"Their Crisis - Who Pays?" - Rally Against Cuts [1]
[Bristol] info@leftconvention | 17.06.2010 11:22
Come to a rally at College Green (outside the Council House) from 4.30pm on Tuesday 22nd June
On June 22nd there will be a budget giving more details of the government's plan for cutting the deficit. We can expect privatisation and savage cuts in jobs and services. These will have an immediate impact not only on public sector workers but on all those who depend on the services they provide. Pensions and welfare benefits will also come under attack. If there are sacrifices to be made, then let the wealthy pay, the ones who recklessly gambled and profited from the free market. This is a call for positive alternatives like investment in services, the living wage and an opportunity to rally against these damaging cuts.
Bring banners, your voices and anything else to make yourself heard!
For further information email leftconvention@gmail.com
Sponsors include:
Bristol Convention of the Left
Ken Loach - Film Director
Bernard Kennedy - Branch Secretary ASLEF Bristol
John Drake - Secretary FBU SW Region (p.c.)
Bristol Stop the War
Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers Campaign
Bristol Unite Against Fascism
Right to Work Campaign
Matt Gordon - Youth Fight for Jobs
Carol Meghji - International Officer UNISON UWE (p.c.)
Jerry Hicks - Candidate for UNITE General Secretary
Julie Boston - Campaign for Free Public Transport
Katie Buse - Green Party (p.c.)
Socialist Workers Party
Paul Smith - Labour Party
Gurchetan Shoker - NUT Rep Ashton Park School
Paulette North - Secretary Joint Unions at City Academy
Dave Wilshire- Secretary Bristol and District CWU (p.c.)
Glen Burrows - Bristol RMT (p.c.)
John McInally - PCS National Vice President (p.c.)
National Shop Stewards Network (South West)
On June 22nd there will be a budget giving more details of the government's plan for cutting the deficit. We can expect privatisation and savage cuts in jobs and services. These will have an immediate impact not only on public sector workers but on all those who depend on the services they provide. Pensions and welfare benefits will also come under attack. If there are sacrifices to be made, then let the wealthy pay, the ones who recklessly gambled and profited from the free market. This is a call for positive alternatives like investment in services, the living wage and an opportunity to rally against these damaging cuts.
Bring banners, your voices and anything else to make yourself heard!
For further information email leftconvention@gmail.com
Sponsors include:
Bristol Convention of the Left
Ken Loach - Film Director
Bernard Kennedy - Branch Secretary ASLEF Bristol
John Drake - Secretary FBU SW Region (p.c.)
Bristol Stop the War
Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers Campaign
Bristol Unite Against Fascism
Right to Work Campaign
Matt Gordon - Youth Fight for Jobs
Carol Meghji - International Officer UNISON UWE (p.c.)
Jerry Hicks - Candidate for UNITE General Secretary
Julie Boston - Campaign for Free Public Transport
Katie Buse - Green Party (p.c.)
Socialist Workers Party
Paul Smith - Labour Party
Gurchetan Shoker - NUT Rep Ashton Park School
Paulette North - Secretary Joint Unions at City Academy
Dave Wilshire- Secretary Bristol and District CWU (p.c.)
Glen Burrows - Bristol RMT (p.c.)
John McInally - PCS National Vice President (p.c.)
National Shop Stewards Network (South West)
[Bristol] info@leftconvention
Original article on IMC Bristol: