Hollywood cops assault Critical Mass riders.
Itsme | 30.05.2010 06:06 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Repression
"...As Critical Mass was making it’s way east along Hollywood Blvd. (near Highland Ave.) to end the ride they were met with a contingent of LAPD Officers armed with batons kicking and tackling cyclists off their bikes. Officers drove squad cars into the crowd of riders. Some cyclists were even stopped in their tracks and flung from their bike with a baton stuck in the spokes (a la Breaking Away). These cyclists were then brutalized, handcuffed and then cited for small infractions such as no lights or not obeying traffic laws. From the video above you can see that cyclists were taking the lane legally, riding slowly; it seems as if they were simply targeted for being last to ride up on the scene of a poorly defined ‘incident’. At no point was the mass of riders identified as an illegal assembly or addressed with a formal dispersal order. In fact: officers employed the use of force to effect dispersal (which is against LAPD policy and illegal). The events are chronicled on the internet as many riders use Twitter:.."
