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Italian Mafia in London the case of Niki Gatti

Whats old Bill doing about it ? | 21.06.2010 22:03 | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Just short of four years to the day since the death of Niki Gatti in Solicciano max security prison (Florence) Elio Lannutti an Italian Senator is asking questions. We are talking telcommunications scam, involving Italy, San Marino, Switzerland with the monies being laundered in the most civilised and polite manner by upper crust british gentlemen from such well to do places as Lincolns Inn and various temples.

The fourth anniversary of the death of Niki Gatti is coming up on the 24th of June.
He supposedly hanged himselve in Solliciano maximum security prison in Florence.
He had been arrested for involvement in a telecommunications fraud, there are many strange aspects in the circumstances leading up to his death. He was the only one amongst 17 arrested in operation by the Florence police deptpart called "premium" who said he was willing to talk to the police / magistrates
and while all the others were given bail and put under house arrest he was transported to Florences maximum security prison at Solliciano presumably for his own protection.

He is supposed to have shredded his jeans and his shoe laces to hang himselve, which must have been quite a feat for a man of 92kg. Shoe laces are not allowed in any prison or even local nick, they are certainly not allowed in a maximum security prison, even in Italy.

The case involved amongst other things a "plug in fruad" which basically gets peoples phones to call very expensive numbers, the crooks hook up an automatic system using different phone and internet networks some of which they control, make a lot of cash.

The operation was run from central Italy and ran through San Marino through Switzerland to London where the monies from this and other illegal scams is laundered in an an extremely polite and civilised manner by the chaps in the city. We are talking Lincolns Inn and various temples.

It has since been linked to the MASSIVE Telecom scandal known as fastweb, which used the same locations and well bred money launderers in London.

The case was originally reported on Indymedia some time ago, there are details of

The british corporate media have steered well clear of the story, even though the names of the fake companies, set up in London as part of the laundry service, were all mentioned in the Italian press and are all over the Internet (in Italian). The british police seem to turn a blind eye to money laundering certainly on this case.

Another sinister angle is that the date of 24th of June is Saint John the Baptists day.
Johnny B. is Patron of the city of Florence, he is also the Patron of Freemasonry.
Florence is the most Masonic city in Italy, the first masonic lodge in Italy was founded there in 1738, by drunken british gentlemen. Not to mention Dante, Marsiglio Ficino and his Neo Platonic Academy, the monster of Florence and a whole load of other shit.

The only real doubt is whether Niki Gatti was murdered by a) The Mafia b) Feremasons or
c) Both

Be good to see some other people investigting this, there is certainly something big behind it and it involves international crime at the highest levels. There is a ton of stuff in Italian that would make very interesting reading in English, any translators out there ???

Here's the interogation (in Italian)


Legislatura 16 Atto di Sindacato Ispettivo n° 4-03187

Atto n. 4-03187

Pubblicato il 19 maggio 2010
Seduta n. 383

LANNUTTI - Al Ministro della giustizia. -

Premesso che, per quanto risulta all'interrogante:

si apprende da notizie di stampa che il giudice per le indagini preliminari del Tribunale di Firenze ha deciso di archiviare l'indagine sulla morte di Niki Aprile Gatti avvenuta in carcere mentre era detenuto in seguito all'inchiesta per truffa telefonica e frode informatica denominataPremium;

Gatti viveva a San Marino dove lavorava come informatico per il gruppo di aziende oggetto dell'inchiesta del magistrato fiorentino Paolo Canessa che vede incriminate la Oscorp SpA, Orange, OT&T e TMS, tutte residenti a San Marino, la Fly Net di Piero Mancini, Presidente dell'Arezzo Calcio, più altre società con sede a Londra;

il 19 giugno 2008 Gatti riceve la telefonata della madre del titolare/socio dell'azienda per cui lavora: lo informa che il figlio è stato arrestato e lo invita a recarsi dall'avvocato aziendale, Franco Marcolini, per avere spiegazioni. Gatti non ha ragioni per temere nulla e si reca dal legale dell'azienda. All'uscita, alle ore 14:30, viene tratto in arresto con l'accusa di frode informatica;

