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London CAAT: Stop the Arms Trade

[London] (London Campaign Against Arms Trade) | 21.06.2010 11:22 | London

London CAAT were outside the UKTI department today to call for government support to the arms trade to stop

Six members of London Campaign Against Arms Trade descended on the UKTI department on Monday morning dressed as construction workers to highlight the unsafe nature of the work taking place inside. 200 of CAAT's ‘Danger: unsafe structure' leaflets were handed out to passersby and UKTI staff. London CAAT's presence was particularly pertinent in light off the cuts due to be announced in the budget tomorrow. A lot of these cuts would be unnecessary if the disproportionate support given to the arms trade was redirected into more socially beneficial areas such as addressing climate change.

London CAAT member Rhiannon Rees, 58, from South London, said: 'Before the government cut spending on health and education they should cut harmful subsidies to arms exports that promote conflict and corruption'.

[London] (London Campaign Against Arms Trade)
- Original article on IMC London: