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Debt, employment, benefit and housing problems???

[Bristol] Advice Worker | 02.06.2010 12:22

Don't know where to turn??
Need help to locate your local advice centre??

Why not try Advice Centre's for Avon web site?

We are here to make it easier for you to access the help you need when you need it.

[Bristol] Advice Worker
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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Who are they? Why advertise here ?

02.06.2010 13:24

So what is A.C.F.A. and S.W.A.T. ?

Where do they get their promissory notes from ?

Looks like a Q.A.N.G.O. to me !

And why give advice ?
A wise man won't need it and a fool won't heed it !

Is it a Liberal attempt to tame potential rebels ?

Anarchist (no state benefits required) Thank you.