Gatti non viene trasferito al carcere di Rimini così come avviene per gli altri 17 arrestati, ma, solo fra tutti, presso quello di massima sicurezza di Sollicciano (Firenze). A differenza degli altri imputati non si avvale della facoltà di non rispondere, ma cerca di aiutare i magistrati nella ricerca di possibili informazioni;

al termine dell'interrogatorio di garanzia Gatti è l'unico tra gli indagati ad aver collaborato ed è anche l'unico al quale viene confermata la custodia cautelare in carcere mentre per i "silenziosi" scatta il privilegio degli arresti domiciliari;

poche ore più tardi, nella mattinata di martedì 24 giugno 2008, Niki Aprile Gatti viene trovato impiccato ad una corda ricavata da strisce di jeans e lacci di scarpe nel bagno della cella 10 della IV sezione;

le autorità inquirenti sin dai primi istanti hanno affermato che si trattasse di suicidio e questo è ciò che ha certificato il giudice per le indagini preliminari di Firenze, lasciando irrisolti decine di dubbi e questioni fondanti;

considerato che:

resta senza motivazioni la scelta di condurre un incensurato, Niki Gatti, di 26 anni, accusato di un reato lieve (frode informatica), solo tra tutti gli altri arrestati, in un carcere di massima sicurezza, né appare comprensibile la mancata concessione allo stesso degli arresti domiciliari, riconosciuti invece in casi analoghi. Ad esempio, beneficia, da oggi, di tale misura, sebbene a seguito di un periodo di 80 di permanenza in carcere, Silvio Scaglia, l'ex amministratore delegato di Fastweb, il quale era rientrato spontaneamente dall'estero e si era presentato ai giudici, come Gatti;

Scaglia era stato arrestato perché ritenuto coinvolto nell'inchiesta su un presunto maxi riciclaggio di due miliardi di euro. L'accusa che grava sulla sua testa è quella di associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla frode fiscale;

non si hanno chiare spiegazioni sul perché alla madre di Niki Gatti fu riferito della sua detenzione presso il carcere di Rimini nel quale, invece, non vi mise in realtà mai piede;

rimane poco chiara la questione della presunta telefonata di rito che Gatti avrebbe fatto a sua madre dal carcere ma che in realtà non venne mai ricevuta;

non si comprende sulla base di quali informazioni le agenzie di stampa uscite immediatamente dopo gli arresti definivano Aprile Gatti titolare della Oscorp (come a volerne accentuare la presunta colpevolezza), quando in realtà questi deteneva appena il 9 per cento del pacchetto azionario;

la Procura di Firenze non spiega come sia stato possibile che alle ore 20:58 del 20 giugno 2008 venisse recapitato a Gatti (che allora si trovava in carcere) un telegramma proveniente dalla sua stessa abitazione (che per logica avrebbe dovuto essere sotto sequestro) che gli ordinava di nominare un nuovo avvocato;

30 giorni dopo l'arresto, l'appartamento di Gatti a San Marino viene completamente svaligiato. La Procura di San Marino dopo diversi mesi archivia la denuncia di furto attribuendo ogni responsabilità dell'espoliazione all'ex ragazza dell'imputato. Eppure non si hanno tracce del personal computer di Niki Gatti, così come non emergono ragioni valide a dimostrare come ciò sia potuto avvenire nella casa di un ragazzo indagato per truffa e successivamente ritrovato morto;

il verbale del carcere attesta un sereno dialogo tra Niki Gatti ed un agente (non meglio identificato) alle ore 10 del 24 giugno, stessa ora e data in cui la perizia data la morte di Gatti;

continua a destare sospetti di non poco conto il fatto che la morte sia avvenuta durante o subito dopo l'ora d'aria in cui c'è piena libertà di movimento nel carcere. Così come desta dubbi la misteriosa sparizione della prima richiesta di opposizione all'archiviazione presentata da Ornella Gemini, madre di Niki Aprile Gatti. Le testimonianze dei suoi due compagni di cella, fondamentali nel confermare il suicidio, non collimano;

