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195 | 17.06.2010 14:33

Invisible Theatre/Cafe/Projection/Movie about Venezuela

this friday is june 18th, it happened by chance that the Forum Theatre
Group is going to the streets...

from 2 to 5pm. Using Public Space!
Picknick Theatre Workshop in a Public Space (Public Space TBC).

Invisible Theatre is a play that is performed in a public space without informing anyone that it
is a piece of theatre. It is a direct intervention in society, on a precise theme of general interest,
to provoke debate and to clarify the problem that must be addressed.

from 6pm they will move to 195 Mare St where they will project “BE USE-LESS!”
pictures documenting an initiative from the City Mine(d) collective (be use-less!)

at the same time Hackney Squatted Cafe will serve gnammy vegan food

and don't forget

at 7.30pm Listen to Venezuela, documentary which evokes the scale and
difficulties of radical social change in a political and poetic collag. The
directors will introduce the film and do a Q&A afterwards

- e-mail: boardsofhackney AT safe-mail DOT net


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Invisible Theatre

17.06.2010 14:43

invisible theatre will be in Bank station area, call 0776 634 4097


(en) Venezuela, Anarchist journal El Libertario #57 - To defend the right of soc

17.06.2010 19:27

From Venezuela, a group of social organizations and human rights, students and academic
groups as well as different individuals, launch this call for a campaign to defend the
right to protest, which today is being systematically violated by the government of Hugo
Chávez. This document was originally published in Spanish in El Libertario newspaper, # 57
( --- According to figures revealed by trade unions, peasants
and student leaders, there are currently 2200 people in Venezuela under schemes of
presentation in court for exercising the constitutional right to protest for their basic
demands. The vast majority of people suffering from these processes belong to workers
unions, peasants, students and people communities, being the most dispossessed and
vulnerable the ones who suffer the infringement of their rights. What was an isolated and
eventual policy has become a state policy. On the one hand, police officers, the
prosecutors and judges, on the other, hired killers led by landowners and business
sectors, plus shock troops allied with national, regional and local governments regardless
their political orientation, all form the triangle of repression to the social fight.

Such criminalization, encouraged by different branches of the government,
businessmen and landowners, is made in a context of rising demonstrations
for social rights so the government has been applying several regulations
to those who occupy lands to demand their right to land and housing, to
communities that close the streets to seek or improve public services, the
workers that pressure to defend their source of work, achieve better wages
and achieve collective hiring, to students demanding resources for their
schools, users of primary health services and several other sectors in
struggle for their social and political rights. Therefore, the above is an
evidence of the strategy applied by the state and some private sectors to
restrict legitimate protest and the enjoyment of human rights enshrined in
the Constitution.

As a counterpart we have the situation of impunity for crimes occurred
against social fighters, where the signs of participation of businessmen
and landowners in the assassinations of workers’ leaders and peasants have
not been investigated and punished at all, and neither the political
responsibility of regional leaders in some of the cases. This impunity has
encouraged the hired killers as a method to silence and intimidate the
sectors in struggle for their rights. While in this mode there is a high
percentage derived from the feuds between trade associations for the
control of jobs, as happens in the construction sector, there have been
several cases where the contract killing aims to fulminate and dissolve
unions who dare to move for their claims and the more radical workers'

For this reason a group of social organizations and human rights, student
and academics groups as well as different individuals, promote a campaign
to defend the right to protest, as lies in the universal declaration of
human rights and the Constitution, and condemn the opening of trials, the
use of hired killers and other mechanisms against this right such as legal
measures that ban the execution of assemblies and strikes within SOEs. In
this regard, we want to make the present statement to raise public
awareness about this serious restriction of the rights, and urge all
unions, peasants, community and students organizations, as well as the
alternative media to join actively this national campaign to defend the
legitimate right to social protest.

We ask for:

1) The repeal of sections 284, 286, 297 and 358 of the Penal Code; 47, 48,
49, 50, 53 and 56 of the Organic Law of the Nation Security and Defense,
139 and 141 of the Law for the protection of individuals with access to
goods and services, as well as 20, 24 and 25 of the Special Law of popular
Defense against hoarding, the boycott and any other conduct that affects
the consumption of food or products subject to price controls; all of
which penalize the right to protest.

2) The unbiased and clear investigation of all crimes of hired killers and
other crimes against peasants, workers and other social actors as well as
the prosecution and punishment for the offenders.

