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Peoples Assembly/Democracy Village call out and update.

Peoples Assembler | 12.06.2010 01:17

Peoples Assembly/Democracy Village call out and update.

Peoples Assembly/Democracy Village call out and update.

Big call out going out to all the networks for experienced activists,facilitators,networkers,community creators,skillsharers,people with time to help build this movement for a better future.

The Debate on the future continues at Parliament Square.The Peace camp in the center of London has been growing,

The latest update on the Legal situation is the next court case is to held on Mon and Tues 14th /15th June with a third day of the hearing to be set as the fri 18th or else a day or days in the next week or when the court has time for a 3-5 day trial.
High Courts of Justice The Strand Holborn tube.Come and support.
The Judge at the last hearing said that The Mayor and the GLA did not any have a specific power to remove the Camp.
This rests upon the legal fact that only the owner with clear title deed can take someone to court.The GLA is not the owner,on paper it is the Queen and the Crown estate,
This ancient place of the British people has been used for gatherings to make laws and enshrines the Ancient Lore of Free Speech.Ref Gorsedd of Tot Hill and Tot Hill fair.Google and wikki them.

This fri and every friday from 5 pm there will be poetry and song,from those who gather in the circle.continuing the Ancient tradition of song,storytelling bardery and Free Speech.That have been held on this ancient spot since time Immemorial.

This Saturday 12th June at 5 pm and every Saturday there will be a Peoples Assembly to focus the Discussion Forum on the Future that has been created on the square over the last 6 weeks.Note that last year a call was put out by many of the networks from Copenhagen (Activist,Indigenous and NGO ) for Peoples Assemblies to be set up across the World to discuss the environment and the future.We have just started to receive reports of similar events being set up in other countries,more news as we get it.

The Democracy Village contains many individuals and groups that have have a diversity of opinions ,but have a consensus on the aim for Peace and the troops to be pulled out of Afghanistan.The issues which we campaign for are diverse e.g. Peace, an end to the war in Afghanistan, Climate Justice, Civil Liberties, Land Redistribution, Electoral Reform and much more. We are unified in our desire for change.

Big call out going out to all the networks for experienced activists,facilitators,networkers,community creators,skillsharers,techies,gardeners,people with time to help build this movement for a better future.
The camp has continued despite some of the best efforts of the authorities and some biased media.
on the whole the media coverage has been fairly good and been getting the message out about Peace and the Troops being pulled out of Afghanistan.
There was an interesting fairly good article in the New York times two days ago.
We have already been covered by Times ,Telegraph,Sun ,Mail,Guardian,Evening Standard,Morning Star,Several International papers,BBC, ITN,London Tonight,Channel 4,World Service,Al Jazeera, China Tv, several Arabic news services,Reuters ,National news Agency Associated Press,Press Association and many ,many more.
This all helps to accelelerate the debate on Peace and reconcilliation,and how we can rebuild the Future Together.

There are many campaigns,marchs demos and actions that come through the square regularly,come get involved.
There is a Candle Lit Vigil for those who have died in Conflict every evening at 10 pm outside no.10 Downing Street.
There are morning and evening meetings at 10 am and 7pm.
Come and get involved :This is what Democracy looks like.
The Peoples Assembly a Discussion Forum on the Future is an idea whose time has come.
As one of the villagers para phrased "you cant stop and idea"

Keep Networking.
democracyvillage face book

Peoples Assembler
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Hide the following 5 comments

Pro 'peace' or pro Taliban?

12.06.2010 12:35

Interesting that you call this 'democracy' but you seem to only welcome those with the viewpoint that pulling soldiers out would mean 'peace' for Afghanistan. If troops were pulled out now it would be a massive victory for Islamists world wide. The Taliban would retake power and the terror training camps would re open. I wonder if Afghan women would join the calls for the 'troops out'. I wonder if Afghan girls in school now would join your calls. I wonder if the 3 million refugees who returned to Afghanistan after the Taliban fell would be pleased too.


What Taliban?

13.06.2010 14:52

"The Taliban would retake power and the terror training camps would re open. I wonder if Afghan women would join the calls for the 'troops out'. I wonder if Afghan girls in school now would join your calls. I wonder if the 3 million refugees who returned to Afghanistan after the Taliban fell would be pleased too. "

Is that the same Taliban we and our erstwhile US colleagues claimed to have defeated in 2003?

And why conflate the Taliban with Al Quaida. The two groups are not the same.

Also, can you please explain to me why Afghanistan seems to be the only place in the world where you people think 'terrorist training camps' can exist? What exactly stops Al Quaida from opening these camps anywhere else in the world? And if they did, what would you do about it?

