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EDL: Off in Tower Hamlets, On in Wembely

Autonomous Action | 10.06.2010 21:37

As the news come in that the EDL won’t be invading the east end on the 20th of July, no doubt both the EDL and UAF will be claiming victory and pushing their PR machine into overdrive. Despite the wonderful rhetoric of both sides we must not forget who the real winners are here, that of the local community. Whilst a moment of celebration is in order, there is still much work to be done by all.

A stint in the east end would have no doubt seen the EDL get the beating they deserve, so much so that the police had reportedly warned the EDL they would not be able to facilitate their protest and told them if the were to go ahead with it, they would have to go unprotected. The EDL has since backed out in response to the Troxy cancelling the booking of the Islamic conference that was due to be held, no doubt realising the publicity disaster (and subsequent beating) that lay in front of them, the EDL has appeared to have made the right decision for once and stayed away leaving the local community to get on with their lives free from the besiegement and intimidation that is the EDL. Despite this the leadership has embarked on a desperate attempt to legitimatise their existence and to sooth the calls from the rank and file to “march anyway” and the EDL is now pursuing the Al-Khair Peace Convention on the 26th of June in Wembley.

The fact that the conference is open invitation to all for interfaith and cross-cultural dialogue;

* To create a better awareness and understanding of Islam and its message of peace for the entire humanity, in an objective way.
* To remove misconceptions, false fear and hate of Islam and Muslims globally.
* To realize that Islam is a just, righteous and peaceful way of life, with due care for human rights and moral values.

The EDL has not chosen to attend the conference to openly debate these topics with these alleged “Islamist charlatans” and “stealth jihadists”, instead they have chosen the only thing they know, that of systematic intimidation. Whilst the East End community may be safe for the time being, the EDL has hastily declared its intentions to hold the diverse community of Wembley hostage with their thinly disguised road show of racism bigotry and xenophobia.

We must all keep the momentum, twine our communities with that of Wembley and send these poor excuses for “English men” packing once and for all.

More to follow

Autonomous Action
