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London Protest Supports Murad Akincilar

Peter Marshall | 03.06.2010 08:00 | Workers' Movements | World

A demonstration outside the Turkish Embassy in London called for the release of trade unionist Murad Akincilar, arrested on a spurious charge of belonging to a terrorist organisation while on an extended holiday in Turkey last September. London, UK. 02/06/2010

Turkish Embassy Protest 1
Turkish Embassy Protest 1

Turkish Embassy Protest 2
Turkish Embassy Protest 2

The small demonstration was organise by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and Gikder to support the campaign being organised by the Swiss trade union Unia.

Murad Akincilar is currently in prison in Istanbul. The alleged link between him and the terrorist organisation was based on his writing an article for a progressive organisation which is not banned, but which uses the same internet provider as a banned organisation. There are strong hopes that he will be released when his case comes to court today, June 3, 2010

Arrested on 30 Sept 2009, Akincilar was first brought to court four days later and remanded in custody. His treatment in prison has resulted in serious eye damage and partial blindness.

Eighteen years ago Akincilar studied for a Masters degree at the LSE and was known to some of those on the demonstration during his time here. Since 2001 he has lived in Switzerland where he has worked for the Unia, the largest and fastest growing trade union in the country with strong membership in construction, industrial and commercial sectors and has been active in campaigning for rights for migrant workers, where Unia has acheived much in improving their status and legal situation.

Peter Marshall
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Stop activist deportations to Turkey

03.06.2010 09:26

Clearly Turkey is a very dangerous country, where activists with tenuous and unproven links to terrorist organisations face serious persecution. I'm sure we all agree here that under no circumstances should such activists be deported en masse by plane to Turkey.

Call to action

Your point is?

03.06.2010 10:10

Turkey, like many states, plays a variety of roles in world politics. It is choosing at this moment to oppose Zionism, for which it should be saluted. However, historically Turkey has been an ally of Israel. None of this detracts, however, from its lengthy and continuing record of abuses against communists, progressives and Kurdish people.


Murad to be freed

03.06.2010 15:07

A comrade just rang from Istanbul to say that the court has ordered that Murad and 13 others out of the 18 on trial be freed immediately.

International solidarity