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Hilton Hotel Go Foie-Gras Free

West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group (WYARG) | 18.06.2010 16:21 | Animal Liberation

HIlton Go Foie Gras-Free

We have today received a statement from the Manager at the Hilton Hotel in Leeds, confirming that foie gras will be taken off the menu and will not be sold again.

As a result, we call upon supporters to stop contact of complaint to the hotel with immediate effect and thank the Hilton for their decision.

To find other restaurants still serving foie gras, please visit our Cruelty Off The Menu campaign -

West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group (WYARG)
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So its ok then that they.....

18.06.2010 17:59

exploit their staff paying them shit wages without union access. Its ok then that they have no environmental and recycling policy. Its ok then that they are an elite establishment catering to fat white middle class wankers. You guys are so blinkered and clueless and I wish you would fuck off from indymedia and set up your own newswire to cater for your narrow mindedness mindsets> Indymedia is about so much more!


RE: Anarchist

19.06.2010 10:29

What are you doing? most AR people are also anarchists and have caused more harm to the capitalist system then most. When you start a campain against the hilton we will join in, when you do something we will support for us all abuse is inexcusable.
or are you just another armchair activist?

RE: Anarchist

"Most AR people are anarchists" = Bollocks

20.06.2010 08:23

"and have caused more harm to the capitalist system then most" please explain how!

Your statements go to prove how egotistical and fucking naieve you are. You are single issue and can not see beyond that or care whats beyond that.

Having been involved with AR for years I finally had to leave due to that issue and the conflict with my Anarchist principles so I more than most can say what I feel with clarity....

another Anarchist

@ another Anarchist

21.06.2010 19:29

Tell me what has the UK Anarchist scene actually achieved apart from drinking a lot and a few squats? I'm not asking for a list of actions but list of achievements. At least the AR anarchist lot have shut down a few companies and nearly run a multinational into the ground and are more hated by the state than almost anyone – not much but better than the rest of you. Why? Cos those lot get on with the job rather than moaning about Anarchist 'principles'!

Uninterested observer

Oh oh we are bolder and more hated than you....

22.06.2010 08:12

Grow up you fucking idiot. You know nothing of anarchist politics but maybe you should read a little about it and educate yourself and maybe broaden your little insy binsy minds becaude you sound so childish and pathetic and impossible to debate with.....

anarchist ( who understands the concept)

At the end of the day...

22.06.2010 22:28

I totally support the concept of anarchism, but the anarchist movement in the UK at least is a real joke and more about making mates for a few misfits and nerds than anything else. If anything actually happened in terms of it in this country then I would be enticed to get up and get involved, but at the end of the day most people in the 'movement' (other than the White Chapel Anarchist Group and Bristol who actually do something) are just armchair lay abouts who need to understand the concepts of the real world before trying to take it and its capitalist foundations down.

The animal rights movement, on the other hand, actually go out there and achieve (or get close to achieving) everything they set out to do and don't sit back moaning about irrelevant discrepencies of whether it's cornflakes or branflakes stuck in Kropotkin and Bakunin's beards, or commenting on some strike that they weren't involved in.

Animal rights activists go out there and do the job against these capitalists - just look at everything that's been achieved in their movement over the past 10 years. Vivisection businesses closed down and an industry of abuse on it's knees, companies pulling out of the UK as a result of actions, hundreds of restaurants / hotels no longer selling foie gras, thousands of shops no longer stocking furs, animal circuses on their knees and packing in, live exports crippled, slaughterhouses closed down, a constant increasing number of veggies / vegans, campaigners out on the streets nationwide on a daily basis....

This is not a simple game of Anarchist -v- A.R. as I am involved in both, but I think it is obvious to me that there is a little bit of spite going down.

And on a final point, anarchism isn't just about toppling the system of abuse of the working class, but toppling every abuse in the world be it that of humans, animals or the planet.

Anarchist (who understands the real world)

@ Anarchist (who understands the real world)

23.06.2010 13:04

Exactly, Ideas with no implementation bore me. It could be the best idea in the world but if people just talk about it what's the point? Anarchism could be the best thing in the world and AR of no real importance but AR would still be a better movement due to the fact they are taking action and changing things – they are smashing more of capitalism than most anarchists.

Uninterested observer