lets face the music and dance - call off the dogs please - i have a child
charity sweet | 17.06.2010 21:11 | SOCPA | History | Repression | Social Struggles | World
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“Though shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This (LOVE) is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and all the prophets.”
Mat. 37-40: Jesus Christ - the Bible
“Thou shalt not kill (commit murder).” – God
I, Charity Sweet, of Brian Haw’s Parliament Square Peace Campaign, Parliament Square, will say as follows:
Agent provocateur
Tiexa de Castro V. Portugal 28 E.H.R.R. 101 (post 16-68a)
(i) It is not acceptable that the state through its agents should lure its citizens into committing acts forbidden by the law and then seek to prosecute them for doing so. Such conduct would be entrapment, a misuse of state power and an abuse of the courts.
(ii) ... every court has an inherent power and duty to prevent the abuse of its processes of the courts... the courts can ensure that executive agents of the state do not misuse the coercive law enforcement functions of the courts and thereby oppress citizens of the state
(iii) .. the doctrine of the abuse of process is re-enforced by HRA 1998
1. I received a phone call while in court yesterday that the police and attended my home, kicked in the door and were proceeding to rip apart the interior door to my flat. CAD 3193.
2. I telephoned my neighbour and requested to speak to the senior officer present who was a sergeant.
3. It was explained to myself that 3 cop cars and a paddy wagon had been sent on blues and two’s to my address because it was reported, by whom, that there was a child at risk in my home.
4. I explained to the Sergeant that my youngest daughter Maranda was in school and asked him what exactly he was playing at as he DID NOT HAVE A WARRANT. I was told he was acting under sec. 17 of the Pace ACT which has also been cited in the illegal searched of PSPC.
5. My downstairs neighbour who has a serious heart condition was alarmed and harassed by the days events as my other neighbour, an elderly Jamaican women and good friend of mine who has fostered some seventy children for the state.
6. Two officers also attended my home last night and further caused me to be harassed alarmed and distressed as I publicly pointed out to them. The good officer bowed his head as he clearly understood that he had indeed been sent to harass me while the ignorant idiot officer told me, “We’ll be back” which I understand to be a threat that I will not tolerate in view of the fact that I am a single mother with a minor in my care who should not be placed at risk AT THE HANDS OF THE MET.
7. It is unreasonable that I should have to explain to Maranda that mummy is sorry and the police have busted down our door for no apparent reason.
8. The sergeant involved confirmed that I was in courtroom 76 as defendant 4 and had been giving evidence or corruption and an abuse of process argument against the state and that he had been sent on “a wild goose chase”.
9. This is the fourth occasion the MET have attended my residence in the past 3 weeks since placing a case stated on the record at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Courts.
10. The first visit was to ask my neighbour basically who is she and what do you know.
11. The second visit was while my daughter was on break. The two officers had no warrant that time either. They were sent on another bogus mission seeking an Asian woman at my residence to which I clearly am not.
12. I was forced to surrender my birth certificate and passport under threat of arrest and forced to allow the officer to enter my premises without warrant, also under threat of arrest.
13. The third time an officer attended, it was to enquire as to my neighbour’s dog’s nature, as I regularly take him for a walk as well as enquiring after the back garden and rear exits from my upper flat.
14. The attendance of the MET to my home is escalating in direct relationship to these proceedings and I will be seeking an injunction against the MET should the courts not see fit to intervene on behalf of myself and my daughter as this is clearly organised state harassment against a mother and child which I will not tolerate.
15. December 28, 1065, the land now known as Parliament Square was consecrated and belongs to God, not the Queen – also reasonably believed to be left in perpetuity to the people.
16. God’s law and God’s title to this land are superior to any man-made statute or land deed. God’s Ten Commandments are presumed to be the foundation of all law.
17. Disclose the complete history of the title deed and full history of Parliament Square including that of the Parliament Square Peace Campaign.
Date: ..............................................................
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“Though shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This (LOVE) is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and all the prophets.”
Mat. 37-40: Jesus Christ - the Bible
“Thou shalt not kill (commit murder).” – God
I, Charity Sweet, of Brian Haw’s Parliament Square Peace Campaign, Parliament Square, will say as follows:
Agent provocateur
Tiexa de Castro V. Portugal 28 E.H.R.R. 101 (post 16-68a)
(i) It is not acceptable that the state through its agents should lure its citizens into committing acts forbidden by the law and then seek to prosecute them for doing so. Such conduct would be entrapment, a misuse of state power and an abuse of the courts.
(ii) ... every court has an inherent power and duty to prevent the abuse of its processes of the courts... the courts can ensure that executive agents of the state do not misuse the coercive law enforcement functions of the courts and thereby oppress citizens of the state
(iii) .. the doctrine of the abuse of process is re-enforced by HRA 1998
1. I received a phone call while in court yesterday that the police and attended my home, kicked in the door and were proceeding to rip apart the interior door to my flat. CAD 3193.
2. I telephoned my neighbour and requested to speak to the senior officer present who was a sergeant.
3. It was explained to myself that 3 cop cars and a paddy wagon had been sent on blues and two’s to my address because it was reported, by whom, that there was a child at risk in my home.
4. I explained to the Sergeant that my youngest daughter Maranda was in school and asked him what exactly he was playing at as he DID NOT HAVE A WARRANT. I was told he was acting under sec. 17 of the Pace ACT which has also been cited in the illegal searched of PSPC.
5. My downstairs neighbour who has a serious heart condition was alarmed and harassed by the days events as my other neighbour, an elderly Jamaican women and good friend of mine who has fostered some seventy children for the state.
