Brian Haw + Barbara Tucker are Due in Court Charged with Obstructing Police and separately Boris Johnson is to make a application to have him evicted. ASBO laws are expected to be used . Westminster Magistrates 10.30
It is not clear from this video what the reason for the arrest of Brian Haw is. I read that it was supposedly something to do with obstructing a police officer but don't see any evidence of it in the video. I will believe it if I see evidence for it - just like I would have believed Tony Bliar regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq if there had actually been some evidence.
Probably the authorities will be pleased in a sense that the nu large camp will provide the excuse at last to evict everyone including Brian plus supporters...Brians probably grumpy about that! Perhaps everyone leave now, apart from Brain plus friends, but then make the smaller Brian camp into a collective anti war demonstration? (rather than brian plus supporters), and then for gods sake brian go off and do something else before you turn into a mutoid that eats vehicle exhaust! was never going to be a realistic option to make a large camp on the turf there, it would inevitably get evicted. There is also the hammer a sickle factor - I for one dont wanna see that leftist equivalent of the nazi swastika flying anywhere...and again, the way the protest scene tends to be, this element would inevitably become part of a (smaller brian style) demo at Parliament square.
So again, basically, this means nothing to me - likewise for 99% of the population, which is why there is only a small grouping there, and not thousands type thing.
You have to have respect though for Brian and his saint like anti war meditation.
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Brian Hawe arrest on video
26.05.2010 12:00
Video of arrrest of Brian Hawe - video/x-ms-wmv 8.9M
concerned citizen
can't play the video
26.05.2010 12:19
26.05.2010 13:37
Brian B
26.05.2010 13:49
Brians camp/nu camp
26.05.2010 14:53
So again, basically, this means nothing to me - likewise for 99% of the population, which is why there is only a small grouping there, and not thousands type thing.
You have to have respect though for Brian and his saint like anti war meditation.
Mr Oak