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brian haw arrest yesterday - update

[London] | 26.05.2010 17:26 | London

brian haw and barbara tucker are back in the square after a night in the cells and a morning at westminster magistrates court

brian haw and barbara tucker were held for slightly longer than the full 24 hours allowed by law before being transferred to horseferry road magistrates court this morning.

there, they were held for several more hours in the cells, until a brief appearance around midday. brian refused to enter the courtroom in protest at his detention.

the magistrate gave them both unconditional bail to return in july.

it appears the police did not have a warrant to search brian and barbara's tents, and so it is difficult to see the legal case for the charges of "obstructing a police officer in the course of their duty" if indeed they were performing an unlawful search.

there is film of brian's arrest and pics (in the comments section) posted on indymedia uk, along with the usual mixture of comments from people that weren't there and only want to see whichever particular side of the story that suits them.

- Original article on IMC London:


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27.05.2010 09:49

hes rude and abusive to anyone who even dares to question him about his protest(s), he gets arrested few times a month, just wish they would keep him.

I work nearby and asked him if it was true that some of the pics he says are the results of the war (the baby pics) are in fact from a medical text book from before the war even started. It was just a question and I wanted the truth, lets just say that if I was the more reactionary type he would have got a bloody nose for the language he used.


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