60 Reasons To End Or Reduce Mowing... Revised
Let God Grow Green | 29.05.2010 19:20 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Health | South Coast | World
It is only because sheep and cows grazed on British land before they were butchered
that we see green crewcut spaces as natural
that we see green crewcut spaces as natural
• 60 Reasons Not To Mow 41 Ways To Help Trees 25 ways to stop fires
Cessation of or reduction of mowing helps turn around global heating.
Nonmowing turns empty lots
through time into forests
Sometimes the most powerful actions
involve inaction

Every year zillions of tree seedlings are shredded by mowers harvesters, and prevented from reforesting billions of acres in
the world.
In 2003 through now, the world has seen drought, floods, famine, fire, mudslides, hurricanes, tornados and other disasters created by the unprecedented destruction of trees around the world. Trees are nature's weather stabilizers. We need trillions of trees.. new trees.
UN agencies have said reduced or ended lawnmowing
and treecutting will slow down global heating. The 1990's
EPA published legal briefs available without cost to
those fighting compulsory mowing ordinances. Highway departments have found that bushes are better than mowed
median strips.
The government of Thailand has banned logging.




]1. REFORESTATION When one stops mowing, land becomes meadow and then thicket and then woods. reforesting the world.
2. OXYGEN CREATION This extra greenery creates oxygen.The average tree creates 5 pounds of oxygen daily.
3. AIR PURIFICATION More greenery purifies the air through leaf filtration a.particulate matter b. car fumes c. noxious gases d. other airborn toxins. Removal of carbon dioxide by plants ameliorates pollution.
4. TEMPERATURE STABILIZATION TO OFFSET GLOBAL WARMING Warms the world's winters and cools the summers. There is a 50 degree difference between 70 degree equatorial rainforest and 120 degree desert. Each blade of grass is a little air conditioner. A world without drought, flood, famine, freezes, and killer heat can be eliminated by literally covering the world with trees.
5. RAIN INVOCATION Greenery calls down rain. Bayard Webster of the NY Times wrote that each mature tree evaporates 40 gallons of moisture daily (much greater amounts for older trees.) All greenery is involved in the raincycle.The drought and consequent starvation in N. Korea was related to the cutting of nearly all trees for fuel.
6. DEW PRESERVATION More plants preserve dew. Not only do greenspires and leaves act as masts around which dew can gather, but the more greenery the longer the dew lasts.
7. NOISE BUFFERING Leaf volume weaves a noise buffer which screens out unpleasant traffic
8. NOISE PREVENTION Ends the peace-fracturing sound of the lawnmower. Some communities have noise ordinances which prevent mowing during normal sleeping hours.
9. VISUAL BEAUTY Multiplies the beauty of diversity
10. FRAGRANCE Multiplies the fragrance in the air.
11. HEALING GREEN Nonmowing creates optical healing bycreating more greenery. Research has proven that looking on the jadeand forest greens reduces heartbeat and creates peace.
12. LANDFILL ECONOMY Letting lawns grow wild reduces pressure onlandfills..by not adding leaves to overburdenedsystems (and saves the fuel and wages of collectionreleasing workers for the labor of their hearts). (NPR Sept 1:methanegases leach from landfill through water into basements) As the worldevolves away from treekilling, sawdust piles which are a byproductof the lumber industry will be removed, making the earth safer forchildren.
13. FUEL CONSERVATION Conserves fuel a. unused inunused mowersb. As evergreen trees break cold winter winds andshroud dwellings they are natural insulation.
14. HYDROCARBON REDUCTION Prevents hydrocarbon moweremission from polluting the air. Many media outlets are passing ontheEPA recommendation that lawns not bemowed when there is great humidity and heat. Hydrocarbons createozonealerts.
15. CARBON DIOXIDE Greenery which takes in carbondioxide and breathes out oxygen reduces gases toxic to humans.
15a. METHANE GAS and toxic gases are purified by leaf action.
16. TORNADO PREVENTION Unstable heat is the mainfactor in tornados. Greenery which reduces the temperature 30 degreesin forest areas prevents tornados.
17. MUDSLIDE PREVENTION The roots of living plantsabsorb great amounts of water and prevent mudslides.
18. FLOOD PREVENTION A. On river banks and everywhere, tree, plant, bush,and vine roots are flood preventers. As David Kidd of Canton, planterofmore than a million trees has stated, the bigger and older the treethemore work it does. (The 900 year old oaks with their huge diametersare a lot more precious to Mother Earth than skinny young trees.

Only reforestation canprevent desertification. This is the conclusion of Patrick Velasquezof US Agency For International Development and most other environmentalists. We used to think a pine cone was one seed, but apparently it is hundreds.
20. CHEMICAL POLLUTION REDUCTION Radio network show Public Interest October 7 featuring Rodale author: Chemically treated lawns are grass high on drugs.: Fertilizer has toxic byproducts forthe land and water. Rodale, Emmaus Pennsylvania, USA 18049 is oneleader in the organic movement.
Green island sanctuaries of unmolested plants,insects, and wildlife are a protection against the biotechmanipulationsof the environment.
22. WATERSHED PROTECTION The more greenery, plants, vines, trees, and bushes..the more the watershed, reservoirs, and lakes and ponds, brooks andstreams are protected.a. Arsenic is a byproduct of the pressed woodindustry. Arsenic is poisonous in the waters, and likeother industrial pollutants such as mercury, chromiumand polychlorinated biphenols is concentrated in the flesh of fishes.