non trova risposta il dubbio sul fatto che lacci di scarpe e strisce di tessuto jeans possano sorreggere il peso di un uomo di 92 chilogrammi, così come non la trova la questione sulla legittima presenza di lacci di scarpe in un carcere di massima sicurezza o la capacità per un detenuto di creare a mano strisce di tessuto jeans;

considerato inoltre che:

la vicenda Telecom Sparkle-Fastweb è stata il più grande scandalo economico e politico degli ultimi tempi configurandosi da subito come una truffa dal respiro internazionale costruita attorno alle regole degli inganni e degli insabbiamenti di un tempo, viva espressione di questa imperitura liaison dangereuse che unisce in una sorta di gioco perverso mafia, politica, compagnie telefoniche internazionali (Telecom e Fastweb), neofascisti legati all'alta finanza e alla criminalità organizzata, ufficiali delle Forze dell'ordine e alcuni commercialisti di fiducia;

la questione ruota attorno ad una serie di innumerevoli e giganteschi flussi di denaro che appaiono e scompaiono tra San Marino e Londra, Hong Kong e isole Cayman, per poi affluire come un torrente in piena in conti ben coperti nelle filiali degli istituti di credito italiani;

è proprio l'asse San Marino-Londra a spuntare in occasione di altre truffe telefoniche italo-europee: Phuncards-Broker, Eutelia e l'inchiesta "Premium";

"Premium" è una vicenda ancora oscura legata alle compagnie telefoniche come il centro di spionaggio di Telecom Italia, il suicidio di Adamo Bove, lo scandalo Telecom Sparkle-Fastweb;

nel 2006 Adamo Bove, 42 anni, ex poliziotto e responsabile della security governance di Telecom Italia parcheggiava l'auto a lato della strada e si gettava dal cavalcavia di via Cilea, nel quartiere del Vomero a Napoli morendo sul colpo;

da quanto si è appreso, all'epoca il dirigente era indagato per violazione della privacy per aver "spiato" alcune persone attraverso una rete informatica e, secondo alcune indiscrezioni, il suo nome sarebbe anche emerso nel corso degli accertamenti legati all'inchiesta romana sul "Laziogate";

dal 1995 al 1998 aveva svolto la sua carriera nelle Forze dell'ordine, ricoprendo il ruolo di commissario capo nella Polizia. Dal novembre del 1998 fino a febbraio 2000 aveva lavorato nella direzione generale di Telecom Italia, con incarichi di security management a livello nazionale. Dopo la fusione Tim-Telecom, nell'autunno 2005, era diventato responsabile della security governance, nell'ambito dell'Unità di servizio security, occupandosi principalmente degli aspetti legati alla protezione civile e dell'antifrode;

in seguito alla vicenda gli inquirenti aprirono un fascicolo per istigazione al suicidio, ma nel 2008 l'inchiesta caso del dirigente della security governance di Telecom viene chiusa in quanto secondo il pubblico ministero di Napoli non vi era alcuna evidenza probatoria a sostegno della tesi che Bove fosse stato gettato da altri soggetti dal cavalcavia né che fosse stato istigato al suicidio,

si chiede di sapere:

considerati i numerosi dubbi che, nei quasi due anni dalla scomparsa di Niki Aprile Gatti, non hanno ancora trovato chiare risposte, quali urgenti iniziative il Ministro in indirizzo intenda assumere al fine di fare piena luce sulla morte di un giovane informatico incensurato, arrestato dopo essersi costituito e aver chiesto di testimoniare nell'inchiesta Premium;

se non ritenga necessario, per quanto di sua competenza, adottare le opportune iniziative al fine di verificare la possibilità che vi possa essere un filo conduttore tra la vicenda "Premium", il centro di spionaggio di Telecom Italia, la morte di Niki Aprile Gatti e di Adamo Bove e lo scandalo Telecom Sparkle-Fastweb.

Grazie Onorevole Elio Lannuti!
Speriamo che a questa dell'Italia Dei Valori il Nostro Ministro della Giustizia Risponda .....perchè ancora siamo in attesa della risposta anche alla prima .......
Ricordate??? Quella presentata dall'Onorevole Concia Anna Paola del Partito Democratico, era il 20/04/2009 ......
Speriamo che questa volta le cose vadano Meglio!!

