Anti-Foie Gras Demo Worcester June 30th
Gander | 23.06.2010 13:00 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham
Anti-Foie Gras demo - Wednesday 30th June at Orchard cafe, Wild wood drive, Spetchley park, Worcester at 5.00pm. Map
The 'Visit Worcestershire' website are holding an awards ceremony for the 'hottest independent hotel' in the area. Voting has finished now but one of the contenders is the infamous Brockencote Hall hotel nr Worcester who have been selling foie gras for years and who have had dozens of demos against them to date, to no avail.
Please either attend the above demo or complain to 'visit worcestershire' and The Orchard Cafe politely letting them know that Brockencote profit from the suffering of animals by selling foie gras and that they should have no place in a competition to find the 'hottest independent hotel' in the local area.
Email: Email:
Foie Gras on the menu at
More info on Foie Gras Cruelty
Please either attend the above demo or complain to 'visit worcestershire' and The Orchard Cafe politely letting them know that Brockencote profit from the suffering of animals by selling foie gras and that they should have no place in a competition to find the 'hottest independent hotel' in the local area.
Email: Email:
Foie Gras on the menu at
More info on Foie Gras Cruelty
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Good news
23.06.2010 13:42
IMC readers may not know it (they probably will not like it) but the Countryside Alliance are making reference to every foi gras restaurant that is mentioned on IMC and then encourages its members to visit. The result is that a demo about foi gras that is reported on IMc often leads to an upsurge in visitors for the restaurant.
Keep up the good work
The Orchard cafe
23.06.2010 18:48
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