23. BIODIVERSITY Nonmowing or letting God be the landscaper createsbiodiversity and its many benefits (and benefirs) rather thanmonoculture. (Loggers caused the death of David Chain, Earth First tree activist. 707 923 2114 Andy Caffrey). Mowing with machine harvesters,
ride on mowers, manual or power mowers destroys sapling trees, the
cocoons of future butterflies, food sources of birds etc. etc.
24. FIRE PREVENTION In March of 2001, widescale drought in the NW had been reported. Destruction of greenery is one cause of this. Trees'evaporation is necessary in cloud formation. Fires have destroyed untold tens of thousands of square miles of green beings and resident animals.
Fruit and nut trees with grape and bean vines spaced among the trees can yield 450,000 lbs. per acre. (Animal flesh yields a maximum 100 to 1000 pounds per acre.) Ted Steinberg writes that in the US alone an area the size of Florida
is devoted to unproductive lawns.
26. WATER CONSERVATION: Unmowed areas do not need watering.. they are self contained systems. Nor do they need recycling. Most lawns
are watered for growth
and then the growth is cut and
27. INSECTICIDE AND HERBICIDE PREVENTION: Carpet lawn enthusiasts pollute the environment with insecticides and herbicides in some cases.
1. FEEDING THE HUNGRY: FOOD CREATION Prevents famineby giving a cornucopia of free food to the planet Orchards are 450times as productive per acre as slaughterhouses..Dr. Faust,former chief of the USDA Fruit Labs, cited centenarian orchards ofapple trees dropping two tons each of food. This is 400,000 lbs peracreas compared to 100 to 1000 lbs of food for meat, 10,000 lbs fordairy, 80,000 lbs. for acre. The 400 to l ratio is only the firststep. Trilevel agriculture.. with bean and other vines around thetree trunks and other foodyielding plants in the interarborealspaces.. yield even more. This also can be multiplied by those areaswhich have 2 or 3 growing seasons..e.g. Southern California. Becausecertain economic systems promote scarcity based profit, these orchardsystems have been deemphasized.
2. PREVENTION OF DEATH AND INJURY 2a. Prevents in the U.S. alone, 75,000 accidents and some fatalities annually caused bymowers and harvesters, and around the world millions of accidents eliminated. NPR reported May 17, 2002 that tractor rollovers are the leading cause of death among farmers, and that farming in general is the 2nd most hazardous occupation (after commercial fishing).
2b. Ravines are generally more protected from mowing, as there is wider recognition of the danger of mowing.
2c. When grass is mowed on hillsides, when wet or exceedingly dry it can cause slipping accidents.
2d, There have even been drownings
from lawnmower accidents as teens
and adults drop into unseen septic
2e. One of every 5 lawnmower or
machine harvester deaths, says
the Consumer Product Safety
Commissions, involves a child.
2f. Electrocutions from bad cords or metal to metal contact,
loss of toes and fingers are some of the accidents never
reported in ride on mower catalogs.
2g. If you mow, please wear goggles, heavy shoes and gloves
as glass shards and stones are kicked up by the mower. This posting
comes with a prayer that those who mow will not suffer injury.
2h. Mowers catch on fire frequently. In addition electric mowers running over
plugs can cause fires and injuries.
3. PREVENTION OF HEART ATTACKS As non shoveling of snow can prevent winter heart attacks nonmowing can sometimes prevent summer ones.
4. FREEDOM Health departments are reducing the forcedcrewcutting of lawns and the rending ofMother Nature's garments . See below for further info.
5. EMPTY JAILS Saves money otherwise spent on jailing people (seeabove)
6. PRIVACY Creates a privacy screen. Ways to avoidgrass (a transitional plant unless land is constantly mowed) includea. pachysandra b. myrtle and other ground cover c. grape vinetrellises d. evergreen trees and shrubs as natural fences e.berry bushes as natural boundaries.
7. HERBAL REMEDIES Nonmowing allows healing extracts and seeds to flourish, e.g. milkthistle seeds, which regenerate cirrhosis-afflicted livers. The active ingredient is silymarin. (Herbology studentembyrne@s... is a non mower) Work against those who seek to patentthe world's pre-existing seeds.

8. KEEPS WASPS FRIENDLY prevents wasp stings and hiveattacks as their homes are destroyed.
I It's not counterfeiting but minting money to plant
olive trees which yield olive oil at $20 a gallon or macadamias
.. pears.. blueberries.. apples.
II a. saves money otherwise spent on fuel b. Saves money otherwise spent on young trees.c. Fruit trees save money spent on food. d. Free up lawnmower crews to create with
their time. e. For that minority who hire lawn crews, money
is saved. Seth Godin says 17 billion a year
is spent on lawnmowing expenses.
10. TIME ECONOMY frees human time hours for enjoyablepriorities a. no gas procurement time, no mowing time, no rakingtime.
11. HERITAGE: The Native American culturenever spent time mowing Mother Earth. Her green cover is her garment.Lawn mowing is a fairly recent thing. The original lawn mowers were sheep and other animals later slaughtered for their flesh. The Time Life Gardening Yearbook mentions the 'chipped monotypic layer of bluegrass', the crewcut which is called alawn. Other ecologists speak about the hazards of monoculture.
12. FREE CONCERTS Cicadas and crickets will give freeconcerts, as will woodpeckers, songbirds whose habitats are restored.Fireflies will put on silent fireworks. Buttercupswill save chalices of dew for butterflies who in turn will coolthe earth with the slight breeze from their fanning wings.
13. WEED KILLER OR HERBICIDE use (Diane Rehm Show Sept1) causes childhood and other environmental pollutant basedcancers. Some leaches into the water system. Some is directly smearedonto skin.
14. INSECTICIDE BASED CANCERS: Insecticides weredeveloped as weapons in WW 2. At the end of the war, chemicalcompanies wanted new markets. These insecticides cause cancer. (NPRSept 1) Animal products concentrate insecticides at 21 times theintensity they occur in fruits and vegetables, since a 1000 lb.cow ate 21,000 lbs. of food with nondegradable insecticides remainingin the muscle cells.
While the chief physical cause of asthma
is the mucus lining in the respiratory
tract created by meat, fish and dairy
products and the prime spiritual
cause is fear or emotional stress,
land allowed to grow gradually
into fields and then thickets and
finally woods provides less pollen.
16. HEALING: Studies of recovering gall bladder patients reveal that those looking on a garden heal faster than those not. (BJ 6 6 2000) There are now herbal therapists at Univ of Kansas, Rutgers, Texas A&M, and Virginia Tech. Those who look on living green have reduced blood pressure. The plant yarrow makes children in its proximity less agressive within a few moments. An ancient vedic parable says that to be healed one should look upongreen. Rather than paint the world that color, a sage says'put on green glasses'. (The best green glasses are living in an environment of green.)
(Plant rights advocates to not support
the killing of plants for herbs.)
There has been at least one shooting
caused by an irate reaction to
the noise of the lawnmower.
(Above are reasons 19 through 36)
Is it a form of control freakdom
to want to mow down what God
Countless fights have been caused when someone's mower cuts down
his neighbor's flowers or shrubs.
20. HERBICIDES used by ChemLawn
and other lawn treatment companies
are poisoning the earth's waters,
causing cancer deaths to people,
animals, fishes, and plants.
21. BOREDOM Lawns are boring both to look at and maintain.
It is wrong to force compliance with narrow, truncated
and conventional ideas of aesthetics.
1. WILDLIFE HABITAT Reprovides a home for wildlife,both those not endangered and those which are.Keeps birds from flying away when the power motors are started.
2 ANIMAL RIGHTS: MACHINE HARVESTERS SHRED MANY MAMMALS PER ACRE Protects insects, redwinged blackbirdsand other living creatures nesting in ground cover, and preventsthe mastication deaths of millions of small field animals chewed up in harvesters.. (Sometimes the tiny feet of these animals can be seen in cans of food.) In Numbers 22, God causes a donkey to speak about the beatings of her human 'owner'.Along Lake Michigan in parts of Chicago are new signs indicating not mowing is done to give birds long grasses in which to nest.
3 PRESERVE WILDLIFE FOOD SUPPLY: Not removing acorns leaves food for squirrels and other wildlife during the winter as well as providing new sapling oaks in the spring. Not removing leaves provides more thermal shelter for northern animals.
James Marcus: Dandelions: they must be God's favorite flower for He plants them everywhere.

Pets poisoned by lawn insecticides
1 PLANTS' RIGHTS Protect the rights of sentient plants whose feelings have been documented by Dr. Chandra Bose, knighted by the Queen of England for his laboratory measurement of plant consciousness. Other scientists who have proven or written of plant consciousness ares are Clive Baxter, Luther Burbank, The Secret Life Of Plants writers,, the owner to whose rights, Isaac Tigrett, sold all the Hard Rock Cafes he founded after becoming a vegetarian.

Pachysandra, myrtle, snow on themountain,and camomile are some ground covers which do not offend moreconservative neighbors.
2: WILDFLOWER SANCTUARY Those like Lady Bird Johnsonwho have worked to foster protection of wildflowers know thenecessityof more wild places.
3: ENDING BOTANICAL RACISM E.Woodford spoke to poster of botanical racism. This phrase means different things to different people. To us it means that weeds have as much right to exist as do plants with cultivated blooms.The spirit-filled volunteers called weeds are usually stronger, more and more prolific than cultivated plants.
Lawn crews are not as concerned as you about your young
magnolia trees, your sapling fruit and nut trees, your wisteria
and climatis vines.
1. Mother Earth blesses those who abandon controlling and manipulating her. She is the perfect landscape architect
because she is a landscaper, not a landscraper.
2. Why fight God who lets green grass grow.
God does not like lawnmowers.
Constantina Fiorentino, landscape architect, was asked to
be a witness by a family who had had their laisser faire lawn mowed
by a local health department. Asked by the judge if she would
consider the yard an example of her best work, she replied
"In time"
If you would like to join the Nonmowing Coalition, you need
only send an email to plantslovefruitarians [at] yahoo.com. There is no
financial, work, or other obligation.
In an editorial on March 19, 1977, the Washington Post editorialized:"the tall grass can only benefit the citizens who seek the beauty of Rock Creek Park". That year the National Park Service instituted a 'meadows' program to let some areas return to nature. The Post mentioned the federal court casevictory of an Akron citizen who fought the city's compulsory lawnmowing ordinance. "Nature is ready to cooperate.Some citizen cooperation is next." In addition the Post's Richard Cohen reported on a lawn mowed by a guinea pig named Bijou.Phil Shenon of the New York Times has covered no-mow activists such as Alice Herrington, then president of Friends of Animals. The BBC, NPR, and Australian Broadcasting are someinternational networks which have covered theadvantages of nonmowing. The Los Angeles Times also editorialized in favor of not mowing. The Atlanta Constitution outlined reasons not to mow in an article by Lewis Regenstein. Omni Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, Organic Gardening, Anita Manning of USA Today, Vegetarian Times, OMNI magazine, German newspapers, and many other publications have promoted the idea of nonmowing. Patrick Velasquez of the US Agency For International Development studied Senegalese forest. He said the cost of planting other country exotics there was $25 to $50 per tree,with 19% survival rate whereas natural regeneration (which occurs from nonmowing) is free. The USDA in 1998 has signed onto the National Wildlife Federation's Backyard Conservation plan.. which encourages people to let the area behind their homes grow wild for the sake of the environment. Even these corporate media and hunting promotion groups are promoting the environment. 'Corn on the curb' is anincreasingly visible thing.
3. PREVENTION OF HEART ATTACKS As non shoveling of snow can prevent winter heart attacks nonmowing can sometimes prevent summer ones.
4. FREEDOM Health departments are reducing the forcedcrewcutting of lawns and the rending ofMother Nature's garments . See below for further info.
5. EMPTY JAILS Saves money otherwise spent on jailing people (seeabove)
6. PRIVACY Creates a privacy screen. Ways to avoidgrass (a transitional plant unless land is constantly mowed) includea. pachysandra b. myrtle and other ground cover c. grape vinetrellises d. evergreen trees and shrubs as natural fences e.berry bushes as natural boundaries.
7. HERBAL REMEDIES Nonmowing allows healing extracts and seeds to flourish, e.g. milkthistle seeds, which regenerate cirrhosis-afflicted livers. The active ingredient is silymarin. (Herbology studentembyrne@s... is a non mower) Work against those who seek to patentthe world's pre-existing seeds.

