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Action for Gaza bank and motorway shut Bristol city centre

[Bristol] Solidarity Sid | 09.06.2010 19:40

Just had this report phoned in more to follow I'm sure.
In response to the calls for emergency actions supporting the Free Gaza movement and targeting the financial supporters of the Occupation.

32 people blockaded Lloyds bank in Broadmead shopping centre, The staff shut all entrances and stopped work. A very small police presence (1 real 2 PCSO?)

The group then suddenly left and moved to the bottom of the M32 by Cabot Circus whilst joined by other supporters.

They started a blockade of the bottom of the M32 motorway (by the M32 services) during the beginning of rush hour.

Cops had difficulty getting there because they seemed to have not anticipated the block and were stuck in traffic. Newfoundland police station is blocked

The cops brought the Helicopter out but still little police presence on the ground

Cops now forced to walk through traffic and approache crowd,

Some police cars arrive at this point.

1 arrest at this point for person in front of unmarked police car.

Crowd retreat down dual caraige way towards The Bear Pit Roundabout. Police attacked crowd here reports of some people “roughed up on ground”.

Passers by film this on camera-phones say they will put on you tube.

The people then decide to enter the pedestrianised shopping area to avoid vehicle loving police.

In “Quakers Friars” shopping area some altercations with “private” security defending things.

Crowd re-emerge on to roads near Castle Park

Here there are now lots more police and police on horses.

Crowd moves into castle park where a 12volt portable sound system starts a party

The person I talked to on the phone went for a pint at this point so I have no idea later on. But all seems cool.

People have gone to show solidarity with the arrested at Trinity Rd police station. More welcome.

[Bristol] Solidarity Sid
- Original article on IMC Bristol: