont want to know, plus RAF hardly ever commit attrocities,
WW2 was our finest hour, many anarchists & direct democratics from austria,poland & spain etc wore the GB uniform proudly, this pride continues. The best soldiers are not always in the SAS,
it really is about football,sex & fairplay.
Theres alot of ex army anarchists from all units. I would have joined if not for my glasses prescription & now a aspergers-autism diagnosis rules me out apparently,
especially as my family were mostly UK forces or Ukr@ini@n& polish.
Obviously there should b no more war& most soldiers would prefer2 be fighting global warming etc
""EDL are controlled by a bunch of nazis & a stain on Magna Carta,the Battle of Britain, Normandy!
In Afghanistan& Iraq people with their philosphy are the ones who bring it on top for other platoons or divisions by targetting indiscriminately & or delibaretely against any raghead-muslim,women or child.
Hitler had token afew arabic & african people in his armies, does that mean he was ok then??
BA lets keep it real, British armed forces have a proud history to maintain, winning does not mean killing more of the enemy, Britain wons because we are accurate, we dont just exterminate the "enemy"like nazis we take out the agressors & fascists wherever they are:),
Viva England,viva britain,viva fairplay!!
Green Syndicalist
e-mail: jjdm12@hushmail.com
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