8. KEEPS WASPS FRIENDLY prevents wasp stings and hiveattacks as their homes are destroyed.
I It's not counterfeiting but minting money to plant
olive trees which yield olive oil at $20 a gallon or macadamias
.. pears.. blueberries.. apples.
II a. saves money otherwise spent on fuel b. Saves money otherwise spent on young trees.c. Fruit trees save money spent on food. d. Free up lawnmower crews to create with
their time. e. For that minority who hire lawn crews, money
is saved. Seth Godin says 17 billion a year
is spent on lawnmowing expenses.
10. TIME ECONOMY frees human time hours for enjoyablepriorities a. no gas procurement time, no mowing time, no rakingtime.
11. HERITAGE: The Native American culturenever spent time mowing Mother Earth. Her green cover is her garment.Lawn mowing is a fairly recent thing. The original lawn mowers were sheep and other animals later slaughtered for their flesh. The Time Life Gardening Yearbook mentions the 'chipped monotypic layer of bluegrass', the crewcut which is called alawn. Other ecologists speak about the hazards of monoculture.
12. FREE CONCERTS Cicadas and crickets will give freeconcerts, as will woodpeckers, songbirds whose habitats are restored.Fireflies will put on silent fireworks. Buttercupswill save chalices of dew for butterflies who in turn will coolthe earth with the slight breeze from their fanning wings.
13. WEED KILLER OR HERBICIDE use (Diane Rehm Show Sept1) causes childhood and other environmental pollutant basedcancers. Some leaches into the water system. Some is directly smearedonto skin.
14. INSECTICIDE BASED CANCERS: Insecticides weredeveloped as weapons in WW 2. At the end of the war, chemicalcompanies wanted new markets. These insecticides cause cancer. (NPRSept 1) Animal products concentrate insecticides at 21 times theintensity they occur in fruits and vegetables, since a 1000 lb.cow ate 21,000 lbs. of food with nondegradable insecticides remainingin the muscle cells.
While the chief physical cause of asthma
is the mucus lining in the respiratory
tract created by meat, fish and dairy
products and the prime spiritual
cause is fear or emotional stress,
land allowed to grow gradually
into fields and then thickets and
finally woods provides less pollen.
16. HEALING: Studies of recovering gall bladder patients reveal that those looking on a garden heal faster than those not. (BJ 6 6 2000) There are now herbal therapists at Univ of Kansas, Rutgers, Texas A&M, and Virginia Tech. Those who look on living green have reduced blood pressure. The plant yarrow makes children in its proximity less agressive within a few moments. An ancient vedic parable says that to be healed one should look upongreen. Rather than paint the world that color, a sage says'put on green glasses'. (The best green glasses are living in an environment of green.)
(Plant rights advocates to not support
the killing of plants for herbs.)
There has been at least one shooting
caused by an irate reaction to
the noise of the lawnmower.
(Above are reasons 19 through 36)
Is it a form of control freakdom
to want to mow down what God
Countless fights have been caused when someone's mower cuts down
his neighbor's flowers or shrubs.
20. HERBICIDES used by ChemLawn
and other lawn treatment companies
are poisoning the earth's waters,
causing cancer deaths to people,
animals, fishes, and plants.
21. BOREDOM Lawns are boring.
It is wrong to force compliance with narrow, truncated
and conventional ideas of aesthetics.
1. WILDLIFE HABITAT Reprovides a home for wildlife,both those not endangered and those which are.Keeps birds from flying away when the power motors are started.
2 ANIMAL RIGHTS: MACHINE HARVESTERS SHRED MANY MAMMALS PER ACRE Protects insects, redwinged blackbirdsand other living creatures nesting in ground cover, and preventsthe mastication deaths of millions of small field animals chewed up in harvesters.. (Sometimes the tiny feet of these animals can be seen in cans of food.) In Numbers 22, God causes a donkey to speak about the beatings of her human 'owner'.Along Lake Michigan in parts of Chicago are new signs indicating not mowing is done to give birds long grasses in which to nest.
3 PRESERVE WILDLIFE FOOD SUPPLY: Not removing acorns leaves food for squirrels and other wildlife during the winter as well as providing new sapling oaks in the spring. Not removing leaves provides more thermal shelter for northern animals.
Watching a flock of sparrows eating the grass seed that
drops in an urban driveway is a thrill.
James Marcus: Dandelions: they must be God's favorite flower for He plants them everywhere.
1 PLANTS' RIGHTS Protect the rights of sentient plants whose feelings have been documented by Dr. Chandra Bose, knighted by the Queen of England for his laboratory measurement of plant consciousness. Other scientists who have proven or written of plant consciousness ares are Clive Baxter, Luther Burbank, The Secret Life Of Plants writers,, the owner to whose rights, Isaac Tigrett, sold all the Hard Rock Cafes he founded after becoming a vegetarian.

