Women against the EDL to protest in Tower Hamlets June 20th 2010.
Fem | 09.06.2010 16:17 | Anti-racism | Gender | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
Women against fascism will be opposing the EDL on 20th June 2010 in Tower Hamlets. The racist thugs & football hooligans of the [EDL] are trying to provoke young Muslim men into a violent response by marching on East London Mosque in Whitechapel and threatening to march on Brick Lane. Women will oppose the EDL on June 20th as we are against violence and want peace for Tower Hamlets.
The English Defence League are mostly violent, racist, Islamophobic football hooligans with links to the BNP and NF.
The EDL plan to march into Tower Hamlets on June 20th 2010. They are protesting against the Islamic Forum Europe conference at the Troxy, 490 Commercial Road in East London.
They have threatened to march on East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel. They have previously threatened to march on Brick Lane, a predominantly multi racial area. The EDL are trying to provoke young Muslim men into a violent response. Most young Muslim men and women want to peacefully get on with their lives without violence.
Women from many backgrounds will be opposing the violence of the EDL on June 20th 2010.
We will be protesting peacefully against the EDL, in defence of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre because we are against violence and want peace for Tower Hamlets.
Assemble at Altab Ali Park in Whitechapel E1 from 10.00am June 20th 2010 to oppose the EDL, oppose violence and to call for peace in Tower Hamlets.
The EDL plan to march into Tower Hamlets on June 20th 2010. They are protesting against the Islamic Forum Europe conference at the Troxy, 490 Commercial Road in East London.
They have threatened to march on East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel. They have previously threatened to march on Brick Lane, a predominantly multi racial area. The EDL are trying to provoke young Muslim men into a violent response. Most young Muslim men and women want to peacefully get on with their lives without violence.
Women from many backgrounds will be opposing the violence of the EDL on June 20th 2010.
We will be protesting peacefully against the EDL, in defence of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre because we are against violence and want peace for Tower Hamlets.
Assemble at Altab Ali Park in Whitechapel E1 from 10.00am June 20th 2010 to oppose the EDL, oppose violence and to call for peace in Tower Hamlets.
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Trot front group alert!
09.06.2010 16:47
Plus do you realise what kind of speakers are going to be at the “UK Islamic Conferences” (UK-IC) at the Troxy (nothing one would hope to do with "the Islamic Forum Europe")?
Shouldn't the women be protesting against that with equal vigour? Racist, homophobic bigots hiding behind the cloak of islam endorsing violence against women as acceptable mulsim behaviour?
Anarchist by nature anti-relgion by name
Homepage: http://whitechapelanarchistgroup.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/whitechapel-united-against-division-june-20th/
A point..
09.06.2010 21:56
more details please
09.06.2010 23:29
There are too many call-outs to action on this day on indymedia.
waste of time
10.06.2010 01:37
last time I checked women were the female half of the human race and not some exclusive higher species of creature.
Why do they need to find another form of division? Page 3? now thats somthing stupid in the world, protest against that, put pressure on the Sun, don't waste your time making marches more complicated.
the EDL aren't an issue making issue against gender, they're making one against race and religion!
jo blogs
Is this real?
10.06.2010 12:53
Citation Required
We are the sisters, aunts, neices, mothers, garndmothers etc against the EDL
10.06.2010 17:55
The call out went up when it was announced by EDL thugs that they were going to Whitechapel. Having heard the EDL say previously that they were "coming to Brick Lane", and due to the fact that the EDL facebook page about the event has a photo of East London Mosque people were worried that the EDL might attack around these places and wanted the EDL to be prevented by legal means from going near to the East London Mosque, London Muslim Center and Brick Lane Mosque. This battle to keep the EDL demonstration away from the East London Mosque and Brick Lane has been won. The EDL will be bussed into and out of the area and will have to demonstrate in a pre arranged and agreed spot inside a pen. They will be demonstrating for one hour.
The women who are against fascism are the friends, girlfriends, wives, sisters, aunties, grandmothers and mothers of young men who feel that they are being provoked into violence by the EDL. Boys of school age feel that they have to defend their mothers and sisters etc from the EDL who want to demonstrate in Whitechapel. We do not want to them fight with our youth and if we can stop that from happening with a large turn out from women then all the better. The EDL are looking for a fight. What the EDL are going to get is a load of women including old ladies turning up on the day to confront them.
The Whitechapel Anarchists will be demonstrating against the EDL also judging by the above post and live locally so have a right to protest against the EDL trouble makers.
Note that the time and place of the events on the day have changed from those previously advertised. People will be meeting at Stepney Green for the march and a rally will be held in Altab Ali Park in Whitechapel London E1. For the times and places go to the UAF website or call London Muslim Center for information. We are not the UAF by the way but their website is a reliable source for when and where to assemble on the day.
white or asian sisters
10.06.2010 18:00
Spot the Irony
10.06.2010 21:22
Women defending segregation, opression, objectivity, misogyny and brutality - where the penalty for apostasy is death.
Women defending a superstition that is notorious for treating rape victims as criminals, encouraging genital mutilation, forced marriage, burkas and other truly demeaning practices - and this is just the stuff against women, I havent touched upon the stance towards gays, jews and other 'kaffir'.
I know EDL are a bunch of knuckle dragging neanderthal pissheads and are attended by a racist/BNP element, but by defending Islam in the name of Women', you are ensuring that you have even less credibilty than those you are opposing.
Your accusation that Muslim women & their female friends "have no credibility".
11.06.2010 18:07
Women are criminalised for being raped in too many countires including the UK. The rape conviction rate in the UK is 6% and 98% of rapes go unreported [places like the Havens projects know that most rapes are not reported to the police] and rape victimes have been jailed in the UK for reporting their attackers and being disbelieved and then punished.
At the Stop Islamophobia : Defend Islam conference on 5th June at the Camden Center there were Muslim women who said that they were against Western people telling them what to wear and accusing them of being repressed when these Muslim women are educated, outspoken activists.
@ anon
11.06.2010 18:40
Get off the computer
12.06.2010 11:54
But because women are abused in certain religions, does that mean that women can't protest against fascism and racism towards people from those countries?
I too dislike the further divisions in our movements - "lesbian animal rights activists against the war" or whatever. However, if people are out on the streets, for whatever reason, with whatever group, fighting against injustice, fascism and racism, then at least they're out there.
I'll get off the computer myself and back on the streets when my back's healed. Until then, I'm in a World of constructive criticism-ing
Fed up
terror on the streets of stepney.
21.06.2010 21:26
I didnt even know this march was taking place and innocently took my dog for a walk in stepney way on sunday afternoon. There were huge groups of asian youths congregating, i was minding my own buisness and was shouted out get out of our manner you white c**t!
Are the wives, aunts and mothers proud of this?
What I think the Muslims in stepney and the rest of the uk have failed to realise is that you must intergrate into british society to make it work for you.
All those that came before you did just that and they did so by making there religious beliefs secondary to making this society work for them.
I was horrified by what i saw yesterday and whilst i will never lower myself to name calling ext it had made me look at my bengali neighbours differently.
I do not understand if you hate us so much why you would want to live here?
I would appreciate an honest dialogue on this from one of the muslims sisters.
Speak to the local Imam
23.06.2010 19:09