Whats old Bill doing about it ?


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Articles and Links to the Fastweb money laundering Scam

22.06.2010 12:33

'Swisscom executive Rossi embroiled in Fastweb scandal'
Posted on: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 05:51:11 EST

Feb 26, 2010 (DMEUROPE via COMTEX) --

Mario Rossi, member of the Swisscom IT Services advisory board, is involved in the tax evasion scandal at Swisscom's Italian unit Fastweb, writes Netzwoche citing reports in Italian newspaper 'L'Unita' und Il Giornale'. The Italian press reports indicate that Rossi is one of five former Fastweb managers facing legal action by Italian authorities. Rossi was Fastweb's CFO from start-2007 to September 2009.

UPDATE 3-Money-laundering probe ensnares Fastweb, founder
Fastweb, Telecom Italia deny wrongdoing

Stocks | Global Markets

* Telecoms billionaire Scaglia says is innocent

* Fastweb shares hit 15-month low, Telecom down 2.87 pct (Adds Telecom Italia statement, political context)

By Deepa Babington

ROME, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Italian prosecutors are seeking temporary business suspensions for broadband company Fastweb SpA and a Telecom Italia unit in a money-laundering probe in which Fastweb's billionaire founder Silvio Scaglia faces arrest.

Scaglia, one of Italy's richest men, and Nicola Paolo Di Girolamo, a senator from the governing coalition, were among 56 people for whom warrants have been issued, investigators said on Tuesday at a news conference.

Prosecutors allege the money was laundered via fictitious international phone service purchases and sales worth more than 2 billion euros ($2.72 billion) between 2003 and 2006, carried out with the knowledge of top executives at Fastweb and Telecom Italia's Sparkle unit.

In separate statements, the companies denied any wrongdoing and said the investigation revolved around alleged tax evasion.

Fastweb (FWB.MI), Italy's No. 2 Internet service provider, closed down 7.55 percent at 15.05 euros and hit a 15-month low before recovering somewhat. Telecom Italia (TLIT.MI) shares fell 2.87 percent to 1.083 euros.

The inquiry comes as Italy grapples with allegations of high-level corruption ahead of regional elections next month.

Among the cases, the top appeals court will rule on Thursday on whether a British lawyer was rightly convicted for taking a bribe from now-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in 1997. [ID:nLDE61K09O]

A separate corruption scandal involves the head of Italy's civil protection agency, one of the prime minister's top aides, who has denied any wrongdoing.


Telecom Italia, the country's biggest phone company, said a prosecutor has asked a judge to bar its Sparkle unit from all business activity and to appoint a special administrator. A hearing is scheduled for March 2.

Telecom Italia said Sparkle and several people, including some managers from both the unit and the parent company, were included in the probe. [ID:nBIA237f9]

Fastweb, majority owned by Swisscom (SCMN.VX), also said a judge would rule on a request for a "temporary commissioning" at a March 2 hearing.

Chief Executive Stefano Parisi and two managers are being investigated, Fastweb said. [ID:nBIA237d2]

Its former board member Mario Rossetti also faces an arrest warrant.

A statement from Scaglia's lawyer said the entrepreneur was out of the country on business and denied any wrongdoing.

The arrest warrant marks a dramatic reversal of fortunes for Scaglia, who also founded Internet television company Babelgum.

A consultant in the early days of his career, his ascent began when he became the CEO of Omnitel, now Vodafone Group Plc (VOD.L) affiliate Vodafone Italy. He garnered the nickname "Wizard" there from colleagues for increasing the company's mobile subscribers to 8 million from 300,000 in a short period of time.

He founded Fastweb in 1999 and sold his stake to Swisscom in 2007, allowing him to enter the ranks of the richest men in the world. (Writing by Ian Simpson, Editing by Jon Loades-Carter and David Holmes and by Gerald E. McCormick) ($1=.7361 Euro)


Fastweb / Fastscam fascists links

22.06.2010 13:34

'Swisscom executive Rossi embroiled in Fastweb scandal ...
26 Feb 2010 ... Mario Rossi, member of the Swisscom IT Services advisory board, is involved in the tax evasion scandal at Swisscom's Italian unit Fastweb, ... - Cached
UPDATE 3-Money-laundering probe ensnares Fastweb, founder | Reuters
23 Feb 2010 ... Fastweb, Telecom Italia deny wrongdoing * Telecoms billionaire Scaglia says is ... Bribery scandal clouds Berlusconi's election hopes ... - Cached - Similar
Telecom Italia Delays Results Because of Scandal at Sparkle ...
25 Feb 2010 ... Among those sought by the authorities are a founder of Fastweb, the billionaire Silvio .... For Women Caught in Scandal, a Legal Eagle ... - Similar
Fresh scandal embarrasses Telecom Italia - Yahoo! Finance
25 Feb 2010 ... Fresh scandal embarrasses Telecom Italia ... In addition to the €300m seized at Sparkle, Fastweb has said the amount of presumed unpaid ... - Cached
Italian Telcos Hit by Money Laundering Scandal
28 Feb 2010 ... Italian Telcos Hit by Money Laundering Scandal ... Scaglia, the founder of Swisscom owned Italian telco, Fastweb returned to Italy last week ... - Cached
Lawyer: Fastweb founder denies role On
2 Mar 2010 ... Articles and slideshows for (Lawyer: jailed Fastweb founder tells prosecutors he had no role in euro2 billion launderingJailed Fastweb ... - Cached
# / Telecoms - Swisscom expects Fastweb liabilities of €81m
11 Apr 2010 ... Mr Schloter said Fastweb would announce its 2010 first quarter results on April 29, ... European view: Telecom scandal - Mar-10 ...

Swisscom CEO brings Fastweb acquisition into question - Telecompaper
9 Jun 2010 ... Fastweb founder turns himself in to police 26 Feb 2010 - News. Swisscom executive Rossi embroiled in Fastweb scandal 26 Feb 2010 - News ...


Niki Gatti: they may have archived his case, but we haven't

22.06.2010 13:38

Here's an english version of the story :

Back in November 2008, in a blog posting entitled: "Niki is no longer with us", I wrote that: "This testimony, provided by a mother who has just lost a son, is perhaps the most chilling that this Blog has ever published. I listen to her story and I struggle to believe it. A young man with no criminal record is arrested and taken to a maximum security prison where no one is allowed to talk to him or contact him in any way. Three days later, he dies. According to official sources, he committed suicide." Two years have passed now and the inquiry into Niki Gatti’s death has been archived. No guilty party identified. Apparently nothing even remotely strange about a young man with no criminal record being locked up in the maximum security Sollicciano prison. Thrown in a cell with two dangerous criminals. Not allowed any contact whatsoever with his family. Apparently nothing strange about the fact that the only one of 18 suspects involved in the Premium Inquiry that wanted to collaborate with the Prosecutors was murdered. Apparently nothing strange about the fact that his apartment was cleaned out, including his PC. Niki’s mother, Ornella Gemini, has asked us to help her uncover the truth. The Web could do a lot for her, because the truth is somewhere out there. As one of our bloggers writes: "They may have archived the case, but we won’t!"

Interview with Niki Aprile Gatti’s mother, Ornella Gemini.

The arrest and death of a young man with no criminal record
Blog: Mrs. Gemini, let’s revisit this story in just a few minutes. Who was Niki Aprile Gatti precisely?
Ornella Gemini: Niki worked as a computer technician for a firm in San Marino.
Blog: And what happened?
Ornella Gemini: What happened was that he had been working there for a year and a half. On the 19th June he was arrested. They arrested the owner first and then the technicians. I was informed of his arrest by certain people that were with him at the time and that was the day that my life ended.
Blog: Why?
Ornella Gemini: Because immediately certain strange things started happening. They began putting pressure on me … so I immediately took steps to contact the company’s attorney, who could perhaps find out why these people had been arrested. They immediately began … to change attorney and they sent a telegram from Niki’s house and sent it to the prison. They arranged for Niki to change attorney and, from that point on, a whole series of very strange things began to happen, twists in this story. Niki never called me once during the 4 days that he spent in prison, in other words, he wasn’t allowed to call me and I wasn’t allowed to see him. This was obviously just a part of a much bigger affair.
Blog: He was arrested because the company he worked for was under investigation …
Ornella Gemini: The investigation was codenamed the “Premium Inquiry” and involved both Flynet of Arezzo, including certain bigwigs, and the operation in San Marino.
Blog: There is one important fact however, which is that Niki was the only one that immediately began answering all the prosecutors’ questions.