Pachysandra, myrtle, snow on themountain,and camomile are some ground covers which do not offend moreconservative neighbors.
Mowers,as the writer James Lee Burke has penned, turn exposed tree roots into pulp. They also shred future fir forests in the form of pine cones
2: WILDFLOWER SANCTUARY Those like Lady Bird Johnsonwho have worked to foster protection of wildflowers know thenecessityof more wild places.
3: ENDING BOTANICAL RACISM E.Woodford spoke to poster of botanical racism. This phrase means different things to different people. To us it means that weeds have as much right to exist as do plants with cultivated blooms.The spirit-filled volunteers called weeds are usually stronger, more and more prolific than cultivated plants.
Lawn crews are not as concerned as you about your young
magnolia trees, your sapling fruit and nut trees, your wisteria
and climatis vines.
1. Mother Earth blesses those who abandon controlling and manipulating her. She is the perfect landscape architect
because she is a landscaper, not a landscraper.
2. Why fight God who lets green grass grow.
God does not like lawnmowers.
Constantina Fiorentino, landscape architect, was asked to
be a witness by a family who had had their laisser faire lawn mowed
by a local health department. Asked by the judge if she would
consider the yard an example of her best work, she replied
"In time"
If you would like to join the Nonmowing Coalition, you need
only send an email to plantslovefruitarians [at] yahoo.com. There is no
financial, work, or other obligation.
In an editorial on March 19, 1977, the Washington Post editorialized:"the tall grass can only benefit the citizens who seek the beauty of Rock Creek Park". That year the National Park Service instituted a 'meadows' program to let some areas return to nature. The Post mentioned the federal court casevictory of an Akron citizen who fought the city's compulsory lawnmowing ordinance. "Nature is ready to cooperate.Some citizen cooperation is next." In addition the Post's Richard Cohen reported on a lawn mowed by a guinea pig named Bijou.Phil Shenon of the New York Times has covered no-mow activists such as Alice Herrington, then president of Friends of Animals. The BBC, NPR, and Australian Broadcasting are someinternational networks which have covered theadvantages of nonmowing. The Los Angeles Times also editorialized in favor of not mowing. The Atlanta Constitution outlined reasons not to mow in an article by Lewis Regenstein. Omni Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, Organic Gardening, Anita Manning of USA Today, Vegetarian Times, OMNI magazine, German newspapers, and many other publications have promoted the idea of nonmowing. Patrick Velasquez of the US Agency For International Development studied Senegalese forest. He said the cost of planting other country exotics there was $25 to $50 per tree,with 19% survival rate whereas natural regeneration (which occurs from nonmowing) is free. The USDA in 1998 has signed onto the National Wildlife Federation's Backyard Conservation plan.. which encourages people to let the area behind their homes grow wild for the sake of the environment. Even these corporate media and hunting promotion groups are promoting the environment. 'Corn on the curb' is anincreasingly visible thing.
(The Nature Conservancy while Henry Paulson was CEO of Goldman Sachs and president of Nature Conservancy,
turned its wilderness shrines into cattle ranches.)
(While the US government is bombing forests in Iraq and Afghanistan, causing fires through USDA
controlled burns, allowing lumbermen to make the US the land of skinny trees through the felling of several
hundred year old trees in our national forests, encouraging the use of lumber rather than longer lasting
stone stucco brick and block in building, and allowing cattle ranchers to lease our lands on which to graze animals for slaughter,
thus deforesting, it is encouraging reduced mowing elsewhere. In Australia in early 2009, dozens if not
hundreds of human beings and countless animals and trees died in fires, as the sheep and cattle industires
continue to cause drought through sapling tree destruction.
Ron Howard, director of A Beautiful Mind and many other films, made his first film at age 8.. an anti mowing film which showed the nature of mowers' attacks on lawns.
41 ways to help trees
Do Plants Feel Pain When Chopped Down or Axed?
The consciousness of plants has been proven
with hiw own crescograph machine by Dr Chandra Bose who
was knighted by the Queen for his research. It was the
belief of Luther Burbank whose work at the time was
so famous his last name became a verb. It is the
experience of any with 'green thumbs'. It is the thesis
of the book Secret Life of Plants and the thesis of Clive
Baxter, the only vivisectionist among the above mentioned
who dropped shrimp randomly into boiling water and
found that the electroded plants across the room showed
a spike whenever this happened.
Why is the area of most heat and light, the equator, only 70 degrees in equatorial rainforest and 130 degrees intemperate zone desert? Trillions of Trees. Trees as nature's weatherstabilizers, trees, accounting for a 60 degree difference betweenrainforest on the equator and temperate zone desert, have been felledat an unprecedented rate. Harming trees causes fire, flood, famine,tornado and hurricane. 29 ways to help trees:
1. plant trees Work for city, state, country and UN tree planting

2. stop mowing


3. eat tree products.. fruits and nuts.. say yes to orchard growers

4. build with stone stucco brick and block not wood. You will a.prevent termite destruction nonviolently, b save the $,time, and environmental damage of paint, c have natural insulationwith its energy savings, d. prevent rotting woode. have better insulation in summer & winter f. end thedisease related to living near the mold from rotting wood g.reduce the arsenic in the watersystems, flowing in from pressed wood factories and h. have increasing rather than decreasing equityin your home. Use natural barriers such as bushes, or chain link,rather than wood fencing.

5. cancel daily newspaper..and magazines and newsletters printedon felled trees, as 72% of the young have get your news on the web

metropolitan dailies are controlled by neocon warmongers
as well.
6. Print on cotton, recycled or scrap paper in downloading
7. Use a water spray instead of toilet paper
8. Buy food naturally packaged.. nuts in nut shells,bananas inpeels.. buy in bulk. Fruit is nature's most perfectly packaged food.How many trees go into cereal boxes

9. Use canvas bags for shopping.. neither plastic nor paper

10. Stop eating meat, since cutting forests for cattlegrazing is a major cause of deforestation.. Animal fleshyields a maximum of 1000 lbs an acre. Tri level agriculture (fruittrees, vines and fruit bearing plants) yields over 450,000 lbs. peracre.) Meat's trioxypurine is more addictive than caffein'sdioxypurine.
11. Work for peace.. work for an end to giving
10 million a dayto violent governments, for the outlawing of membership on armsmerchant boards by government officials (Lynne Cheney on theboard of Lockheed which wants to keep a 70 billion dollar planecontract) and elsewhere radically affecting weather patterns.. work for an end to CIA, Army and other weathermanipulation. In 1972 Seymour Hersh reported in the NY Timesthe CIA's attempts through cloud seeding to cause flooding inN Vietnam. [url]

12. Save fruit seeds and scatter them in wild places

gallons a day..which becomes mist, then clouds, and then rain,
eliminating drought.
13. Buy books and greeting cards published on cotton, rice, or other
nontree paper.
14. Purchase furniture which is used and refurbish it
or buy metal furniture with cotton padding. There are many nontree furniture options. The furniture, lumber, and construction businesses have lobbied for the cutting down of US forests, whereas the UK, some cities in Maryland and California require a permit to cut down old trees.
15. Vote out earth abusers.. Vote out the GOP which sometimes
receives 10 times the political contributions from earth abusers
that any other party receives. Vote in
Democrats or Greens or Libertarians depending on the situation




16. Avoid fast food places which deforest for their
packaging and create litter which fills dumpsites and requires
labor pickup


