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Italy calling to the faraway towns!

[Bristol] Italy Calling | 26.06.2010 17:22

Now war is declared - and battle come down
Italy calling to the underworld!
Italy Calling is my new blog about interesting and inspiring stuff that’s going on in Italy, some less inspiring and more depressing stuff that nevertheless needs to be told, and some bits of information about the history and culture of my beautiful and messed up motherland.

The blog is still a baby but it has some articles you can check out to have a taste of what's to come...
the baby will gradually grow up into a beautiful, angry, passionate child that will include sections on:

- updates on contemporary Resistances
- a history of the Italian Resistance 1943-1945 and other tumultuos histories of Resistance,
from the uprisings of the 60s and 70s to the Years of the Panther (90s onwards)
- reviews of real Italian movies about real Italian people (down with American smelly bullshit!)
- a journey into Italian music (translations of songs and insight into alternative Italian music)
- and who knows what else...!

Keep posted!

Con amore, rabbia e passione

Italy Calling Blogger

[Bristol] Italy Calling
- Original article on IMC Bristol: