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Campaigners Challenge War Celebration

CAN | 14.06.2010 21:44 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge

Today the Anglian Regiment marched through Cambridge with "drums beating and bayonets fixed".
Local protested dropped a banner from Kings College and protested in front of Kings College with banners calling for and end to the war. They faced hostile responses from some of those lining the streets as well as the local EDL group. Banners with 'End the War - Bring them Home' and "If any question why we died, tell them because our fathers lied" (Kipling) were held high.


Organised by Cambridge Action Network the group thinks the war is unjustified and is calling for troops
to be brought home. One of the Campaigners, Mr. Aran Mathai said
“This war has cost 295 British lives and 30,000 Afghan lives. In
common with most British people we want to see our troops home from

The group feel that this war cannot bring about peace and that the
operation in Afghanistan damages the reputation of British people
around the world. “The War in Afghanistan has not improved our
domestic security nor has it helped the people of that land. It
has, conversely, led to the deaths of our troops and suffering to
Afghan civilians, particularly children.” he added.

The protesters say that with the country in recession a cut to the
military budget can only be a positive thing for Britain. “We call
for the British Troops to be brought home and military spending to
be redirected toward social spending in the UK instead of budget

These military marches with armed soldiers are being staged through all East Anglian towns and cities this summer. The Anglian Regiment were granted freedom of the city in 1979 but we have not seen this happening in Cambridge as far as I know. Indeed have not seen marches in recent memory except a london march by Margaret Thatcher following the Faulklands war. We have to ask why we it is considered necessary now to parade armed soldiers through our cities in clear opposition to the wishes of many citizens, hosted by a liberal council who opposed this war!

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Banner Drop from Kings!

14.06.2010 22:34

Kings College, Cambridge
Kings College, Cambridge

Students drop banner reading 'Support our Troops, Bring them Home'


EDL and Police at Anglian Regiment Parade

14.06.2010 23:13



...EDL! (with a St. George Flag they defaced)
...EDL! (with a St. George Flag they defaced)

Is that...really?
Is that...really?

It is! Ian Skivens from the Met..fancy seeing you here!
It is! Ian Skivens from the Met..fancy seeing you here!

Yep that's him!
Yep that's him!

and Mr. 289, can miss him out can we!
and Mr. 289, can miss him out can we!

An ironic moment happen were a Union Jack was snapped by an EDL type guy knocking it to the floor. This happen when a sign was ripped from an anti-war protesters hand who was holding the flag as well (in support of the troops). The so-called nationalist EDL types just left the Union Jack lying on the floor, where's your patriotism, eh boys?

Cop/Fash Watcher


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Extremely Dumb Louts!

15.06.2010 14:30

This just proves what a bunch of reactionary muppets the EDL are actually are.
Brand names may change, but outlooks don't - The National Front by any other name.

They're still out of touch with the true nature of what Britain has ALWAYS been, which is a nation of immigrants, and has been so even before the Romans settled here, in fact the history of Britain is one of countless waves of migrants, some passing through, some deciding to stay.

There is no such thing as a 'pure' Englishman, and may we always be Noble Mongrels, as this is exactly what makes us all so interesting!

As for the war, well, I'm just sorry I missed the demo.
Maybe next time, eh?

Electronically Defiant Libertarian.

Well done you lot...

17.06.2010 07:51

Good to see protests against the glorification of our boys being done by people other than so called radical islamists.

Tall Chris
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