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BBC thinks this is acceptable

Malc | 28.06.2010 09:18 | Anti-racism

Comments on Concentration camps

The BBC think that this comment on the have your say is completely acceptable
making a joke out of those who suffered in concentration camps is now fine with the BBC ?

487. At 07:43am on 28 Jun 2010, Dave wrote:

pgmetcalf wrote:
"Didn't the Nazis attempt to move Jews, Gypseys and other people they didn't want into ghettos?"

Yes, and then into concentration camps to be exterminated. Hmmmm im waiting for labour supporters to claim is this going to be the next concervative/Lib Dem policy?
On a brighter note it would cut down unemployment.



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28.06.2010 12:22

... cause it's not like every other article on Indymedia falls prey to Godwin's Law. Oh. Hang on.


this is just sarcasm or satire

28.06.2010 18:05

I despise fascism as much as anyone, but I really think there are better targets for your anger than this.

It's clearly someone thinking the original commenter is OTT for comparing the Tory/LibDem government to the Nazis, and is sarcastically mocking them. Hardly "joking about concentration camps".

Gah, have I just been trolled again by some right-winger or anti-semite trying to promote the stereotype of the "neurotic Jew"?


The hypocrits at the BBC

28.06.2010 22:22

... are often only in your head.

It's not like you need to give this innocent issue a wholly negative turn. Generally, the BBC are intolerant of this kind of thing, so I'm relaxed about trusting their judgment on this. Actually, it would reduce the population, but Indymedia probably won't let me get away with saying that, even if it is obvious.


BBC message boards are retrospectively moderated

29.06.2010 06:39

and the comment you complained about has been removed. Going to say something nice about them now?

Passer By


29.06.2010 13:52

Just for the record, that second "Norvello" wasn't me. Maybe I have a stalker now. Weird.


BBC censoring people!

29.06.2010 20:57

"BBC message boards are retrospectively moderated
and the comment you complained about has been removed. Going to say something nice about them now?"

those bastard BBC people censoring comments!
