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There can be no PEACE with out The Class War..

Barnsley Bill | 10.06.2010 13:54 | Sheffield

The Peace in the Park festival promotes peace and understanding by bringing together communities through artistic, musical and vocal expression. Peace in the Park is organised by a group of artists, musicians, students, events organisers and other everyday Sheffield folk, working together in a not for profit collective

The festival is happening from midday on Saturday June 12th on the Ponderosa Park in Sheffield. Peace in the Park is a free admission event and open to all!

Need we remind people that Peace in the Park began (this weekend 19th June) life, from the mass protest over the occupation of Iraq and the GENOCIDE continues, from Afghanistan to Palestine (The Blockade of Gaza) it is The Working Class who face the crises of CAPITLISM as they talk of austerity cuts, we need to talk about HOSTILITY and bringing The Class War HOME.

The Working Class have become disenfranchised, we need only look at the rise of The Far Right, a couple of weeks back The NAZI front of THE ENGALISH DEFENCE LEAGE got a kick in, on the 20th June they plan to march on Cable Street London, history sometimes needs repeating, just as Mosley's Black Shirts got a kick in the same needs to done once more (updates

In Sheffield the hypocrites of The Labour Party are planning a demo saying no to cuts, we need to remind them of the 13 years they have attacked The Working Class, be outside The Town Hall (Sheffield 25th June from 5pm) our time has long been overdue, lets bring The Class War Home, keep updated

Barnsley Bill


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no offence intended, comrade,

10.06.2010 16:36

but, could you not re-publish, with more coherent message, as you seem to me to be going off on tangents and explaining about four different things in one 'advert'.
its put me off a bit, but hey, its only me........


no offence intended, comrade but

10.06.2010 20:37

You cant even get a bag of fish and chips for sitting around with flowers in your hair and singing songs. What makes them think that they can change goverment policy? Havent they heard that the parties only respond to the highest bidder for thier services?

Work it out sister? Ta for condersending The Working Class, we will not be at Peace in the Park, but one day we shall see you on the streets..


Calm down dear...

10.06.2010 23:25

Yeah, this kind of Class War ranting doesn't really help our cause, it just reinforces the stereotype of us as mad, hysterical loons. And what's with the capitals?


the Labour Party in Sheffield,

11.06.2010 13:02

Leaving aside the nature of the confused and rather aggressive OP, he has a point: New Labour and the local L/P will now be touting their wares at many progressive events protests etc, as they try to renew themselves after the defeat. I can even remember Jack Straw on an anti-racist demo in Manchester when they were last in opposition!. Soon, we will see LP banners appearing at events a few years ago would have been unthinkable for them.

But should they (the LP) be made welcome at our events and should left wing/activists/greens, etc, attend their events aimed at the Comdems? The local Labour party supported the welfare reforms, when in power brought in care charges/fees for disabled people, some of them opposed the Iraq war, but overall were passive in challenging the debacle. They were part of a machinery of Govt which saw privatisation, PFI’s, tution fees, one could go on. Now they want our support as they rebuild....

Some of us may turn up on these events, but they need to know how many Sheffield people feel and that it will take real contrition before they are taken seriously,etc.

mr doubtful