Niki was the only one prepared to testify and also the only one who died
Ornella Gemini: Of the 18 people arrested, Niki was the only one who didn’t reserve the right not to answer any questions. He wanted to talk, he wanted to tell the prosecutor what his job entailed and he was prepared to tell them everything he knew. This was during a questioning session that took place on 23 June and just ten hours later he was dead.
Blog: This was in 2008.
Ornella Gemini: The 24th June 2008.
Blog: After the interrogation, Niki was found dead in his cell.
Ornella Gemini: Stone dead, just 10 hours after having said that he wanted to tell them everything he knew and that he wanted to collaborate with the Prosecutors.
Niki had asked them to please put him in a cell with two other Italian detainees, preferably non-violent ones. Instead, they put him in a cell with two foreigners, high security ones, so they were obviously extremely violent people. These two detainees were not even allowed to have any shoelaces, yet Niki, who was deemed to be an open, well-balanced and sensible person, was allowed to keep his shoelaces. How, in heavens name, can any put a person with shoelaces together with two others who are not allowed to have any shoelaces on them? At that point, these two could just as easily have used Niki’s. Then there is the matter of his death, which immediately raised another whole series of questions, right from the very next day after his death, when they started saying that Niki had torn his jeans into strips, in other words everything was done with the strips of material and the shoelaces.
Blog: So essentially the belief is that he committed suicide.
Ornella Gemini: Instead, it turns out that the jeans were never torn into strips and it would appear that the so-called suicide was committed using only a single shoelace. Niki was 1.80 metres tall and weighed 92 kilos, could a single shoelace possible support the weight of a 92 kilogram person?
Blog: When they informed you of Niki’s death, did any Magistrate order that an autopsy be done, or not?
Ornella Gemini: An autopsy was arranged immediately, but no toxicology tests were carried out. I specifically asked that these be carried out because Niki didn’t drink or smoke or take any drugs for that matter, so these tests would immediately have revealed whether he had any substances in his body at the time. So why didn’t they do these toxicology tests? Especially since Niki was 1.80 metres tall and weighed 92 kilos.
Blog: Have they ever done these tests before in similar cases?
Ornella Gemini: In all other cases of death in detention, toxicology tests have always been carried out, yet they didn’t want to do them in this case, so I must ask myself why not? The prison authorities claim that Niki did indeed call me, but Niki never did call me, so I asked to see the telephone records. My demands were aimed at clearing up certain things that were as yet unclear. I wasn’t pointing a finger at anyone, in fact, my complaints were levelled at persons unknown, because I wanted to know and I wanted to find out precisely what happened inside that prison cell. It was said that Niki had gone outside for a walk. But Niki never went outside for any walk because their own photographs show that he was in his pyjamas. I have a report here that I would like to show you, one that I received from the prison authorities, a booking report, but it is totally blank, nor is it signed by Niki. This is a report that a detainee is required to sign, together with the officer that is taking him into custody, stipulating the cell in which he is to be placed and who else is in that cell. My son’s booking report is totally blank. I was given this, together with the death certificate compiled by the first doctor on the scene, which states that: apparent and likely cause of death, cardiac arrest and respiratory failure resulting from strangulation with a shoelace, but the actual cause of death was cardio-circulatory arrest. The reason for my objection was that I have always believed in the State and I have spent my entire life respecting State and its laws and teaching my children to respect the State and its laws, as can be seen from the fact that Niki immediately indicated his willingness to talk about what he knew, So both I and my son believed in the State. Now the State has simply archived the case without even having properly investigated the things that don’t make any sense. I will keep on repeating as long as I still have breath that there are two statements made by the two men that were with him in the cell, which state that the two admit to being in the cell with Niki, but when they were questioned individually, the one said one thing and the other another, so their respective statements don’t corroborate each other. Then there is a statement from one of the prison warders, in which the man states: "I spoke to Niki and he was fine, he was quite relaxed and asked me when I thought he would be questioned again." This all happened at 10h00 and he died at 22h00, so when exactly did this warder speak to Niki? Why has nothing been said about where. I have not pointed a finger at anyone, all I wanted to know was who the other two detainees were that were in his cell, because when Niki was taken in, he had no criminal record, he was a young man like any other, he had never been in trouble with the law, yet he was taken to a maximum security prison, Solicciano to be precise, which is one of the toughest prisons in Europe with some of the worst offenders. That’s why I objected and wanted to know who the other two detainees in his cell were, because it was their time for outside recreation and at that time all the cells in that section are open. This inquiry reveals all the hallmarks of a Mafia hit, but what does this mean? I want to know, and all eyes will be focused on this inquiry to the very end because, while the Eutelia, Telecom and Fastweb cases have given us many insights, this Premium Inquiry resulted in the death of a young man and we have to find out precisely how this young man died. Niki would never have committed suicide. He had strong family support. He had seen me outside the Court and he knew that I would do everything in my power to get him out of there. Everything I have done in these past two years is still nothing compared to what I would have done to get him out of that prison.