17. visualize sun and green trees everywhere
18. pray
19. Outlaw junk mail (as telemarketers have been). File a form with the main post office in your area. Return to sender. The GOP & junk
mailers are requiring you to subsidize their treekilling and
invasive practices as your postal rates go from 34 cents to
37 cents, an 8.1 cent inflation rate.
20. Recycle cardboard cartons at commerical establishments. Recycle
your own scrap paper.
21. Replace the purchase of dead Christmas trees which
cause many fires annually.. with artificial trees.. or
living ones planted each year in the year. Oregon is the biggest
Christmas tree killer with 7 billion a year in slaughter sales.
22. Save seeds of trees, vines, bushes, plants and
scatter them where mowing does not occur
23. Ban the cutting of trees entirely as Thailand has
down.(The United Kingdom has banned the cutting of trees
after they reach a certain width.. while Takoma Park Maryland in
the US and other cities have required a permit to cut older
trees. The United States is still a land of skinny trees, because
of present control of the Forest Svc. and National Park Service
by lumber mining oil and cattle interests) In Mumbai elephants
are threatened by logging, as well as by poaching and war.
24. Stop through lawsuits, networking etc. the 'controlled fires'
deliberately set by the US Park
Service and the Forest Svc... fires which often are made more lethal
by the unpredictable wind.. fires which at their best destroy
trees, animals, insects.
25. Work for workplace, home, library and other printouts
on cotton, recycled, or the back sides of already printed paper.
26. stop the control of national and state executive branch,
legislatures and courts by corporate contractors
27. network with other environmentalists
28. Disinvest mutual funds, pension funds from earth abusing
corporations such as Georgia Pacific and other tree killers.
29. Replace paper towels with washed cotton rags.
30. Contact the USPO to give you a Direct Marketing Assoc. form
.. which will stop both commercial and nonprofit junk mail
delivered to your home

ADVO is the world's largest junk
mailer, killing trees both at the
beginning and at the end as
trees are bulldozed to make more
landfill in which to put ADVO junk
31. Fax gives trees the ax... phone and email are more direct
32. Toilet paper used for urine only can be put in paper
please boycott insurance companies which mandate
the killing of trees... (sometimes land speculators buy homes
just long enough to put them on the market and profiteer
from the sale... after axing centenarian trees...
health departments too have joined in this anti health measure)
34. Legislate underground power lines to save trees. This is
done in several countries in Europe.
35. Clearcutting lumber and mining
companies have caused flash
floods around the world. One such
began over the destruction of
5000 homes near Beckley W. Va.
36. Lumber companies have put
a variety of poisons into the waters.
37. Lumber companies have
caused fires from dust accumulation
such as the one occurring in
Schofield Wisconsin in Oct. of 2005.
Fire chief Doug Jennings: "It is
my belief (the fire was caused by)
a dust explosion."
Using metal spiral staircases
rather than wooden ones. Building with metal, stone, stucco, brick, block reinforced
concete protects from fire, termites, the need to paint, keeps houses from floating away in floods
or being shattered by hurricanes,
39. Both a UN and a UK government
report link cattle ranches and dairy
products to global warming,
as they come from the removal
of trees.
40. Avoid wood chips. In a hot Houston
park, wood chips spontaneously
combusted, causing fire.
41. Respond to others. When the
lumber industry says it plants saplings,
it doesn't say that it takes 1000
years to replace a millenial oak,
hundreds of years to replace
a centenarian fir.
42. network with others working to end automatic phone
book distribution which besides killing trees .. would save
the phone companies time gas and money
Christmas trees.. leaving them in the woods
1. is good for animal habitat
2. prevents fires
3. supports the rights of sentient trees
4. promotes anti global heating air exchange
5. saves a lot of money... for giving to your immediate
family and friends or to the homeless
Does Jssus like the practice of ripping fronds off palm trees
... There are many nonviolent ways to celebrate Palm Sunday.
Raking leaves
1. wastes time 2. fills landfills 3. costs communities money
4. removes blanketing leaves from Mother Earth during winter
5. removes nuts which feed squirrels

which is giving cattle parts to chickens





and elsewhere to collect newspaper, magazine, junk mail
and other paper waste
Father Mother God make the earth warm where it is cold
and cool it down in Indian areas in which it is too
hot. Make earth weather gentle and nonviolent now and forever.
Manifest universal nonviolence through every being.
Wood houses are painted.. paint in brushes, cans has often
been washed into streams.
25 Ways to Prevent Fires
What can stop fires? knowing
the cause of fires and working
to prevent the causes
1. DROUGHT Drought is caused by deforestation.
Reforestation of zillions of trees
can create the evaporation of 42 gallons of water daily, which turns to mist which becomes clouds and then
rain.. In some cases treeplanting must be
helped by irrigation..
1 exposing loggers trying to
get protected woods declared salvage
(old growth tree wood is not as
harmed by fire.. loggers like to
kill trees damaged by fire)
2. publicizing the names of known
3. publicizing the names of
insurance arsonists
4. investigating deaths caused
by arson with murder as
a possible motive
Exposing black ops.. regime agents
infiltrating the environment movement
to discredit it with acts of violence
1 educating the public about animal
grease caked on walls and in skillets
as the chief cause of kitchen fires
in restaurants and homes
2. replacement of old wiring
3. removal of dust
4. avoiding the overloading of outlets
5. avoiding extension cords in
dangerous places
6. recycling newspapers, magazines,
old clothes, disposal of oil soaked
7 putting utility lines underground.
8 stricter regulation of flammable
chemicals in transit in trucks
9 Firefighting should be taken out of the hands of the USDA
and DOI which have turned our forests into lumberyards.
10. The policy of controlled burns which has caused so
many fires in California, Los Alamos, New Mexico etc.
must be stopped.
11. It's time to end logging in our national forests. Unlike
Thailand which has banned all logging, and India and the UK
etc which have huge trees because they are protected, the
US is a land of skinny trees, except for the few remaining
12 purchase firefighting planes
with the highest water capacity
(and stop spraying poisonous
chemicals rather than water)
13 water trains
14 bring firefighting National Guard
back from Iraq and Afghanistan
building with brick, block stone,
stucco, and other nonflammable
materials.. outlawing the use of
tree wood in exterior building
16 preventing accidents
with greater fines for smoking caused fires
or barbecues or other cooking fires in
the woods
Stop ATT and other phone companies from delivering unrequested
phone books
It saves them time, money, and energy... It saves the world's

