Erhebt euch! People of Israel, arise! - massive Gaza rally in Tel Aviv
Sam Hamersky | 06.06.2010 14:26
Griechische Verhältnisse in Tel Aviv. Israelis speak Greek to their government: "You are sinking all of us". Protesters in Tel Aviv turn against their own government. BBC-world reports clashes. Erste Bruchlinien innerhalb des Zionismus. Tausende gehen gegen die eigene Regierung auf die Strasse. Smokebomb: Rechter Volksmob greift Demonstranten an. Demo is attacked by right wing mob. Uri Avneri hunted on street by Israeli nazis. Uri Avneri von israelischen Faschisten durch Straßen gejagt. After demo clashes between zionazis and locals. Rechter Volksmob greift Alternativiertel von Tel Aviv an.
Finallly the wind of change is starting to blow in Israel. On saturday evening 15.000 Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv to march against their right wing government. With a population of only a 5,5 million this is very good turnout.
The rally's manifesto read: "It's time to return to sanity and save our society from ruin. Without a solution of two states for two peoples and two capitals in Jerusalem, the whole region's future is in doubt."
The coalition of left wing parties and peace organisations attacked the government over the IDF´s brutal and lethal attack on the Free-Gaza Flotilla. Young and old protesters held plackards, accusing Barak and Netanyahu "The government is sinking all of us – we must aspire for peace.", "Israel, Palestine, two states for two people" and "We love the country but are ashamed of the government."
The march and rally which started in Tel Avivs Rabin Square was intended to
mark 43 years of Gazas occupation.
The rally, organized by organisations such as Meretz, Peace Now, Gush Shalom, Hadash, Physicians for Human Rights, and other organizations was lead by Knesset Members Muhammad Barakeh, Dov Khenin, and Haim Oron.
"The Israeli government is causing a disaster for the country", MK Oron (Meretz)
"The flotilla crisis reflects lack of judgment, idiocy, and stupidity – it cannot be detached from the overall conduct of the government" Oron added.
Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer: "There's a sense among many Zionists of being fed up with the rightist government."
The Israeli government is causing a disaster for the country, MK Oron (Meretz) said while speaking at the event.
"The flotilla crisis reflects lack of judgment, idiocy, and stupidity – it cannot be detached from the overall conduct of the government," he said.
- Cracks in Israeli society are beginning to show -
Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer told Israeli news agency Ynet: "We're concerned for the state and are embarrassed by a government that leads us to oblivion. This message brings together many population groups, not only within the Left. There's a sense among many Zionists of being fed up with the rightist government."
Protestors were also demanding a change in government in Israel.
- Danger of fascism -
The demonstration was supposed to be protected by the police. But on numerous occassions hundreds of fascists attacked the demo. A smoke bomb was thown right into the rally, which met with chants against the rise of fascism in Israel.
The MAKI , Communist Party of Israel warns of a fascisation of Israeli society. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) warns against the worsening threats against the democratic space in Israel, and against the processes of Fascisation, and calls for a broad front in defense of democracy.
- fascist mob attacks -
After the demo fascists attacked the alternative area of Tel Aviv. The BBC world service reported that clashes had broken out. Leading peace activist Uri Avnery, who fled from Nazi-Germany in 1933, was chased by an angry mob through the streets and police had to rush him into a taxi.
A fascist mob went on a rampage in Tel Avivs Ibn Givrol Street area, shouting "Dirty Tel Avivians get out of your bubble!". Locals and guests of cafés had to defend themselves against the nazis.
The rally's manifesto read: "It's time to return to sanity and save our society from ruin. Without a solution of two states for two peoples and two capitals in Jerusalem, the whole region's future is in doubt."
The coalition of left wing parties and peace organisations attacked the government over the IDF´s brutal and lethal attack on the Free-Gaza Flotilla. Young and old protesters held plackards, accusing Barak and Netanyahu "The government is sinking all of us – we must aspire for peace.", "Israel, Palestine, two states for two people" and "We love the country but are ashamed of the government."
The march and rally which started in Tel Avivs Rabin Square was intended to
mark 43 years of Gazas occupation.
The rally, organized by organisations such as Meretz, Peace Now, Gush Shalom, Hadash, Physicians for Human Rights, and other organizations was lead by Knesset Members Muhammad Barakeh, Dov Khenin, and Haim Oron.
"The Israeli government is causing a disaster for the country", MK Oron (Meretz)
"The flotilla crisis reflects lack of judgment, idiocy, and stupidity – it cannot be detached from the overall conduct of the government" Oron added.
Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer: "There's a sense among many Zionists of being fed up with the rightist government."
The Israeli government is causing a disaster for the country, MK Oron (Meretz) said while speaking at the event.
"The flotilla crisis reflects lack of judgment, idiocy, and stupidity – it cannot be detached from the overall conduct of the government," he said.
- Cracks in Israeli society are beginning to show -
Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer told Israeli news agency Ynet: "We're concerned for the state and are embarrassed by a government that leads us to oblivion. This message brings together many population groups, not only within the Left. There's a sense among many Zionists of being fed up with the rightist government."
Protestors were also demanding a change in government in Israel.
- Danger of fascism -
The demonstration was supposed to be protected by the police. But on numerous occassions hundreds of fascists attacked the demo. A smoke bomb was thown right into the rally, which met with chants against the rise of fascism in Israel.

The MAKI , Communist Party of Israel warns of a fascisation of Israeli society. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) warns against the worsening threats against the democratic space in Israel, and against the processes of Fascisation, and calls for a broad front in defense of democracy.

- fascist mob attacks -
After the demo fascists attacked the alternative area of Tel Aviv. The BBC world service reported that clashes had broken out. Leading peace activist Uri Avnery, who fled from Nazi-Germany in 1933, was chased by an angry mob through the streets and police had to rush him into a taxi.
A fascist mob went on a rampage in Tel Avivs Ibn Givrol Street area, shouting "Dirty Tel Avivians get out of your bubble!". Locals and guests of cafés had to defend themselves against the nazis.
Sam Hamersky