Protestors to besiege Edinburgh office of A4e
[Scotland] | 13.06.2010 23:22
Opponents of compulsory “work-for-your-benefits” schemes will besiege workfare provider A4e’s Edinburgh office this coming Wednesday 16th June.
Original article on IMC Scotland:
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14.06.2010 07:53
feckless community
14.06.2010 10:00
This is the sort of comment one might expect to read in the Daily Mail, you seem to have a problem with workshy people as you call them and a thing about saving the taxpayer money, but had you bothered to read the article you would have realised that welfare to work is simply another form of slavery which you appear to advocate, the real workshy are called venture capitalists and they never pay tax but are significantly more of a burden on this community of yours, and these same venture capitalists have been known to go for nice easy investments , such as welfare to work companies...... go figure