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Israel on Trial

Palestine Action Group | 23.06.2010 18:47 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | World

Try the war criminals, not the resistance!
Put Israel on Trial for War Crimes!
Defend the Gaza Demonstrators!
Free Palestinian Political Prisoners!
Demand International Inquiry into the Gaza Flotilla Massacre!

Try the war criminals, not the resistance!
Put Israel on Trial for War Crimes!

Defend the Gaza Demonstrators!

Free Palestinian Political Prisoners!

Demand International Inquiry into the Gaza Flotilla Massacre!

Join the jury at our TRIAL BY THE PEOPLE to hold Israel and its imperialist backers to account!

While thousands of Palestinian political prisoners are held in Israeli jails .. While Gaza is held under a siege which has turned it into the biggest open air prison in the world .. While international aid activists are shot, arrested and deported by Israel as they try to enter Gaza .. While dozens of Muslim internationalists who joined the London protests for Gaza in 2009 are sentenced to punitive sentences .. The war criminals in Israel, and their accomplices in the British and US ruling classes go free!

On 3rd July 2010 this people’s court will be calling for action against Israel’s many crimes, which include:

· The establishment of a fundamentally racist, colonial settler state in Palestine ..

· The construction of illegal settlements throughout the West Bank, with a settler population reaching 479,500 by the end of 2008 and rapid new construction currently taking place in East Jerusalem..

· The routine use of collective punishment, imprisonment without trial, torture and assassinations.

· The destruction of Palestinians’ economy and livelihoods, with large areas of agricultural land destroyed, thousands of Palestinians’ homes demolished and checkpoints, settlement roads and an apartheid wall which make normal life impossible, cutting people off from their fields, jobs, schools and hospitals.

· A three year siege of Gaza which has caused massive suffering, preventing fuel, building materials and other essentials from entering Gaza, contributing to many unnecessary deaths.

· The massacre of more than 1,400 residents of Gaza in January 2009 as part of Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’, also leaving 90,000 people homeless and Gaza’s only power station badly damaged.

· The murder by Israeli commandoes on 31 May 2010 of at least nine international activists on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

Boycott Israel! Sanctions Now!

Palestine Action Group
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No boycott from me.

24.06.2010 07:48

Israel isn't perfect but compared to the rest of the middle east it is a paragon of virtue and democracy. It is surrounded by totalitarian, backward countries which have terrible records on human rights - but strangely this fact never seems to bother the western 'liberals' who are so quick to point out the shortcomings of Israel, the USA or even the UK.

I will step up my consumption of Israeli goods.


How much do you get paid to make these posts, Pete?

24.06.2010 09:28

Are you one of Israel's army of paid propagandising bloggers that was in the news a while back?

Or you just prostitute yourself for wealthy and powerful entities because you like it?


Insulting, bordering on the antisemitic

24.06.2010 11:33

" How much do you get paid to make these posts, Pete?
Are you one of Israel's army of paid propagandising bloggers that was in the news a while back?
Or you just prostitute yourself for wealthy and powerful entities because you like it?"


The implication, of course, being that "Zionists" are so mercenary that they would not bother to speak up for their own interests unless spaid to do so!

This is a tribal conflict over land, nothing to do with capitalism vs socialism, and there are partisans of boths sides posting to indymedia.

It's actually important to understand the existence of "partisans" or you cannot understand the reason for the policies of the US with regard to Israel. That's not "Israel controlling the US" but (American) partisans of Israel controlling the US by cooperating with or opposing OTHER interests in the US according to whether or not these are willing to go along with support for Israel. What goes by the term "log rolling" over here.

Anonymous, you need to have SOME reason to think so before you use language suggesting that Pete isn't simply an honest partisan on the Israel side. The fact that you don't think you do is the reason for the title. Think about it.


Pro Israel comments are probably paid for by the Israeli government

25.06.2010 08:09

"The passionate support for Israel expressed on talkback sections of websites, internet chat forums, blogs, Twitters and Facebook may not be all that it seems.

Israel’s foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel.

The existence of an “internet warfare team” came to light when it was included in this year’s foreign ministry budget. About $150,000 has been set aside for the first stage of development, with increased funding expected next year"



25.06.2010 11:49

Hi MDN, yeah it's all abit confusing. Here's some things I found out:

1. Vast majority of jews are not semitic
2. Being jewish is a belief system, just like xians and muslims - they are not races
3. The zionist propaganda machine is prolific - hasbara(h) and CAMERA

Israel is all wrong - fact
Jews are being used by zionism - fact
The middle-east has been fucked up by the europeans for centuries - fact

Goodluck with your further investigations x
