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URGENT call out. EDL are meeting at Marble Arch tomorrow [Sun 20th] at 8.30pm

anon | 19.06.2010 22:28 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The racist, Islamophobic football thugs of the EDL [connected to BNP] will be assembling tomorrow morning in Marble Arch at 8.30pm. They have said that they have found out where the IFE will be holding their conference and are mobilising tomorrow morning to "hand in a petition" to the nearby venue hosting the event. The EDL are racist, violent, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic thugs.

The English Defence League [EDL] must be stopped tomorrow morning! They are likely to become violent towards Muslims in the area, including those who live and work in nearby Edgware Road.

All anti racists : Get to Marble Arch at 8.00am or earlier and stop the EDL!

Pictured is "harmless teenager" Joel "peacefully talking to" a photographer in Harrow.



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racist, violent, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic...

19.06.2010 23:27

How do you explain the EDL's many black and Sikh members then?

How about all the women who join the EDL?

How about the fact they've often had the rainbow, homosexual flag at demos?

Come on, I don't like the EDL but saying crap like this makes us look stupid. Stick to calling them homophobic, violent thugs which they are instead of saying untruths that make us look ridiculous.

Calling the EDL homophobic when they've had the homosexual rainbow flag clearly on display at every demo makes us look like a right bunch of twats.


Home truths about the EDL

20.06.2010 01:01

The "many" Sikh members amount to two. The "many" Black members amount to less than ten out of the ten thousand members and affiliates and even that depends on which town a protest is held in.

Just because the EDL fly a rainbow flag does not mean that the majority of the white football hooligans who go on the protests aren't homophobic because most of them are, just as they are racist. When a female Sikh speaker was on stage in Dudley the EDL responded by rioting. One of the EDL said "She'd be alright if she wasn't a Paki lesbian. If it wasn't for that I'd give her one". Men in Blood and Honour sweatshirts have been at EDL protests. Combat 18 attend EDL rallies. Chris Renton was still a gold card BNP member when he was pictured on an EDL protest waving a placard that stated "We are not the BNP".
Joel Titus has had his EDL "friends" make a facebook page about him using golliwog pictures. When asked whether or not he was worried about attacks on Sikh Temples during EDL demos Guramit Singh, an EDL Sikh replied "Don't worry we had that place well protected" which shows that he is well aware of the racism in the EDL and the fact that many of the EDL hate all Asians. White racists on EDL demos have been filmed calling Asians "Dirty bastards" etc.

Stalin I think you're EDL but hey never mind, many of you have been deluded by and sucked in by Chris Renton's EDL and eventually the Asian and Black members will leave Chris Renton's EDL.


more indymedia scaremongering

20.06.2010 03:30

Hizb ut Tahrir had thousands of muslim extremists at a conference last year in The Troxy in east London. The same venue where the current crop of hate preachers was to hold their conference until the EDL got it banned. What's Indymedia doing about these fascists and hate-preachers?

Hizb ut Tahrir wants to abolish democracy and replace it with a trans-national totalitarian state, where non-muslims will be subjugated. HuT has been banned in German for its anti-semitism.

But of course you people just follow fashion. And its now fashionable to be anti-semitic, so you wouldn't care about stopping Hizb ut Tahrir.

When did Indymedia or UAF ever take a stance against HuT? Never. You can see this post here about Hizb ut Tahrir, and the references by one of your own people to it's constitution:

Hizb ut Tahrir have removed that constitution from their website. I hope EDL go after Hizb ut Tahrir, and protest against every conference they try to organize.

- Homepage:!/EnglishDefenceLeagueJewishDivision

8:30 AM in the morning, not PM

20.06.2010 07:19

Racist thugs, just need to read thier website and facebook to understand what racist White hooligans they are.

Mickey p
mail e-mail:


20.06.2010 09:55

How to explain the less than half-dozen black and Sikh people in the EDL? In the same way I'd explain veteran Nazi Colin Jordan being best pals with a Hindu Nazi called Savitri Devi Mukherji

How to explain the less than half-dozen black and Sikh people in the EDL? In the same way I'd explain the black and mixed-race hooligans who marched with Colin Jordan's "British Movement" in the 1980s

How to explain the less than half-dozen black and Sikh people in the EDL? In the same way I'd explain the thousands of black Moroccans who fought for Franco against democracy in Spain

How to explain the less than half-dozen black and Sikh people in the EDL? Because they're a/ gullible, b/ THICK

Have a nice day ;)


Morons United

20.06.2010 10:11

Much as I dislike the EDL, to be honest if these idiots occasionally do what they claim is their actual purpose - to successfully oppose Islamo-Fascists, then so far as I'm concerned fair play to them. If they try to inflict their poison on NORMAL communities then they deserve a severe slapping, but if a bunch of closet Nazis in the EDL and a bunch of closet Nazis in Hizb-ut Tahrir and Al-Muhajiroun front groups carve each other why should we care, any more than we care when members of C18 stab each other?

Bearing in mind that 50 times more Muslims fought for the UK in WW2 than fought for Hitler, nonetheless the roots of HT, Al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK go back to the Palestinian Fascists who recruited for the SS and provided Arabic broadcasts for the Nazis in WW2, and Anti-Fascists shouldn't forget that


EDL are at Hilton London Metropole Hotel 225 Edgeware Road.

20.06.2010 10:14

Nearest tube Edgeware Road on the Bakerloo line.


Laugh at the EDL

20.06.2010 10:24

A post that EDL organiser and self-confirmed BNP supporter Jeff Marsh has since removed from his Casuals United Blog described the recent EDL Cardiff demo as a (quote) "big success". The "insider account" on Jeffrey Marsh's CU Blog described Cardiff hooligans allowing (!) the EDL to march as long as no Swansea hooligans attended (they did anyway), then described cocaine-sniffing Combat 18 thugs "creating a hostile atmosphere", described Swindon and Bristol EDL abusing Welsh rugby fans, Cardiff EDL calling other EDL "English C***s" and calling women passers-by "Slags". The report described Luton EDL having their minibus smashed-up by Welsh football fans, described English, Scottish, Irish and Dutch supporters walking-out on the EDL as a result, and the EDL being attacked by local Somalis, Muslims and even by the Soul Crew hooligans they'd assumed support the EDL! The guy who wrote the report admitted he's an ex-convict and concluded it was "all in all a top day" even though the EDL were physically attacked by people who "are supposed to be" his "friends".

None of the photos posted on Flickr show more than 50 people supporting the EDL in Cardiff, but the Flickr photos do show known C18 Nazis participating in the EDL demo and EDL supporters with tattoos of the Nazi rock band Skrewdriver... QED


UK Fightback


20.06.2010 10:26