If Al Quaida opened one up in a field next to your house...would you storm it brave little soldier that you are?

No, you'd shit your pants and run away wouldn't you! You'd expect 'someone else' to come along and sort it out.


If your an Afghani, some more.

If your English, drop dead you sniveling little coward and stop 'commanding people to die' you egotistical fucking loser.

Humphrey Appleyard

is the camp 'pro Taliban'?

14.06.2010 20:53

Certainly in terms of vibrations I would say the oppositte in fact - kinda a bit too pro blightyworld for me.

Good luck to the Taliban I say - give the brits and yanks a damn good beating!

Go to hell British, you make me fucking sick hippys or otherwise. It goes without saying that you need to be totally insane to join the British army right now (or otherwise)...but of course try telling that to those egoising wee fascist idiots that are so keen to serve Queen and Country. Stupid kids that know fuck all about the world, or their own country. Fuck you and your Queen, British.

oh no you again

The Law of The Land

06.08.2010 00:53

The Law of The Land
The Law of The Land

Richard I “Lion heart” in 1189

The land around Westminster Abbey was a mound which was the site of the Gorsedd of Tothill, a place of free speech, discussions, bardery, and festivities, enshrined by the Statute of Richard I “Lion heart” in 1189, ratified by parliament in 1858 (Mostyn Manuscript) and never repealed

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Peace crosses barriers to defend freedoms and liberty 14th Aug 2010 Part 01

17.08.2010 15:38

Video Link

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Here we see people from democracy village along with other protestors for peace and democracy, upholding just laws and the democratic constitutional rights of the people.
This green fenced barrier erected on behalf of Boris Johnson and the GLA is an infringement on civil liberties and the right to free assembly and freedom of speech. This is unacceptable.

It is the promise of our Declaration of Independence that we are a nation that believes that every man and woman is endowed by their creator with inalienable rights. Those rights are guarded and sustained by the Constitution, not by government officials, not by elected officials, and certainly not by ballot initiatives. Our rights are fundamental; they are the birthright of every UK citizen

It would seem far more practical to remove the fence and enter into negotiations to find in favour of the people and their needs, rather than that of an unjust few and the incorrect use of the law. If something is not fit for purpose, then it must be made so. We suggest that after the fence is removed, free toilets are put in place along with a shelter to protect people from the elements. There should also be provision made so that, if they wish, the people can water and tend the gardens and the lawn with assistance from the GLA. The GLA are seeking costs in excess of £100,000 to carry out repairs to damage allegedly caused by democracy village to parliament square. We can see here that there is very limited damage to the square and that would be in accordance with the general wear and tare on a public space.
If the Mayor Boris Johnson and the GLA had used their initiatives instead of their unjust force, they would have been better to put in place means by which the gardens could have been maintained in cooperation with Democracy Village and the people.
In this clip we reflect back to see Simon watering and tending the peace garden, which was created by a soldier in memory of all who have lost their lives in the illegal wars. So this shows that Democracy Village and the people were trying to maintain this site with no help from the GLA or Boris Johnson. This is a failing in the GLA and the mayor’s duty of care, and potentially a dereliction of their duty to the people.

At the Climate Summit Copenhagen 2009 many International networks called for Peoples Assemblies to be set up throughout 2010 to discuss and take action for a sustainable future.

Peoples Assembly recipe. Network it.

This received a consensus from the Peoples Assembly on Saturday 7th August 2010.
Meeting at Victoria Gardens next to Parliament every Saturday.
Within the Gorssed of Tot Hill Ancient place of Free Speech

Discussion Forum on the Future.

Start a People's Assembly in your area.

Network The Peoples Assembly (PA) on all the networks you can.

Meet at a chosen location regularly. (Location can move periodically as well.)

Form a big circle of people.

Introduction round- names of people and groups- items to put on the agenda- suggestions for smaller circles/working groups.

Choose a Facilitator and a note taker.

Report back ideas from the previous meeting.

Have a focalised discussion on the agenda.

Break into smaller circles on different topics, mini meetings and working groups

Feedback from all the small circles to the main circle

Type up notes and action points (who's going to do what and when)

Note well for clarity and focus alcohol should not be brought to the circle.

Plan an action.

Do the action (optional and can be done after the assembly for Peace, the environment, local community etc this helps to keep the focus on action as well as discussions.)

All are Welcome at the Peoples Assemblies; it is an inclusive/non partisan and circular /non hierarchical organising structure.

For a better future for all

Peoples’ Assembly
1.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Every Saturday from July 24 2010

Victoria Tower Gardens
(Right next to Houses of Parliament)
London SW1P 3
Bring picnic food to share

For more information please see;

peoples assembly of democracy village
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