ending the wars and animal
slaughter and executions which
have withdrawn God's mercy from
prayer, rain dances, positive thought,
and reforestation of zillions of trees
In 1976 a federal court in Cleveland
Ohio ruled that the Akron Health
Department's forced mowing of
a family's lawn violated their
1st Amendment freedom of religion
since it is impossible to mow without
killing beings. Attorneys William
Whitaker and Beverly Rose wrought
a $500 judgment against the
Health Dept.
Staff of the pre Bush EPA of Chicago (Atty Rappoport
and others) have developed supportive
briefs for those wishing to challenge
compulsory mowing ordinances.
In 2006 Ted Steinberg, an
environmental historian in Cleveland,
published American Green.
The Wild Lawn Handbook: Alternatives to the Traditional Front Lawn
by Stevie Daniels
A number of newspapers
and magazines have done
stories on not mowing. Lew Regenstein
wrote an article for the Atlanta
Constitution, Richard Cohen for
the Washington Post, whlie
Organic Gardening published
a version of this post.
include ailanthus, birch, poplar and
bamboo. Bamboo becomes a mystical
jade curtain, a privacy screen.
CALMM of Takoma Park Maryland
works to promote lawn alternatives.
Takoma Park is also a tree protecting
The National Wildlife Federation
which promotes the killing of animals
by hunters nevertheless also
promotes wildlife habitat, with
special emphasis on making the back
yard wild.
The Fruitarian Network of Akron Ohio

There is a lawnmower museum in the UK. Their website
encourages repair of the machines which shred the jade
garments of Mother Earth.
Does Jesus like the practice of
killing trees to put them in Christmas living rooms
is a deforesting practice nor of distribution of fronds
ripped off palms on Palm Sunday.?
Robert Frost, Robert Redford, Ted Steinberg & Others
The Spanish poet Lorca, assassinated by Franco: "They cut timber .....as easily as if they were baking bread."
Sterling North: We are but the ephemera of the moment,the brief custodians of redwoods which were ancient when Christ was
Rabindranath Tagore: By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.
Wm Shakespeare: Witness this primrose bank whereon I lie;
These forceless flowers
Alice Herrington, deceased president
of Friends of Animals: re her unmowed
acreage: 'the bunnies like it'.
Femka R: Our Serbian trees were
burned in bombing by the US regime.
Ted Steinberg, Cleveland environmental historian and author of American Green: (re the American obsession with a crewcut layer
of monotypic chipped blue grass) Long Island or Lawn Guyland as it is sometimes called.
President Theodore Roosevelt of the US (who established
the national park system which included the Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, Yosemite etc.) at age 9: I am sorry the trees have
been cut down.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey: I have a wild section of my garden which is my favourite part. I don't go there, I don't weed it, I don't do anything there, I leave it alone. It is full of insects and birds, and I have already a green lizard, a wall lizard and a gecko there
Brother James Marcus: All that exists for a reason,
including the dandelion in your yard you'd like to exterminate
Brother James Marcus: Dandelions.. they must be God's
favorite flower for He plants them everywhere.
Mike Dixon, mayor of Blackey Kentucky, who stopped mowing his lawn:
"I don't want to fight nature anymore. Flowers began popping up in my yard. Birds and squirrels also moved in. I don't know why we cut grass, but I do know that I like to sit here in the evenings and enjoy what we have in eastern Kentucky.
I don't like to hear the buzzing sound of lawn mowers and weed cutters."
Edward G Bulwer-Lytton:
"Love thou the rose, yet leave it on its stem."
Stephen King in The Lawn Mower Man:
"The neighbor's dog chased the cat under the mower...
they cleaned off the blades. Harold decied to get rid of the mower."
"the mower spat out the mole..
in a series of entrails"
"The lawnmower was tearing through the unfortunate grass like an
avenging devil from hell."
William Bernhardt: (paraphrased): Our forests are no
longer chestnuts 200 ft from branch to branch tip,
200 ft tall white pine, ... our forests are full of stick trees.
Walt Whitman:
We are the journeywork of the stars, no less than the leaves of grass."
Seth Godin:
The reason for a lawn? To demonstrate wastefulness. A lawn tells your neighbors you can afford to waste land, waste water and have a team of servants to keep it all pretty.. 17 billion
a year business
Frank Hyman:
"Aside from the costs, some folks have more of an aesthetic opposition to lawns. They consider them boring."
"I come here not to bury the American lawn, but to shrink it."
Cyberspace Anon:
Now let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?
Speak to me of Love, said St Francis to the almond tree,
and the almond tree blossomed.
-Nikos Kazantzakis-
"As a flower springs up secretly in a fenced garden,
unknown to the cattle, torn up by no plough,
Vt flos in saeptis secretus nascitur hortis,
ignotus pecori, nullo conuolsus aratro,