Niki’s apartment was cleaned out, including his PC
Blog: Then, here’s another thing, when you went to Niki’s apartment, you found …
Ornella Gemini: Only twenty days later. Please excuse me but I’m sure you will understand that I’m beginning to lose track of the days. My only point of reference is the law and once that goes out the window, so does everything else. Twenty days later I sent my husband to Niki’s rented apartment. He went and what he discovered was that the apartment had been completely cleared out, it was absolutely empty, so what had happened in the interim?
I went to lay a complaint and now even the theft charges have been archived. You probably won’t believe what I’m telling you because all of this is totally absurd. There were other colleagues of Niki’s that were also taken in, there’s one of his former girlfriends … the law clearly states that the only people entitled to enter those premises are Niki’s heirs, in this case his mother, his biological and his stepfather. So how on earth can this case simply be archived? Amongst other things, I wanted Niki’s personal computer because that’s the only way that I could perhaps have found some more clues to his death, so what happened? Now listen carefully because this is important! What happened was that we were told the personal computer had been taken back to the company. The company then went into liquidation and, when the liquidator went onto the company premises, the premises had also been completely cleared out so there were not even any company assets there, there was nothing, so what was going on? Here we have a company that was still fully operational on 19 June, so did Niki perhaps take his PC in to work with him? They have also archived the whole matter of the Company, how can they simply archive something like that? It was apparently archived because certain invoices dated prior to 19 June had been produced. This may be all good and well, but what precisely was he working with on the 19th June? Niki had chatted to me via his computer on the 18th June, I remember that as if it had happened yesterday, so how did the story of the PC end you ask? This is what is so incredible: if anything has gone missing, according to them it must have been Niki fault, however, Niki was in jail, Niki was dead, so how could it have been him? Take a good look at what the San Marino newspapers said at the time!
Blog: It’s a paradox!
Ornella Gemini: I ask you, how can anyone still have any faith in the law? What law are we supposed to trust then? Niki did not commit suicide and I will stand by this belief to the end of my days, yet no one has batted an eyelid, even the people around me can’t believe it! When the matter of the apartment was archived, I was told that I took my time in getting there and that I hadn’t been very specific in drawing up a list of his personal effects, but what the hell did I care about any list of personal effects at that time? What I wanted were my son’s shirts, I wanted to smell his smell! I wanted his personal computer because from that I hoped to be able to work out why he died. I have been denied any of this and now the entire matter has conveniently been archived, notwithstanding all the unanswered questions, so where is the law now? Surely it doesn’t exist. I have even written to the State President. I have written a number of letters but I’ve never even received any condolences. It’s not right for anyone to lose their child in this way, but what can I do? Where is the State in this case? There was a circular, so they assigned my case to one of the biggest legal firms in Bologna. Because of the number of new arrests, arrests of first-timers, individuals arrested for the first time, someone sent me the circular anonymously, here is the envelope it came in. It explained very clearly that, in the case of any individual arriving in jail for the first time, contact with his family should be facilitated, including telephone calls and visits. Obviously this major legal firm was not even aware of the existence of such a circular, otherwise why didn’t they let me talk to my son? Why did I not again hear my son’s voice from the minute he was arrested? Why was I not allowed to see him? I was there when the attorney tried to get them to let me see him, but he didn’t say a word about this circular. The circular was never mentioned at all, I’m the one that found out about it! Eventually they sent me an original copy of the circular on an official Ministry letterhead, which proved that I was right, but only thanks to the people on the Internet that are taking an interest in this case and are refusing to let me face this all on my own! But where the hell is the State? I wrote to Alfano, I wrote to everyone I could think of, I knocked on everyone’s doors, I knocked on the door of the Mayor of Avezzano, but I was left all alone. It is not right that a 26-year-old young man with no prior record and who never had any problems with the law can simply die like this! I was hoping, and I will continue to hope that by objecting to the archiving of this case I will somehow find the answers to my questions that would otherwise now remain unanswered because I no longer have a point of reference. But we will never stop searching for the truth, whatever happens! We will never stop searching so our search goes on. There are many people standing by me, as well as many Internet users supporting me in my quest. I have even received an anonymous message saying: "I know a lot more about Niki’s case, but I can’t say anything because I am personally implicated ".. I showed this to the Prosecutor because he could have investigated the matter further. He was in a position to do so. Was it from some madman? Was it ever ascertained whether or not he was just some madman or whether it was the truth? Let’s remember the case of Elisa, where the message, stating that her body was lying in the bell tower, had been clearly visible on the wall of a bar for two years, but no one gave it a second thought? In Niki’s case, will we also have to wait for years to find out what really happened to him? The wise men used to say: "Let’s get the Mafia before the Mafia gets us!". But they were only wise men so no one ever listened to them.