6. Two officers also attended my home last night and further caused me to be harassed alarmed and distressed as I publicly pointed out to them. The good officer bowed his head as he clearly understood that he had indeed been sent to harass me while the ignorant idiot officer told me, “We’ll be back” which I understand to be a threat that I will not tolerate in view of the fact that I am a single mother with a minor in my care who should not be placed at risk AT THE HANDS OF THE MET.
7. It is unreasonable that I should have to explain to Maranda that mummy is sorry and the police have busted down our door for no apparent reason.
8. The sergeant involved confirmed that I was in courtroom 76 as defendant 4 and had been giving evidence or corruption and an abuse of process argument against the state and that he had been sent on “a wild goose chase”.
9. This is the fourth occasion the MET have attended my residence in the past 3 weeks since placing a case stated on the record at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Courts.
10. The first visit was to ask my neighbour basically who is she and what do you know.
11. The second visit was while my daughter was on break. The two officers had no warrant that time either. They were sent on another bogus mission seeking an Asian woman at my residence to which I clearly am not.
12. I was forced to surrender my birth certificate and passport under threat of arrest and forced to allow the officer to enter my premises without warrant, also under threat of arrest.
13. The third time an officer attended, it was to enquire as to my neighbour’s dog’s nature, as I regularly take him for a walk as well as enquiring after the back garden and rear exits from my upper flat.
14. The attendance of the MET to my home is escalating in direct relationship to these proceedings and I will be seeking an injunction against the MET should the courts not see fit to intervene on behalf of myself and my daughter as this is clearly organised state harassment against a mother and child which I will not tolerate.
15. December 28, 1065, the land now known as Parliament Square was consecrated and belongs to God, not the Queen – also reasonably believed to be left in perpetuity to the people.
16. God’s law and God’s title to this land are superior to any man-made statute or land deed. God’s Ten Commandments are presumed to be the foundation of all law.
17. Disclose the complete history of the title deed and full history of Parliament Square including that of the Parliament Square Peace Campaign.
Date: ..............................................................
charity sweet
Hide the following 9 comments
18.06.2010 01:08
jo blogs
Whats with all the God references?
18.06.2010 07:23
Not God
Mother in need of help - or at least ease off on the weed
18.06.2010 07:29
an obsession with god and paedophiles plus heavy cannabis use as evidenced by Charity's blog
is a bad combination for mental health
the poor child
don't know why folks can't handle the truth cause the kids have to
18.06.2010 16:10
- i do not have an obsession with nonses
- i have an obsession with justice for children
- this nation is living in utter denial
- can we please be honest, at the very least, while we do nothing sitting on the fence
e-mail: charitysweet@hotmail.co.uk
is ps consecrated land left in trust to the people?
18.06.2010 16:23
the queen b is stealing it from the people along with freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the human rights act, in general, while the english nation carries on in their state of denial
maybe you all will believe me when they put up another awful building on the grass they pretend to care so ery much about
i am not a christian fanatic and i certainly am not homophobic.
i am a believer in god, love, truth and justice.
sitting through the corruption i have witnessed over the past few weeks in courtroom 76 at the royal high courts of justice is enough to make any believer cry out for help from good god above
it is most curious that this was the only post left up and i am oh so most grateful that it remains to protect me and my child.
e-mail: charitysweet@hotmail.co.uk
witness of Brian W. Haw
18.06.2010 16:31
2) NOTE – I am again (as my with my previous statements) having to provide this under great duress, being physically disabled, not having space or time to consult with counsel deprives me of their expertise and means I must offer this document without the honing condensing, and polishing up professionals would do. We have been unfairly denied proper time to do all that is necessary.
3) The purpose of this statement, as agreed with the Judge yesterday, is to give me opportunity of making further submissions I would have required Mr Luba QC, my counsel, to make, had I been in the courtroom.
4) The circumstances of my having to leave the courtroom were, as said, to assist in the emergency concerning Mrs Charity Sweet – namely, Police smashing into her house immediately after she had declared as a defendant in this courtroom 76, and provided evidence, that Mrs Maria Gallestegui is an Agent Provocateur working for the Police et al.
5) This was a very serious charge, and I believe it being found true would bring the case against us to an immediate end. The Judge said, as per my lawyers notes:
6) “If Maria G is an agent provocateur, then abuse of process application can be made, she has done (nothing?) more than organised the peace campaign” Problem is he had no evidence of what Ms MG ‘organised’ and has done, we do from being on the scene 24/7 for years.
7) The problem is there is much evidence to support Mrs Sweet’s assertion, and she, Mrs Tucker myself and others can give witness to this. There cannot be a trial where it is shown the Police et al used an Agent Provocateur. Unfortunately the Judge stopped Mrs Sweet from giving further evidence as a witness, or calling other witnesses. I believe this was an abuse of process.
8) I respectfully ask the Judge to review and revisit this, and allow Mrs Sweet to make further application and present evidence in completing her abuse of process application. To make this smoother and less stressful for everyone, if you can accept Mr Steve Jago for example as her Mckenzie Friend, should she request this?
9) To assist the Judge and court, I can confirm this was not the first time Police have abused Mrs Sweet and/or her children, at her home in Essex as she assisted us in our campaign in London.
10) Alternatively, I/We will require and duly request the Full Transcripts and Audio recordings, on grounds of proven low means, to appeal this.
e-mail: charitysweet@hotmail.co.uk
18.06.2010 17:55
so what is your evidence again charity?
By their deeds they shall be judged
19.06.2010 16:08
so why isn't the witch suing me for libel? cad 3193 is y
20.06.2010 16:58
cs x
e-mail: charitysweet@hotmail.co.uk