Edna St Vincent Millay:
God, I can push the grass apart and lay my finger on Thy heart.
Pablo Neruda:
You can cut all the flowers but you can't keep the spring from coming.
Haiku poet Nancy Wiley:
My canoe skirts them
Aunt Deede's water lilies
. . . she watches
Author Peggy Mason:
What can one think of a child of seven, who weeps at the sight of trees being cut down because God is being hurt? I felt that God must be in the tiniest flower, the smallest insect, in the stones under one's feet, as well as in the vastness of the starry heavens.
Isaiah: Break not the bruised reed.
Lawrence Block: The high azalea and rhododendron bushes
look lush, untamed,.... nice. (Rhododendron can grow
90 feet tall in Nepal)... The plants (have) a desire to
grow tall. Anyone who would cut down a New Orleans
live oak should be (punished).
And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song, -Oscar Wilde-
Revelation's Fifth Angel: Harm no green living being
Buddha: May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
Bhagavad Gita: Of trees I am the fig.
Mahavira of the Jains: Kill not. Cause no pain.
Jesus: Consider the lilies of the field. They toil not nor do they
spin. Yet Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed as one of these.
Joel 1: The land mourns the destruction of plants.
Jeremiah 10: 3 For the customs of the people are vanity. For one
cuts a tree out of the forest. They deck it with silver and gold.
They fasten it with nails that it not move.
Sai Baba: Why pluck a flower and hasten her death?
Prince Charles:
."I just come and talk to the plants, really..very important to talk to them, they respond I find."
I can only say that for some reason I felt in my bones that if you abuse nature unnecessarily and fail to maintain a balance, then she will probably abuse you in return.
Genesis 1:29 Behold I have given you herb yielding seed. To
you it shall be for food.
George Bernard Shaw: I love little children too but I don't
cut off their heads and stick them in vases.
Laurie King: rows of brutally pruned rose bushes
T Earley: My carbon footprint has been lessened by not
mowing my meadows.
Oscar Wilde:
The fact is I picked a primrose in the wood yesterday
and she became so ill, I sat up with her all night.
Isaiah: Turn your weapons into plowshares (no till advocates
say plowshares too like mowers are violent.)
Washington Post editorial March 19, 1977:
"The tall grass can only benefit the citizens who seek the beauty of Rock Creek Park".
JBO: This is the first year in 30 that I did not kill a Christmas
tree for Christ.*
(the writer did not mean to imply that Jesus wanted sentient
trees sacrificed)
He talked to the plants to lull them into a false sense of security.
Robert Frost has several poems
on not mowing:
I went to turn the grass once after one
Who mowed it in the dew before the sun.
The dew was gone that made his blade so keen
Before I came to view the levelled scene.
I looked for him behind an isle of trees;
I listened for his whetstone on the breeze.
But he had gone his way, the grass all mown,
And I must be, as he had been -- alone,
'As all must be,' I said within my heart,
'Whether they work together or apart.'
But as I said it, swift there passed me by
On noiseless wing a bewildered butterfly,
Seeking with memories grown dim o'er night
Some resting flower of yesterday's delight.
And once I marked his flight go round and round,
As where some flower lay withering on the ground.
And then he flew as far as eye could see,
And then on tremulous wing came back to me.
I thought of questions that have no reply,
And would have turned to toss the grass to dry;
But he turned first, and led my eye to look
At a tall tuft of flowers beside a brook,
A leaping tongue of bloom the scythe had spared
Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.
The mower in the dew had loved them thus,
By leaving them to flourish, not for us,
Nor yet to draw one thought of ours to him.
But from sheer morning gladness at the brim.
The butterfly and I had lit upon,
Nevertheless, a message from the dawn,
That made me hear the wakening birds around,
And hear his long scythe whispering to the ground,
And feel a spirit kindred to my own,
So that henceforth I worked no more alone;
But glad with him, I worked as with his aid,
And weary, sought at noon with him the shade;
And dreaming, as it were, held brotherly speech
With one whose thought I had not hoped to reach.
'Men work together,' I told him from the heart,
'Whether they work together or apart.'
(The Tuft Of Flowers was included in a 1929
collection of the world's most famous poems)
'Fred, where is north?'
'North? North is there, my love.
The brook runs west.'
'West-running Brook then call it.'
(West-Running Brook men call it to this day.)
'What does it think k's doing running west
When all the other country brooks flow east
To reach the ocean? It must be the brook
Can trust itself to go by contraries
The way I can with you -- and you with me --
Because we're -- we're -- I don't know what we are.
What are we?'
'Young or new?'
'We must be something.
We've said we two. Let's change that to we three.
As you and I are married to each other,
We'll both be married to the brook. We'll build
Our bridge across it, and the bridge shall be
Our arm thrown over it asleep beside it.
Look, look, it's waving to us with a wave
To let us know it hears me.'
' 'Why, my dear,
That wave's been standing off this jut of shore --'
(The black stream, catching a sunken rock,
Flung backward on itself in one white wave,
And the white water rode the black forever,
Not gaining but not losing, like a bird
White feathers from the struggle of whose breast
Flecked the dark stream and flecked the darker pool
Below the point, and were at last driven wrinkled
In a white scarf against the far shore alders.)
'That wave's been standing off this jut of shore
Ever since rivers, I was going to say,'
Were made in heaven. It wasn't waved to us.'
'It wasn't, yet it was. If not to you
It was to me -- in an annunciation.'
'Oh, if you take it off to lady-land,
As't were the country of the Amazons
We men must see you to the confines of
And leave you there, ourselves forbid to enter,-
It is your brook! I have no more to say.'
'Yes, you have, too. Go on. You thought of something.'
'Speaking of contraries, see how the brook
In that white wave runs counter to itself.
It is from that in water we were from
Long, long before we were from any creature.
Here we, in our impatience of the steps,
Get back to the beginning of beginnings,
The stream of everything that runs away.
Some say existence like a Pirouot
And Pirouette, forever in one place,
Stands still and dances, but it runs away,
It seriously, sadly, runs away
To fill the abyss' void with emptiness.
It flows beside us in this water brook,
But it flows over us. It flows between us
To separate us for a panic moment.
It flows between us, over us, and with us.
And it is time, strength, tone, light, life and love-
And even substance lapsing unsubstantial;
The universal cataract of death
That spends to nothingness -- and unresisted,
Save by some strange resistance in itself,
Not just a swerving, but a throwing back,
As if regret were in it and were sacred.
It has this throwing backward on itself
So that the fall of most of it is always
Raising a little, sending up a little.
Our life runs down in sending up the clock.
The brook runs down in sending up our life.
The sun runs down in sending up the brook.
And there is something sending up the sun.
It is this backward motion toward the source,
Against the stream, that most we see ourselves in,
The tribute of the current to the source.
It is from this in nature we are from.
It is most us.'
'To-day will be the day....You said so.'
'No, to-day will be the day
You said the brook was called West-running Brook.'
'To-day will be the day of what we both said.')
John Grisham: The bush hog is a violent machine
The Chicago EPA Office instituted a program of free legal briefs for those who wished
to fight compulsory mowing ordinances
Let God Grow Green