3) The full and immediate freedom for all the social activists in
detention for protesting, the suspension of the scheme of regular
reporting to the courts and other measures prohibiting union work in the
working centres.

4) No use of the security forces against demonstrations for social and
political rights. Banning the use of firearms and tear gas by police and
military during protests, and when they execute eviction proceedings
against actions demanding the right to housing and public services.

Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos (Provea);
Unidad Socialista de Izquierda (USI); Corriente Clasista Unitaria
Revolucionaria y Autónoma (CCURA); Sindicato de Trabajadores del Inces
(SINTRAINCES); Acción Solidaria; Convite; Periódico El Libertario; Espacio
Público; COFAVIC; Colectivo Socialismo Revolucionario (CSR): Liga de
Trabajadores por el Socialismo (LTS); Movimiento Solidaridad Laboral;
Sinergia; Comité de Víctimas contra la Impunidad Lara (CVCI-Lara); Indubio
Pro Reo; Domingo Alberto Rangel.

More info in the blog (in
Spanish), and in (in Spanish, English
& other languages).

Translation: Julio Pacheco

Names are not important

(en) Venezuela: El Libertario, The jail bars will not silence people protest Dat

17.06.2010 19:33

(en) Venezuela: El Libertario, The jail bars will not silence people protest
Date Mon, 14 Jun 2010 19:54:16 +0300

National and international campaign of epistolary solidarity with trade unionist Rubén González * On 7 May, a court in the industrial city of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, denied the possibility to the Union Secretary-General of Ferrominera (state-owned mining iron company), Rubén González, to be judge out ofnjail. Since the mid-year 2009, the union leader is in prison for supporting a workers strike to demand improvements in their working conditions. In August 26th 2009, Radwan Sabbagh- president of Ferrominera Orinoco- agreed with Gonzalez and made public the end of the strike as well as the reactivation of the employment records of a group of workers; also agreed not to retaliate against those who follow the cessation of activities, evaluate the payment of wages of those who did not work during the16 days demonstration and the fulfilment of their claims. However, days later, Gonzalez was arrested for his support to the workers actions and charged with the crimes of “illegal assembly”, “incitement to crime” and “violation of the security zone”.

From that day he has been deprived of liberty, and if the court rule found him guilty
he can be sentenced to stay between 5 and 10 years behind bars. González is a social
fighter with a well known record in the region and is also a member of the ruling
party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

The case of Rubén González is a dangerous precedent in the growing process
of protest criminalization in Venezuela. Figures compiled by the Human
rights NGOs estimated that there are more than 2,400 persons under schemes
of presentation in court for their participation in mobilizations for
social demands. These law procedures can take years, where other rights
(freedom of expression, assembly, demonstration) are forbidden for those
accused and prosecuted.

The Campaign to Defend the Right of Social protest, promoted by a number
of social organizations, unions and human rights ( Provea, Espacio
Público, Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo, Sintraince, Unidad
Socialista de Izquierda, Socialismo Revolucionario, Paso a la Nueva
Democracia, Periódico El Libertario, among others) considered that Rubén
González is a political prisoner of the Venezuelan government, whose
punishment tries to discourage the organization and the autonomous
struggle of the employment sectors against their public and private
employers to demand and defend their rights.

Rubén González needs our active solidarity more than ever. Therefore we
are encouraging to make a close accompany in his days behind bars, sending
him messages of solidarity, letters, postcards and written materials
(preferibly in Spanish) with which we can help to maintain high his
self-esteem, his fighting spirit and his sensibility for the injustices
against the employees.

For this reason we call on all social and popular organizations in
Venezuela, Latin America and the world to send him letters of
encouragement and solidarity.

There are two ways to send messages:

1) via email: Weekly, a person of Ciudad
Guayana's, will print the messages and take them to his place of
detention. (Rubén González does not have direct access to Internet.)

2) By sending your postcard, letter or publications to the following

Patrulleros del Caroní (A la atención de Rubén González)
Parroquia Unare, sector Unare II, detrás de los trailers de CVG Alcasa y
frente al hogar Madre Emilia.
Puerto Ordaz, Municipio Caroní, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Immediate freedom for Rubén González!

Full freedom to all defendants for participating in demonstrations for
social rights in Venezuela!

Campaign to Defend the Right of Social protest:

More information about the case of Rubén Gonzálezén Ferrominera&x=0&y=0 and

Names are not important