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Nuclear Israel (by Latuff)

Latuff | 30.05.2010 00:59 | Anti-militarism | Palestine

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Iran is a threat to peace, Israel is not.
Iran is a threat to peace, Israel is not.

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But then ...

30.05.2010 07:38

possession and intent are very different things.


Oh there's intent alright....

30.05.2010 10:14

israel is way out in front of other nuclear armed nations in terms of threat to use them. Just google 'samson option' They've threatened to nuke European capitals if they aren't allowed to follow their agena. It's called nuclear blackmail and this explains the double-stanards and why the rest of the world allows them to get away with muder, quite literally.

Sue Denim

Two Offences

30.05.2010 10:44

Thats right M8 !!!

Possession is one charge, then you might get nicked for intent to supply. (misery in Israels case !!!)


Old Bill


30.05.2010 11:42

Haven't you already posted minor variations on this picture about 400 times?

Give it a rest


30.05.2010 14:49

The point of the Samson Option is that the next loon who tries to kill all the Jews will pay.

"Although nuclear weapons were viewed as the ultimate guarantor of Israeli security, as early as the 1960s the country avoided building its military around them, instead pursuing absolute conventional superiority so as to forestall a last resort nuclear engagement.[14]"

For more context: Hamas have publicly said that they hope all the Jews gather in Israel, so Hamas won't have to hunt them down.

It's all pretty fucked up, I agree - but there's no shortage of proliferators on boths sides, for instance the Saudis paid for Pakistans Bomb on condition that Pakistan lends them a few weapons if things ever get hot in the neighbourhood. Pretty hefty proliferation that, but I don't see anybody complaining about a state which practices gender aprarthied paying a known terrorist state to build a bunch of nuclear weapons.

IMHO simplistic John Wayne, good-guys VS bad-guys propaganda like this cartoon do not help anyone except our rulers. People have to get away from this idea that Iran is some kind of innocent victim of Western machinations - it just isn't that way. In addition you have nothing in common with the Iranian ruling class so why side with them?


Simpson option

30.05.2010 14:56

To use them as a last resort - you mean like every other country that possesses nuclear weapons? No point in having them really, unless you are prepared to use them in the last resort.

Oh, and any reference to nuking European capitols, or is that an extra titbit thrown in to thicken the brew?


madman with a mimeo

30.05.2010 16:50

One of these days Latuff is going to have a new thought. It will be his first new thought in ten years.



30.05.2010 18:12

Shome confusion, about who the good guys are, in amongst some cobbled together half truths and lies.
There was a mention of John Wayne and the good guys versus the bad guys, if you consider John Wayne to be one of the good guys then maybe the other guys are bad, as in the street sense ie good..
But then maybe you actually believe all, (your own ?) Hollywood propaganda.
maybe it's time to 'Oppenout !

Will I. Heck

Speaking of Repetition

31.05.2010 04:58

Some commentators continue to speak of groups and countries that are trying to exterminate the Jews yet those of us with eyes and ears continue to see a one sided attack on human life and dignity by Israel against the Palestinians. But fair play to them as today they have acted decisively in order to avert aid reaching Gaza whuch was to be delivered by yet another group of people whose soul purpose is to destroy Israel.


Like John Wayne came back as a trendy "anti-imperialist".

31.05.2010 05:04

It is those who openly sympathise with the Iranian ruling class who are practicing John Wayne politics here.

The increasingly unhinged self-elected dictator Achmedinejad's now being openly booed by the unemployed on his own TV channel, but you wouldn't know it to listen to his supporters in the West.

Iranians have been raped and murdered by your precious Hamas and Basij security forces in the last year - all I read about though is how they must have all worked for the CIA because they were against Iranian theocracy.I think it's wrong to defend that kind of repression just because the guilty parties are "against the West". That's the same sort of mentality that supported Stalin and the other twentieth century dictators because they were also "against US Imperialism" (and in favour of their own brand of the same product).

The Iranian ruling class have expressed a desire to see a "greater Iran" whose influence stretches from Afghanistan to Palestine - personally I prefer coca cola and hamburgers to religious theocracy, at least it is possible to resist the former without being beheaded or stoned to death.