Niki’s mother’s appeal
What I would like to say is that these are major questions, the same questions that I was asking when I made that initial video with, such as what is the role of the telephone service providers? We discovered the answer later, when the whole Telecom-Fastweb scandal hit the headlines. We saw precisely what they were up to, so let’s get right to the bottom of this. Let’s ensure that this kind of thing can never happen again. Unfortunately it happened to me, to my family, but it could actually happen to anyone.
It could happen that a youngster goes to work for some company without realising what is going on behind the scenes! I beg of you, help me. Help me to get the case re-opened and only archived once we have discovered everything that there is to be discovered. We cannot allow Niki’s case to simply be archived because, I’m sorry, but Niki was my life and so I am not prepared to let things end like this. Where is our justice? I have been accused of not having been careful enough, but careful of what? They destroyed my life, so what do I have to be careful of, two sticks of old furniture? Why would I worry about two sticks of furniture for heaven’s sake? However, the truth is that the law says certain things. That is the law and it is equally applicable to everyone. We cannot simply apply the law of the jungle because then the weaker people will never win. Only they, the strongest, will survive! And we will lose our sons, but that’s not right! I beg you not to leave me alone out there. This is not the kind of battle that anyone can fight on their own. We have to stand together. We must demand that the rule of law be re-established and we must demand that these things are made clear and transparent. When we go and work for a company, we must be certain that our job is safe. We must work there because we want to work there and because we are hoping for a better future, not to land up in some cemetery. I beg of you, let’s stand together, because that way we can and will succeed!


The Brothers.

22.06.2010 15:35

Sounds like a murder by the Freemasons to me. They go for hanging usually, look at Robert Calvi at Blackfriars Bridge years ago.

Italy has some high level Masonic Lodges as has the Inns etc in London.

Masons pass sentence on people saying they are a "hanged man".

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